Carhart at DC Rally with His Hand Out for Tax Funds for Abortions
Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart was in Washington, D.C. today standing with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in support of taxpayer funded abortion. Carhart was photographed by a representative for Concerned Women for America during a Pelosi rally in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. this morning holding a sign promoting the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice in support of taxpayer funded abortion. Christian Newswire
Christian citizenship
For Christians are not distinguished from the rest of mankind either in locality or in speech or in customs. . . . But while they dwell in cities of Greeks and barbarians as the lot of each is cast, and follow the native customs in dress and food and the other arrangements of life, yet the constitution of their own citizenship, which they set forth, is marvellous, and confessedly contradicts expectation. They dwell in their own countries, but only as sojourners; they bear their share in all things as citizens, and they endure all hardships as strangers. Every foreign country is a fatherland to them, and every fatherland is foreign. They marry like all other men and they beget children; but they do not cast away their offspring. They have their meals in common, but not their wives. They find themselves in the flesh, and yet they live not after the flesh. Their existence is on earth, but their citizenship is in heaven. They obey the established laws, and they surpass the laws in their own lives. They love all men, and they are persecuted by all. The Epistle to Diognetus, 130-200 C.E.
Mexico's abortion wars
When Mexico City legalized first trimester abortions, everyone assumed the states would follow the capital’s lead, counting on the high court to back the new laws if they were challenged. Bracing himself for an avalanche of liberal sentiment, Jorge Serrano Limón, the flat-topped and neatly dressed president of the leading anti-abortion group Pro Vida, lamented, “We are creating a culture of death. We have failed as a society.” Serrano Limón need not have worried. The Atlantic
Pelosi plan would directly fund abortion
Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, said this regarding the health care bill unveiled today by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): "A vote for this bill is a vote to establish a federal government program that will directly fund abortion on demand, with federal funds." He referred specifically to language on page 110 of the new bill (H.R. 3962) which explicitly authorizes the "public health insurance option" to pay for all elective abortions. The "public health insurance option" or "public plan" would be a health insurance program operated directly by the federal government, through the Department of Health and Human Services. NRLC
Take action: To go to the NRLC Legislative Action Center, click here.
Take action: To go to the NRLC Legislative Action Center, click here.
Baltimore proposal targets PCCs
Advocates on both sides of the abortion debate filled Baltimore City Council chambers for a contentious hearing on legislation that would require pregnancy counseling clinics that do not provide abortion services to post signs indicating that policy. The legislation would affect four centers. City Council President Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake introduced the bill at the behest of Planned Parenthood, which hopes the Baltimore legislation will serve as a model for a national effort. Leaders from several PCCs flatly denied that they create any confusion and said the legislation is a form of political harassment because it is so narrowly focused. Carol Clews, who oversees one center, showed a release form and a statement of care they post in their facility. Both indicate that no abortions are performed. Baltimore Sun
Accused Pouillon Shooter Found Competent to Face Murder Charges
Harlan James Drake, who is accused of murdering pro-life activist Jim Pouillon in September, was deemed competent to stand trial for the killing by 66th District Court Judge Terrance P. Dignan on Tuesday. Earlier this month Judge Dignan ruled that Drake was incompetent to stand trial, after an evaluation by the Center for Forensic Psychiatry in Ypsilanti, and ordered treatment to render him competent. LifeSiteNews
No men OR women needed
Human eggs and sperm have been grown in the laboratory in research which could change the face of parenthood. It paves the way for a cure for infertility and could help those left sterile by cancer treatment to have children who are biologically their own. But it raises a number of moral and ethical concerns. These include the possibility of children being born through entirely artificial means, and men and women being sidelined from the process of making babies. Daily Mail
Anthony Ozimic of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children commented: "This research is unethical, because human embryos - innocent, equal members of the human family - were killed to extract the embryonic stem cells used in the research. Even if the research hadn't involved embryo-killing, the creation of artificial gametes would enable even more human embryos to be created outside the human body, to be killed and abused. As with IVF, artificial insemination and the use of donor gametes, the use of artificial gametes in reproduction would distort and damage relations between family members."
Anthony Ozimic of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children commented: "This research is unethical, because human embryos - innocent, equal members of the human family - were killed to extract the embryonic stem cells used in the research. Even if the research hadn't involved embryo-killing, the creation of artificial gametes would enable even more human embryos to be created outside the human body, to be killed and abused. As with IVF, artificial insemination and the use of donor gametes, the use of artificial gametes in reproduction would distort and damage relations between family members."
Three babies aborted every day due to Down syndrome
A study shows the number of terminations has more than trebled in the last 20 years. An increasing number of pregnant women are being told their babies have the condition because of a growing number of women putting off having children until their 30s and 40s and improvements in screening, doctors say. And around nine in ten women who are told they are going to have a baby with the problem opt for a termination.
The figures showed that diagnoses of Down syndrome increased from 1,075 in 1989/90 to 1,843 in 2007/8. Yet the numbers of babies born with the condition fell by one per cent from 752 to 743. If women were not screened for the condition the number of babies born with Down syndrome would have increased by half and would now have reached 1,422 in a year in England and Wales.
Frank Buckley, chief executive of Down Syndrome Education International said: "People with Down syndrome are living longer and achieving more than ever before and it is reassuring to know that they will be continuing to make valued contributions to our communities for years to come. "These figures should be a wake-up call to policy-makers to focus more effort on improving education, healthcare and adult support for the rapidly growing population of citizens who have Down syndrome."
Peter Elliott, Chairman of The Down Syndrome Research Foundation, who has a 24-year-old son David with Down Syndrome, said: "Why are the abortions at such a high rate unless they have been given the impression the situation was terrible and it warranted an abortion? I don't think the choice is presented to the parents in the light of the true situation where the children have a good life and are in fact viewed as a blessing to the parents, not a curse, and I don't think these parents getting the abortions know much about Down syndrome at all." Telegraph
The figures showed that diagnoses of Down syndrome increased from 1,075 in 1989/90 to 1,843 in 2007/8. Yet the numbers of babies born with the condition fell by one per cent from 752 to 743. If women were not screened for the condition the number of babies born with Down syndrome would have increased by half and would now have reached 1,422 in a year in England and Wales.
Frank Buckley, chief executive of Down Syndrome Education International said: "People with Down syndrome are living longer and achieving more than ever before and it is reassuring to know that they will be continuing to make valued contributions to our communities for years to come. "These figures should be a wake-up call to policy-makers to focus more effort on improving education, healthcare and adult support for the rapidly growing population of citizens who have Down syndrome."
Peter Elliott, Chairman of The Down Syndrome Research Foundation, who has a 24-year-old son David with Down Syndrome, said: "Why are the abortions at such a high rate unless they have been given the impression the situation was terrible and it warranted an abortion? I don't think the choice is presented to the parents in the light of the true situation where the children have a good life and are in fact viewed as a blessing to the parents, not a curse, and I don't think these parents getting the abortions know much about Down syndrome at all." Telegraph
Of 13 Million Abortions in China, Most Are Forced
Forced abortions in China are not a thing of the past. Under the one child policy, many women in late term pregnancy are still forced to abort their children. Chinese provincial authorities are responsible for mass forced sterilizations, and abortions are often performed by people with inadequate training in unsterile conditions. "The one child policy causes more violence toward women and girls than any other policy on the face of the earth," said Reggie Littlejohn, a one child policy expert and president of the newly-founded Women's Rights Without Frontiers. "Forced abortions and forced sterilizations are an unacceptable form of population control." Epoch Times
Why what we wear impacts who we are
"Modesty" is such an archaic and quaint notion, right? Actually, clothing DOES make the woman. Interesting audio commentary from Jewish Wisdom.
One in seven female students currently pregnant at a Chicago high school
Robeson High School in Chicago made headlines recently because of a revelation that one in seven of its female students is currently pregnant. While some media outlets are jumping on the opportunity to blame the high pregnancy rate on the fact that the parents are not doing enough at home and that the school is encouraging pregnancy by helping pregnant teens continue with their education, the blame rightfully belongs at the feet of PP, which has been a high-paid consultant with the Chicago public school system for years. ALL
See also: Will the Senate health care bill confer quasi-government status on Planned Parenthood?
See also: Will the Senate health care bill confer quasi-government status on Planned Parenthood?
Birth control pills can double stroke risk
Dr. Jose Biller, Dr. Michael J. Schneck and Dr. Sarkis Morales-Vidal, all Loyola University Health System neurologists, say oral contraceptives used today contain much lower concentrations of estrogens than older preparations. The review found there were about 4.4 ischemic strokes for every 100,000 women of childbearing age, but birth control pills increase the risk of stroke 1.9 times, to 8.5 strokes per 100,000 women. However, for women who take birth control pills and also smoke, have high blood pressure or have a history of migraine headaches, the stroke risk was significantly higher. UPI
West African Health Ministers Call for Legalization of Abortion
Ministers of health from West African countries are calling for the legalization of abortion. A statement from the Health Ministers from the Economic Community of West African States, a group of 15 West African countries, said that member states should make abortion "safe" by legalization. They claim that legal prohibitions on abortion have contributed to high maternal mortality rates. Using the language common to international population control groups like the United Nations Population Fund, the ministers proposed a special summit of heads of state to discuss "maternal, newborn and child health issues." LifeSiteNews
Cervical cancer vaccine reminds girls of sexual risks
Fears that vaccination against the virus that causes cervical cancer might encourage girls to become more sexually active are unfounded, suggests a survey of UK teenagers who have received or been offered the vaccine. Nearly 80 per cent of girls questioned said that being vaccinated against human papillomavirus reminded them of the risks of sexual contact. Only 14 per cent agreed that they might take more sexual risks because they had been vaccinated. New Scientist
New video: Those People
Abortion Recovery International has produced a 2-minute video called "Those People" focusing attention on how abortion affects women and the people around them.
Highly recommended post-abortion Bible study: Living in His Forgiveness. Read excerpts on the site before you order.
Highly recommended post-abortion Bible study: Living in His Forgiveness. Read excerpts on the site before you order.
Three cheers for the world's independent pro-life movement
We must constantly bear in mind that we are living through a period of history many pro-lifers are posing the question: "Are there subversive elements at work within the Vatican who are intent on appeasing Barack Obama and Tony Blair and their anti-life policies?" In this grave crisis, it's vital that pro-life, pro-family movements, maintain their vigour, their independence, their good humour and their entirely peaceful character. Many of our members are inspired by the unchanging teaching of their Christian faith, whilst others, without a faith, simply respect the right to life which continues to be upheld in universal human rights instruments for all members of the human family. The pro-life movement is here; we’re growing; we’re passing on our experiences of failures and successes to the next generation who are beginning to join us in growing numbers. SPUC
Aborted Fetal Material Used in Anti-Wrinkle Creams
Children of God for Life announced today that Neocutis, a bio-pharmaceutical company focused on dermatology and skin care, is using aborted fetal cell lines to produce several of their anti-aging skin creams. Neocutis' key ingredient, known as "Processed Skin Proteins," was developed at the University of Luasanne from the skin tissue of a 14-week gestation electively-aborted male baby donated by the University Hospital in Switzerland. Subsequently, a working cell bank was established, containing several billion cultured skin cells to produce the human growth factor needed to restore aging skin. The list of products using the cell line include: Bio-Gel, Journee, Bio-Serum, Prevedem, Bio Restorative Skin Cream and Lumiere. Vinnedge is calling for a full boycott of all Neocutis products, regardless of their source. LifeSiteNews
Stupak Locked in Dead Heat with House Leadership over Pro-Life Health Amendment
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, are locked in a dead heat race for votes with Democratic leadership. According to Stupak, the Democratic leadership intends to keep a stranglehold on any pro-life amendment effort, which they acknowledge would likely otherwise succeed. Stupak said that he is counting on about 40 fellow Democrats to "take down the rule" - or kill the bill on a procedural vote - if House leadership refuses to allow a floor vote on an amendment that would prevent federal funding of abortion. The procedural "rule" vote would draft rules for debating the bill on the floor, and needs to be passed before the bill can move forward to a floor vote. With the 40 Democrats, Stupak's vote-gathering efforts tally up to 220, counting the whole GOP - approximately two votes over the absolute minimum needed to succeed. LifeSiteNews
Editor: Go Bart!
Editor: Go Bart!
"Law and Order" to Feature Killing of Late-Term Abortionist
Last Friday's episode of Law and Order featured the shooting death of a late-term abortion practitioner in his church, "ripped from the headlines" surrounding the summertime shooting of George Tiller. Entertainment Weekly described the NBC program this way: "The killer is represented in court by an anti-abortion league lawyer played by Richard Thomas with perfectly calibrated restraint. . . . Thomas is nuanced where everyone around him is encouraged to take sides and squabble." EW said the shows two cops and two district attorneys each took sides in the abortion debate and says viewers would "be surprised at the low-key but still quite shocking final scene." LifeNews, pro-life response
Handheld Ultrasound: The Future of the Pro-Life Movement?
New technology hailed as a stunning leap forward in modern health care may be about to give pro-life advocates unheard-of power to save a life - in the palm of their hand. At the Web 2.0 summit in San Francisco this week, General Electric unveiled the ultraportable and user-friendly Vscan, an ultrasound machine about the size of a large flip phone. Dubbing it "the stethoscope of the 21st century," the company offered various scenarios in which the device could vastly advance the landscape of diagnostics. For pro-lifers on the front lines, the new gadget could hugely improve abortion-bound women's access to ultrasounds, which have been found highly effective in helping mothers choose life for their baby.
But while the vision of pro-life sidewalk counselors nationwide packing a personal ultrasound in their back pocket may be an attractive one, the new technology won't be available for general consumption. Ultrasound sonography is tightly regulated by state law as well as national medical guidelines issued by the American Institute in Ultrasound Medicine, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American College of Radiology. LifeSiteNews
But while the vision of pro-life sidewalk counselors nationwide packing a personal ultrasound in their back pocket may be an attractive one, the new technology won't be available for general consumption. Ultrasound sonography is tightly regulated by state law as well as national medical guidelines issued by the American Institute in Ultrasound Medicine, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American College of Radiology. LifeSiteNews
Abortion divides House Dems in health care debate
House Democrats are at an impasse over whether their remake of the nation's health care system would effectively allow federal funding of abortion. At least two dozen anti-abortion Democrats believe it would, and while their opposition is unlikely to stall the legislation in the end, they are at odds with Democratic leaders just weeks ahead of anticipated floor action on the bill. AP
UC Berkeley Genocide Awareness Project Begins Monday
The Center for Bioethical Reform is traveling to Berkeley, CA, to display the Genocide Awareness Project for the first time at the University of California at Berkeley. Also, tomorrow from 3-6PM, Mark Harrington will equip Berkeley Students for Life to create debate on campus with the Pro-Life Institute. Please pray for us. Read an exciting account about this historic event here.
This is very the site where Mario Savio and others led protests during the “Free Speech Movement” in the mid 1960’s. Now, this historic site is being utilized for pro-life speech. My how things have changed! But it is not all peaches and cream. The forces of the culture of death are arrayed against us, but we are standing like steel in order to reach those who need reached the most – America’s young people. We count it a privilege to be able to get an opportunity to share our lives and hearts with these students. Many of them lead broken lives and need to know that someone cares. We care enough to tell them the truth in love.
This is very the site where Mario Savio and others led protests during the “Free Speech Movement” in the mid 1960’s. Now, this historic site is being utilized for pro-life speech. My how things have changed! But it is not all peaches and cream. The forces of the culture of death are arrayed against us, but we are standing like steel in order to reach those who need reached the most – America’s young people. We count it a privilege to be able to get an opportunity to share our lives and hearts with these students. Many of them lead broken lives and need to know that someone cares. We care enough to tell them the truth in love.
Poison abortion bid doctor guilty
A doctor has been found guilty of attempting to poison his lover in a bid to induce an abortion. Dr. Edward Erin, 44, of west London, spiked the drinks of Bella Prowse, 33, after she became pregnant but refused a termination. The married father-of-two, who worked at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, west London, had denied attempting to poison to cause a miscarriage. Miss Prowse gave birth to a healthy baby in September 2008. BBC
Pro-Life Students Ignore Ridicule, Speak Up for Unborn
Hundreds of thousands of students from thousands of schools around the world refused to speak Tuesday to protest abortion. As they silently stood up for the unborn with red tape on their mouths or red armbands they helped prevent at least 22 abortions on their friends and their babies. LifeNews
Baltimore City Council targets pro-life pregnancy centers
Baltimore City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and 10 members of the council are sponsoring a bill that harasses pro-life pregnancy support centers. City Council Bill 09-0406, “Limited-Service Pregnancy Centers – Disclaimers,” would require pregnancy support centers to post a disclaimer noting that they do not provide abortion or contraceptive services. Centers that do not comply would be fined $500 per day. The Baltimore bill is similar to one that was promoted by Planned Parenthood in the 2008 session of the Maryland General Assembly. That bill, which never made it out of committee, would have required crisis pregnancy centers to state that they are not required to give “factual information.” Catholic Review
North Carolina Teen Killed After Refusing Abortion
New documents related to the shooting death of 15-year-old girl Tiffany Wright show that she had been pressured by her adoptive brother to have an abortion. Royce Mitchell, 36, is accused of taking his adopted sister to a Charlotte abortion center. Wright was refused an abortion because her pregnancy was too far along at the time. The police information also indicates Mitchell wanted to take Wright to an abortion center in Atlanta that does abortions later in pregnancy, but she refused to go. LifeNews
PP's best advice: Get sexually active and get your STDs
In a You Tube video, Dr. Vanessa Cullins (vice president of medical affairs for Planned Parenthood Federation of America) tells young people to just accept the fact that they are going to be sexually active and will get STDs. “Expect to have HPV once you become sexually intimate,” she says. “All of us get it. But my best advice for staying healthy is to admit that you are a sexually active individual like most of us, and that you are going to have sex and that you need to take precautions in order to stay healthy.” Of course, indoctrinating youth to follow this advice will undoubtedly continue to feed PP’s lucrative sex-oriented business which last year grossed over $1 billion, with a profit of $85 million for the abortion giant. You Tube, STOPP Report for Oct. 21
Haskell Allowed to Avoid Ohio Abortion Safety Law
Operation Rescue has obtained two recordings of 911 calls made within seven days of each other for patients of an Ohio abortion clinic that has been specially exempted from complying with a safety law involving emergency transports. The recordings, made on March 12 and 19, 2009, raise questions about the safety of the clinic and abortions done at Women's Med Center, a Dayton area abortion mill owned and operated by late-term abortionist Martin Haskell. But how is it that, of all the physicians and clinics in Ohio, that Haskell's abortion clinic is the only one that does not have to comport with the law? LifeNews
Pro-Life Students Ignore Ridicule, Stand for Unborn
Hundreds of thousands of students from thousands of schools around the world refused to speak today to protest abortion. As they silently stood up for the unborn with red tape on their mouths or red armbands they helped prevent at least 22 abortions on their friends and their babies. LifeNews
Guinea Shaken By Wave Of Rapes During Crackdown
The people of the West African nation of Guinea are still struggling to deal with the trauma of a deadly military crackdown on a pro-democracy rally last month. It was not the first time troops in Guinea have opened fire on civilians. What has shocked people most is that women were targeted in a wave of alleged sexual violence perpetrated by soldiers in public — in broad daylight. . . . The government says 57 people died. Human-rights officials put the number of those killed, to date, at 157. The International Criminal Court is looking into the incident for possible crimes against humanity. But it's the soldiers' brutal assaults on women that have so shaken French-speaking Guinea. The people's refrain is "C'est du jamais vu" — never before have we witnessed such acts. NPR
Editor: This story is hard to read/listen to, utterly horrifying.
Editor: This story is hard to read/listen to, utterly horrifying.
Latest issue of At the Center now online
Access these and other articles:
- Centerboard: Decision-Making During Change- Part 2 by Tom Lothamer
- Creating a Gift Registry for Your Center by Pam Montgomery
- A Different Kind of Prejudice by Anonymous
- Tech Advice: Teens and Social Media Use by Ken Freeman
- I Cannot Forget by Carol Wilson
- Forgiveness is Not an Option—It's a Mandate by Mark Hiehle
- At the College Town Center: Welcome to My World by Marcia Warmkessel
- Marketing 101: Baby Bottle Update by Jerry Thacker
Care Net Launches National Campaign to Find Pregnancy Center Volunteers
With the economy causing more women to require the services of pregnancy centers, the burdens on centers are increasing. As a result, they are finding they need an increase in the number of volunteers and the national affiliate group Care Net is launching a new campaign to make that happen. The "Inspire Life" campaign is a new web-based effort to counter the changing political climate by energizing the pro-life movement and raising up more volunteers for local pregnancy centers. LifeNews
Roe v. What? The Pro-Choice Movement says it's Losing Steam
We were gathered at the swanky Cipriani's on 42nd Street in Manhattan for the annual National Power of Choice Luncheon, celebrating 40 years of NARAL Pro-Choice America. Certainly the occasion should have been festive ... but it wasn't. As speakers took their turns at the podium, we were cautioned over and over that anti-choice members of Congress are using health care reform as an opportunity to restrict women's access to reproductive health services. Huffington Post
America's Giving Challenge
Make Abortion Unthinkable is currently second overall in America's Giving Challenge. America’s Giving Challenge, presented by the Case Foundation, Causes and PARADE Publications is a 30-day national online competition that enables passionate individuals and nonprofit organizations to easily leverage their online and offline personal networks to increase awareness, attract new donors, and encourage people to get and stay involved with causes they care about. From October 7th to November 6th, participants in the Challenge will compete for daily and overall awards funded by the Case Foundation. The prize money, totaling $170,000, will be awarded to the causes that receive the highest number of unique daily donations, not dollars raised.
Editor: I learned about this contest in an email from the Center for Reproductive Rights -- a pro-abortion group that hopes to knock Make Abortion Unthinkable out of the running.
Editor: I learned about this contest in an email from the Center for Reproductive Rights -- a pro-abortion group that hopes to knock Make Abortion Unthinkable out of the running.
Loving & Caring seminars hosted by Cradles of Grace
My Baby and Me Seminar - Monday October 26, 2009 - 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. - at Cradles of Grace in Rockford, Michigan. This training seminar is for workers, counselors, and volunteers who serve pregnant women. This in-depth training will inform you on how to minister to your clients utilizing the My Baby and Me workbooks, both for men and women. This seminar also gives general counseling tips to encourage volunteers.
Principles of Adoption - Monday October 26, 2009 - 12:30 - 3:00 p.m. - at Cradles of Grace in Rockford, Michigan. This seminar will help you take your clients on the journey of looking at adoption as well as begin to change the hearts and minds of your community and churches toward adoption. Presenting adoption as a possibility to clients can be a challenge. Our own knowledge, heart and attitudes; the client's understanding, beliefs, and societal biases; and the way the world views adoption all have an impact.
For more information on either of these seminars please contact Carol Lubs at 616.295.7151 or email.
Principles of Adoption - Monday October 26, 2009 - 12:30 - 3:00 p.m. - at Cradles of Grace in Rockford, Michigan. This seminar will help you take your clients on the journey of looking at adoption as well as begin to change the hearts and minds of your community and churches toward adoption. Presenting adoption as a possibility to clients can be a challenge. Our own knowledge, heart and attitudes; the client's understanding, beliefs, and societal biases; and the way the world views adoption all have an impact.
For more information on either of these seminars please contact Carol Lubs at 616.295.7151 or email.
Webinar Series: Turning the Economic Crisis into Opportunity
Turning the Economic Crisis into Opportunity: How Nonprofits Can Survive and Emerge Stronger After the Recession explores understanding your nonprofit’s economics and financial health, strategies for survival in a harsh economic climate, strengthening your nonprofit’s income portfolio and building your nonprofit for long-term sustainability. The first in the first series was delivered last Thursday; the remaining three will take place today, 20 October, Thursday, 22 October and next Tuesday, 27 October. All the webinars run from 1 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. Eastern Time. We expect to run the whole series again in early December. For more details and to register, please click here.
Government site helps recruit volunteers
In light of the government/media emphasis this week on volunteerism, I thought I'd look to see whether centers can register their volunteer opportunities on, and it appears you can. And it appears that centers are way ahead of me on this.
With a search for 'pregnancy' I found listings from several centers. And I was pleased to see they are able to state their missions unequivocally. Hope Pregnancy Center in Kileen, TX, advertises itself as "a Christ-centered, not-for profit organization with a mission to provide practical assistance to women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Hope also has a goal to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed."
Now, I don't know whether centers receiving inquiries via the government web site would have difficulties rejecting a volunteer (on the basis of faith or a less-than-complete sanctity of human life ethic). For instance, I found a listing from one center that advertised for board members. Aside from the inadvisability of recruiting people for such a crucial position this way, I was a little alarmed they did not specify that one would have to be pro-life to serve in that capacity.
Anyone have anything to share on what your experiences have been and how you'd advise using these web sites?
With a search for 'pregnancy' I found listings from several centers. And I was pleased to see they are able to state their missions unequivocally. Hope Pregnancy Center in Kileen, TX, advertises itself as "a Christ-centered, not-for profit organization with a mission to provide practical assistance to women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Hope also has a goal to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed."
Now, I don't know whether centers receiving inquiries via the government web site would have difficulties rejecting a volunteer (on the basis of faith or a less-than-complete sanctity of human life ethic). For instance, I found a listing from one center that advertised for board members. Aside from the inadvisability of recruiting people for such a crucial position this way, I was a little alarmed they did not specify that one would have to be pro-life to serve in that capacity.
Anyone have anything to share on what your experiences have been and how you'd advise using these web sites?
Turkish Study Showed Induced Abortion Significantly Associated with Increased Breast Cancer Risk
A study at Istanbul University Hospital found that induced abortion was found to be significantly associated with increased breast cancer risk. Women with increased age (greater than 50) also showed a significant association. The age at first birth being greater than 35 or an increased body mass index greater than 25 or a positive family (mother or sister) history of breast cancer were also more likely to carry increased breast cancer risk. World Journal of Surgical Oncology
Woman Sentenced to 13 Years For Leaving Newborn Girl to Die
Wendy J. Villatoro, who a year ago left her newborn daughter to die in a garbage bag she left in a field in Hyattsville, was sentenced Tuesday to 13 years in prison. The judge said she balanced the need to punish Villatoro's "intolerable" conduct with the difficult circumstances of her life. Assistant Public Defender Michael D. Beach said Villatoro became pregnant after she was raped in Honduras, shortly before she came to the Washington area, and asked Serrette to sentence his client to 12 years. Assistant State's Attorney Renee Battle-Brooks argued that whether Villatoro was impregnated because she was raped was irrelevant. "That doesn't make [the baby's] life any less valuable." Washington Post
This week is Volunteer Week
During the week of October 19-25 more than 60 network TV shows are going to push for viewers to volunteer more -- all part of a "first wave of a multi-year 'I Participate' campaign." Some on the right view this as an insidious plot to involve people in liberal causes. Well, okay . . . but might it not also be an opportunity for your center to piggyback on the major mainstream media promotion of volunteerism? Might it not be a good time for you to at least mention the opportunities that are available at your center?
Anti-abortion protest draws over 1 million in Spain
Protesters in Spain turned out en masse to voice opposition to plans by the socialist government to liberalize abortion laws in the mainly Catholic country. More than a million people streamed through the streets of Madrid to protest against a loosening of Spain's abortion laws on Saturday, one of the largest demonstrations since anti-war rallies held in 2003 and 2004. The Madrid regional government estimated the crowd at 1.2 million. A spokesman for one of the rally organizers, HazteOir (Make Yourself Heard), told Agence France Presse that 1.5 million people had attended. Deutche-Welle; view video of the rally on You Tube
Editor: Crowd estimates vary, but the BBC agreed with the regional government's estimate of over a million. The BBC noted, "They gathered in the heart of Madrid under an enormous blue banner the height of a two-storey building emblazoned with the simple message: 'Every life matters.'"
Editor: Crowd estimates vary, but the BBC agreed with the regional government's estimate of over a million. The BBC noted, "They gathered in the heart of Madrid under an enormous blue banner the height of a two-storey building emblazoned with the simple message: 'Every life matters.'"
New Report Suggests Over 1 Billion Abortions Committed
A new report by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, entitled "Abortion Worldwide: A Decade of Uneven Progress," points to the fact that over a billion abortions have been committed, say pro-life activists. The report found that the annual number of abortions have declined over the period from 1995 to 2003. Nevertheless, the Guttmacher Institute said that in 2003 approximately 41.6 million abortions were committed worldwide. On average, this works out to more than one death by abortion for each second of the year. Since abortion has been available since before 1970 and very widely available since 1980, pro-life activists are saying that, even by a conservative estimate, the total number of preborn children to have been killed by abortion is likely in excess of one billion. If 40 million children per year were aborted since 1980 that would already make for 1.12 billion preborn babies killed. LifeSiteNews
How to Lobby Against Sex Ed
Most rich people hoping to influence federal policy are content to write checks to fund political campaigns or shuffle cash to advocacy groups that lobby for their causes. But not Raymond Ruddy. Ruddy, a 66-year-old retired businessman who runs a pro-life charity in suburban Natick, Massachusetts, is the premier benefactor of the abstinence-only sexual education movement. During the first two quarters of this year’s health care reform debate, Ruddy spent $130,000 of his own money to push federal abstinence-only sex education funding. By all accounts, Ruddy’s is the loudest voice on Capitol Hill for abstinence-only sex education. In 2009 Ruddy spent more to lobby on the issue than any abstinence-only advocacy group, including Christian Coalition of America and the National Abstinence Education Association. The Atlantic, The Nation
New CDC Report Shows Abortion and Pregnancy Rates Dropping to Historic Lows
A new report released yesterday from the Centers for Disease Control shows the number of abortions, the abortion rate and the pregnancy rate all declining from the period 1990-2005. The new CDC National Vital Statistics Report shows there were an estimated 6,408,000 pregnancies in the U.S. in 2005. That number includes 4.14 million live births, 1.21 million induced abortions, and 1.06 million miscarriages or other fetal losses that are not from abortion. The good news from the CDC is that the abortion rate fell more than one-third during the years studied. LifeNews
Guttmacher Wrong: Legalizing Abortions Yields More, Doesn't Make Them Safer
The Guttmacher Institute released a survey Tuesday concluding the “key difference” between nations where abortion is legal and those where it is restricted was not abortion rates, but a “high rate of deaths and medical complications from unsafe clandestine abortions in restrictive countries.” Their solution: remove abortion restrictions in these countries. This suggestion is ideologically driven by the Guttmacher Institute’s abortion-promoting agenda. Their own research contradicts the conclusion. LifeNews; see additional analysis; Study Relies on Dubious Facts; Study a 'propaganda piece'
Pregnancy 101
Here's a helpful web site for all your pregnant clients. Pregnancy 101, from Everyday Health
WHO's on First in Cutting U.S. Cerebral Palsy Rates?
Newborn babies under 32 weeks' gestation have 55 times the CP (Cerebral Palsy) risk as full-term (at least 37 weeks' gestation) newborns. WHO (World Health Organization) can cut world wide wide premature birth rates with a 15 word warning: “Prior first trimester induced abortion is an Immutable Medical Risk Factor Associated with Preterm Birth.” Justice for Kids
Ever Wonder Who Took Those Aborted Baby Pictures?
"Maybe 50 percent of the graphic images of abortion victims that you'll find online are probably my photography." So says Monica Migliorino Miller, associate professor of theology at Madonna University in Orchard Lake, Mich., in a recent front-page interview with The New York Times. The interview has made waves in the pro-life world, due in large part to the fact that, along with the interview, the Times ran a selection of Miller's graphic abortion photos in the online version of the story, becoming one of the only mainstream newspapers in the world to do so. The story, written by Times journalist Damien Cave, came about after Cave encountered Miller while covering the murder of pro-life activist James Pouillon, who used to protest abortion by holding signs depicting photos of aborted babies. "Like many others," wrote Cave in the article, "I often wondered about the source of these images. Who took the pictures? Where did the fetuses come from?" LifeSiteNews
A Child is Born: Photographs of the fetus developing in the womb
The stunning images by Lennart Nilsson, first published in 1965, have now been remastered with the help of the latest photographic technology; A Child is Born has been republished in a fifth and final edition. Telegraph, LifeSiteNews, more images on Nilsson's web site, interview
Ob/Gyns Change Practice Due to Liability Fears
A new survey from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found that 63% of ob/gyns have changed the way they practice out of fear of being sued. Obstetricians say they have cut back on the number of high-risk patients they see, are no longer performing vaginal birth after a cesarean, and have increased the number of cesarean deliveries they perform. And gynecologists also have made changes because of the liability climate, with some decreasing the surgical procedures they perform. Ob/Gyn News
Message from Melinda Delahoyde in Christianity Today: Volunteer at a Center
Can you imagine what our nation might look like if every pro-life individual applied the full weight of his or her passion to reaching out with support and care to women facing crisis pregnancies? Not only would this radically reduce the number of abortions, it would also powerfully communicate the God-given value of human life. While we have limited opportunities to promote a "culture of life" on legal and political fronts, there is no limit to what you and I can do to inspire life, one person at a time. CT
Planned Parenthood Honors Tiller with Highest Award
The late Wichita abortionist George Tiller was awarded posthumously with the International Planned Parenthood Federation's top honor over the weekend. His widow Jeanne received the group's Medal of Honor for "outstanding individual contribution to sexual and reproductive health" on his behalf. Tiller, whose booming late-term abortion business was once the source of national controversy, had boasted of killing over 60,000 children in the womb over the course of his 30-year career. The award was presented in a Washington, D.C. ceremony by Alexander Sanger, grandson of Planned Parenthood's eugenicist founder Margaret Sanger. LifeSiteNews
Make pro-life jack-o-lanterns

I'm not a big fan of Halloween, but here's an idea I couldn't pass up. American Life League says, "There are many opportunities to be a voice for the voiceless, and most of those opportunities require us to go someplace public. But, on the eve of All Saints Day, the public comes to us!" So make a pro-life jack-o-lantern and send your photos to ALL. Include your name, age, and address in the email, and they'll post the best ones on their homepage! It doesn't have to be anything fancy. It could be as intricate as the design here or as simple as the word "Pro-Life." Whatever your skill level, be creative and tell the world about the personhood of preborn babies!
Kalispell (Montana) Planned Parenthood closing!
40 Days for Life is spreading the word that a Planned Parenthood abortion center in will be closing down for good next month. That facility was the location of a spring campaign. PP told local media the reasons are economic -- "We've not had the patient numbers to keep the doors open." -- but said nothing about the power of prayer. The Kalispell 40 Days team is currently holding a campaign outside another local abortion facility, but the first thing they did upon hearing the news about the closure was to return to the soon-to-be-closing facility to thank the Lord for this amazing victory.
Editor: STOPP International notes that the number of PP's closing this year is "18 and counting."
Editor: STOPP International notes that the number of PP's closing this year is "18 and counting."
Second Trimester Abortion Provision: Breaking the Silence and Changing the Discourse
How do doctors come to provide second trimester surgical abortion services (or how do they decide not to). . . . We do not know as no study has specifically explored these questions. . . . [O]nly 20% of abortion providers offer services at 20 weeks of pregnancy, and only 8% of providers offer services at 24 weeks. Why do most clinicians not provide services to the extent permitted?
When I was a little over 18 weeks pregnant with my now pre-school child, I did a second trimester abortion for a patient who was also a little over 18 weeks pregnant. As I reviewed her chart I realised that I was more interested than usual in seeing the fetal parts when I was done, since they would so closely resemble those of my own fetus. . . . I used electrical suction to remove the amniotic fluid, picked up my forceps and began to remove the fetus in parts, as I always did. I felt lucky that this one was already in the breech position – it would make grasping small parts (legs and arms) a little easier. With my first pass of the forceps, I grasped an extremity and began to pull it down. I could see a small foot hanging from the teeth of my forceps. With a quick tug, I separated the leg. Precisely at that moment, I felt a kick – a fluttery “thump, thump” in my own uterus. It was one of the first times I felt fetal movement. There was a leg and foot in my forceps, and a “thump, thump” in my abdomen. Instantly, tears were streaming from my eyes – without me – meaning my conscious brain - even being aware of what was going on. I felt as if my response had come entirely from my body, bypassing my usual cognitive processing completely. A message seemed to travel from my hand and my uterus to my tear ducts. It was an overwhelming feeling – a brutally visceral response – heartfelt and unmediated by my training or my feminist pro-choice politics.
Providers of second trimester abortions see things that most people don't. What kind of dissociative process inside us allows us to do this routinely? What normal person does this kind of work? . . . [T]here is always violence involved in a second trimester abortion, which becomes acutely apparent at certain moments. . . . I must add, however, that I consider declining a woman's request for abortion also to be an act of unspeakable violence.
Currently, the violence and, frankly, the gruesomeness of abortion is owned only by those who would like to see abortion (at any time in pregnancy) disappear, by those who stand outside clinics and in front of sports arenas holding placards with pictures of fetal parts and partially dismembered fetal bodies. The pro-choice movement has not owned or owned up to the reality of the fetus, or the reality of fetal parts. . . . [F]rank talk like this is threatening to abortion rights. Science Direct (original article), Abortioneers blog
When I was a little over 18 weeks pregnant with my now pre-school child, I did a second trimester abortion for a patient who was also a little over 18 weeks pregnant. As I reviewed her chart I realised that I was more interested than usual in seeing the fetal parts when I was done, since they would so closely resemble those of my own fetus. . . . I used electrical suction to remove the amniotic fluid, picked up my forceps and began to remove the fetus in parts, as I always did. I felt lucky that this one was already in the breech position – it would make grasping small parts (legs and arms) a little easier. With my first pass of the forceps, I grasped an extremity and began to pull it down. I could see a small foot hanging from the teeth of my forceps. With a quick tug, I separated the leg. Precisely at that moment, I felt a kick – a fluttery “thump, thump” in my own uterus. It was one of the first times I felt fetal movement. There was a leg and foot in my forceps, and a “thump, thump” in my abdomen. Instantly, tears were streaming from my eyes – without me – meaning my conscious brain - even being aware of what was going on. I felt as if my response had come entirely from my body, bypassing my usual cognitive processing completely. A message seemed to travel from my hand and my uterus to my tear ducts. It was an overwhelming feeling – a brutally visceral response – heartfelt and unmediated by my training or my feminist pro-choice politics.
Providers of second trimester abortions see things that most people don't. What kind of dissociative process inside us allows us to do this routinely? What normal person does this kind of work? . . . [T]here is always violence involved in a second trimester abortion, which becomes acutely apparent at certain moments. . . . I must add, however, that I consider declining a woman's request for abortion also to be an act of unspeakable violence.
Currently, the violence and, frankly, the gruesomeness of abortion is owned only by those who would like to see abortion (at any time in pregnancy) disappear, by those who stand outside clinics and in front of sports arenas holding placards with pictures of fetal parts and partially dismembered fetal bodies. The pro-choice movement has not owned or owned up to the reality of the fetus, or the reality of fetal parts. . . . [F]rank talk like this is threatening to abortion rights. Science Direct (original article), Abortioneers blog
Building bridges with local churches
You've made phone calls, sent out fliers, held banquets, organized fundraisers, set appointments, recited statistics. You've prayed and promoted and pleaded and still your church seems uninterested. What's wrong? Building Bridges looks at ways to create a partnership with the Church regarding crisis pregnancy and post-abortion issues. You'll find practical guidelines for creating partnerships with the churches in your area. Start today to begin building those bridges with your church. By Mary Comm, founder and director of In Our Midst Ministries and A Safe Place Abortion Recovery Center. She's the author of Secret Sin: When God's People Choose Abortion, an insightful look into the issue of abortion as it relates to Christians and the church today.
Dr. Freda Bush to speak on "The Effects of Casual Sex on the Brain"
New research reveals that sexual activity has a biological and chemical impact on the brain. Dr Freda Bush discusses these dramatic findings and how they prove materially that sexual behavior has far-reaching effects on how we think and feel. Dr. Bush is an OB/GYN who shares from over 40 years of experience in sexual health on how to cultivate relationships around values that build productive lives. She is co-author of the book “Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting Our Children.” October 20, 8 pm, Calvin College Chapel; free and open to the public. Michigan Family Forum
Slavery and abortion video
Personal observations about a slave owning ancestor, and the "legal" institutions of slavery and abortion. You Tube
Google anti-abortion?
Google, which has always been widely lauded for their human rights awareness, has okayed a policy change prohibiting AdWords promoting abortion in 15 countries. Google Inc. issued an AdWords advertising policy update stating it would no longer accept ads that promote abortion services in the following fifteen countries: Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Spain and Taiwan. Women 24
Spread the word about black genocide
Here are links to some Maafa 21 promotional posters that you may find helpful. These are great for places where people post band announcements, coffee houses, bulleting boards, and other places where people pass by. They can also be used as handouts, church bulletins, and on car windows. They're standard 8.5 x 11" so they can either be printed at home/office or taken to a local copy/print shop on disk.
- This is a general poster talking about what is behind Maafa 21 features language similar to the back of the DVD: Click Here
- This is a bold poster that jumps out and grabs attention: Click Here
- This poster brings attention to the truth behind the push for abortion: Click Here
- This poster will help promote Maafa 21 screenings, as it has a place to add dates and times: Click Here
- For the web we have a standard banner: Click Here
Healthcare Vote Expected in Senate Tomorrow
Contact your Senators today and tell them “Abortion is not healthcare.” Tell them to vote against any bill that does not expressly ban the funding of abortion. Call your Senators at 202-224-3121, or visit Liberty Counsel’s homepage at and click on “Write your Senator” to send an email or fax.
Students who agree to sexual health tests are rewarded with free alcohol
Teenagers in the UK are being bribed with free alcohol to take sexual health tests. The move is an attempt to cut the increasing levels of sexually transmitted infections, amid dwindling numbers who volunteer to be tested. Under a countrywide scheme proposed by the National Union of Students, those who take part in the health tests are given tokens which can be exchanged for alcoholic drinks. Daily Mail
The Making of Pro-life Activists: How Social Movement Mobilization Works
How do people become activists for causes they care deeply about? Many people with similar backgrounds, for instance, fervently believe that abortion should be illegal, but only some of them join the pro-life movement. By delving into the lives and beliefs of activists and nonactivists alike, Ziad W. Munson is able to lucidly examine the differences between them. Through extensive interviews and detailed studies of pro-life organizations across the nation, Munson makes the startling discovery that many activists join up before they develop strong beliefs about abortion—in fact, some are even pro-choice prior to their mobilization. Therefore, Munson concludes, commitment to an issue is often a consequence rather than a cause of activism. University of Chicago Press
NY Times article on pro-life activists
Street activists make up an assertive minority of a few thousand people within the larger anti-abortion movement. Neither the best financed nor largest element in the mix, they are nonetheless the only face of anti-abortion that many Americans see. Indeed, persistent provocation is their defining attribute: day after day on street corners from California to Massachusetts, they stand like town criers, calling to women walking into abortion clinics, or waving graphic signs as disturbing as they are impossible to ignore. NY Times
South Korean Women Fight Stigma Against Single Mothers
A small group of South Korean women is working to establish the country's first association to defend the rights of unmarried pregnant women to give birth and raise their own children. Social pressures against single motherhood in South Korea lead thousands of unmarried pregnant women to either seek an abortion or place their children for adoption each year. Although abortion is illegal in South Korea, nearly 96% of unwed pregnant women obtain abortions. Of those who give birth, 70% place the infants for adoption. The country's health ministry estimates that nearly 90% of the 1,250 South Korean children adopted abroad in 2008 were born to single women. Unmarried women who choose to keep their children are often socially ostracized, facing poverty, eviction, job discrimination and condemnation from their partner's family. Medical News Today, NY Times
Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out
Amid questions about the safety of the HPV vaccine Gardasil one of the lead researchers for the Merck drug is speaking out about its risks, benefits and aggressive marketing. Dr. Diane Harper says young girls and their parents should receive more complete warnings before receiving the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Dr. Harper helped design and carry out the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies to get Gardasil approved, and authored many of the published, scholarly papers about it. She has been a paid speaker and consultant to Merck. It’s highly unusual for a researcher to publicly criticize a medicine or vaccine she helped get approved. CBS News
Follow-up story: Who got to Dr. Diane Harper? Cervical cancer researcher retracts story warning about HPV vaccines
Follow-up story: Who got to Dr. Diane Harper? Cervical cancer researcher retracts story warning about HPV vaccines
The Country's Emerging Shift on Abortion
The Susan B. Anthony List set an ambitious organizing goal at the beginning of this year: getting supporters to send 300,000 letters and E-mails to Congress on abortion-related issues. But the group quickly surpassed that benchmark, recently tracking the millionth piece of congressional correspondence sent by a Susan B. Anthony List backer in 2009. "We used to have to nag and nag our members to get their voices heard," says Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Northern Virginia-based pro-life group. "Now it's not a matter of nagging. We're seeing a tidal wave of activism." US News
Female feticide surfaces in Canada
The ugly, well-known secret about how South Asian women feel pressured to birth a son was just about to be exposed, but the Kumar-Ratta sisters have been way ahead of the curve. "It was at a summer conference I went to last year, in British Columbia, that I first learnt about the gender imbalance issue that afflicts some parts of the world, including those inhabited by South Asians," recalled Ankita. She was shocked, horrified, particularly when she realized it happens even here in Canada, and in the communities in which we live. "So we - my sister and I - decided to do something about it." Thus started Save the Girls, an NGO set up by the sisters to campaign against the selective abortion of female foetuses in many parts of the world, "including, sadly, in Canada and the US." South Asian Focus
Unrelated organization: Save Girl Child
Unrelated organization: Save Girl Child
Do Faith Communities Somehow Breed Teen Pregnancy?
A study that was posted in Christianity Today and elsewhere suggested a correlation between teen pregnancy and conservative religious beliefs. Here are a couple of the ultimate questions that this study raises: Is a good approach to prevention of unplanned pregnancy the teaching of condom use? Is abstinence education a failed approach just because many who teach abstinence education are from faith-based organizations? Inspire Life
For more information on the effectiveness of abstinence education in our nation, read the latest information from the Institute for Research and Evaluation.
For more information on the effectiveness of abstinence education in our nation, read the latest information from the Institute for Research and Evaluation.
Georgia Abortionist Arrested in Road Rage Incident
A Georgia abortion practitioner was arrested in a road rage incident that saw him punch a woman in the face. Sandy Springs police arrested Marietta-based abortion practitioner Daniel E. McBrayer, 58, after learning he assaulted a woman. This isn't the first time McBrayer has been in trouble. LifeNews
Pro-Abort Students Shout Down Pro-Life Presenter
A pro-life presentation at McGill University erupted in chaos Tuesday after a mob of pro-abortion students were allowed to silence the pro-life message while university officials made meek attempts to intervene until the designated time ran out. Ironically, following the event the pro-abortion protesters complained that their 'right to assemble' was violated. LifeSiteNews
French Abortions Rise
According to a new study by the French National Institute of Demographic Studies, although the number of unplanned pregnancies in France has fallen, the number of abortions in such cases has increased. Unplanned pregnancies fell from 46% to 33% from 1975 to 2004, ostensibly due to use of contraceptives, but the number of abortions of such pregnancies increased from 40% to 60% over the same period. Over 40% of French women have an abortion at least once in their life. According to Chantal Blayot, a professor of demography at Montesquieu-Bordeau IV, this trend is supported by "a strong social pressure to abort." LifeSiteNews
The H1N1 Vaccine and Pregnant Women
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announced in September that it was preparing to conduct a clinical trial of the H1N1 influenza vaccine involving pregnant women. This is welcome news since pregnant women have been identified as a priority group for receiving the vaccine in the United States and in Canada. Bioethics Forum
Ireland Adopts Lisbon Treaty but Pro-life Guarantees Remain Suspect
Irish voters overwhelmingly accepted the Lisbon Treaty on October 2nd after they were given guarantees that their pro-life and pro-family laws would be protected. While some pro-life and pro-family voices hail the guarantees as a step forward, many analysts argue that the nature and extent of those guarantees are far from certain and that the “yes” vote will eventually lead to intense pressure on Ireland from the European Union to liberalize its laws and policies on abortion and homosexual “marriage.” C-Fam
Loving and Caring seminar
Cradles of Grace in Grand Rapids, MI, is hosting Anne Pierson of Loving and Caring, Inc., at a seminar for pastors, youth workers, school volunteers, social workers, healthcare professionals, counselors, and PCC volunteers. She'll speak on My Baby & Me and Principles of Adoption. The seminar is Monday, October 26, from 9 am to 3 pm, at St. Luke's Lutheran Church. Call (616) 295-7151 for registration information.
What parents need to know about sex education
If you think sex education is still about the birds and the bees, you're wrong. And it's not about science either. If you're a parent with children in the public school system, you need to know what's really going on. In You're Teaching My Child What? Dr. Miriam Grossman rips back the curtain on sex education today, exposing a sordid truth. Instead of teaching our children the facts of life, sex educators are lying to them, ignoring medical fact in favor of politicized, and dangerous, propaganda that could ruin your child's life forever. eBookstore
Flu in pregnancy leaves a mean legacy
Pregnant women are at the front of the queue for swine flu vaccine as distribution starts this month in the US, UK and elsewhere. It is well known that their suppressed immunity puts them at greater risk; less widely recognised is the evidence that flu can harm their babies. New Scientist
Populous China's infertility problems
Semi-official data indicate that 40 million couples, one in eight, have difficulties in having children. Fertility treatment often fails. For experts, this is the outcome of the ‘one-child’ policy, too many abortions and obesity. Asia News
Seizures and Brain Damage Follow HPV Vaccine Injection for U.K. Girl
An 18 year-old U.K. girl has suffered severe brain damage from seizures that began after receiving the vaccination Cervarix. Stacey Jones, 18, of Bilston in the West Midlands of England, began to have seizures days after receiving the first injection. The fits eventually caused such severe brain injury that she had to be admitted to a rehabilitation unit to relearn simple tasks. LifeSiteNews
New emergency hormonal contraceptive effective for up to five days after sex
Ulipristal (ellaOne), an emergency hormonal contraceptive that maintains its efficacy when taken up to five days after unprotected sexual intercourse, is now available on prescription in the UK. Ulipristal is the first in a new class of drugs called synthetic selective progesterone receptor modulators. It acts by high affinity binding to the progesterone receptor and is thought to inhibit or delay ovulation. Alterations to the endometrium may also contribute to ulipristal’s efficacy. PJ Online
Study Claims Botched Abortions Cost $250 Million Annually
A new study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute suggests failed abortions in nations in Africa and Latin America cost approximately $250 million in follow-up medical costs for women. It only surveys nations where abortions are illegal and does not provide any cost-comparisons for nations where abortions are legal. The study also fails to note that the illegal abortions are done by abortion centers and abortion practitioners that would continue injuring women in failed abortions were the abortions legalized. LifeNews
Third Woman Rushed to Hospital after Botched Abortion
A third woman in as many weeks was recently rushed to a local hospital from a southern California Planned Parenthood abortion clinic after an apparent botched abortion required urgent medical care. The latest incident occurred on Saturday morning and was photographed by local pro-life advocates. Two women were hospitalized in recent weeks from a Planned Parenthood center in Orange, California after alleged botched abortions. LifeNews
Planned Parenthood Used Underage Girls in Clinical Trials
Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League and the head of its STOPP Planned Parenthood effort, released the details about how 28 Planned Parenthood affiliates have been involved in 33 clinical trials, some of which received government funds; 10 of them involved girls as young as 13 years of age. LifeNews
Abortion is not health care!
President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Reid and Speaker of the House Pelosi have repeatedly stated that abortion will not be included in the health care legislation currently being considered in Congress. However, in both the House and Senate, several important pro-life amendments that would have prevented the federal funding and coverage of abortion as well as protected the conscience rights of health care providers who refuse to participate in abortion were defeated. The message is clear; if abortion is not explicity excluded in the legislation, it will be included.
Please sign our petition letting Congressional leaders and the White House know that you insist that your tax dollars not be used to cover abortion and that health care legislation must explicitly exclude abortion coverage. The petitions will be delivered to Senate Majority Leader Reid, Speaker of the House Pelosi and the White House on Friday, October 16. If you have already joined thousands of others in signing the petition, please forward this to a friend.
Please sign our petition letting Congressional leaders and the White House know that you insist that your tax dollars not be used to cover abortion and that health care legislation must explicitly exclude abortion coverage. The petitions will be delivered to Senate Majority Leader Reid, Speaker of the House Pelosi and the White House on Friday, October 16. If you have already joined thousands of others in signing the petition, please forward this to a friend.
Pro-Life Institute Equips Gophers
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s training arm called the Pro-Life Institute teaches students to fish. The Genocide Awareness Project takes students fishing. On September 12, 2009, PLI trained 75 students and local community activists at the University Of Minnesota. Then on September 13-14, CBR’s campus outreach program took students out on the campus to persuasively present the pro-life position with their peers. The results are a one two punch that is hard to imagine. Brochure
Downloadable order form for SOHLS inserts
You should have received a sample bulletin insert with order form in the mail from us . . . but in case not click the links.
Abortion Advocate Attacks PCCs After Release of Report
Not able to stand the competition that pregnancy resource centers provide by helping women find tangible help and support during an unplanned pregnancy, abortion advocates are attacking pregnancy centers and using a new report highlighting their history and service to do so. The report by the Family Research Council (in conjunction with Care Net, Heartbeat International and NIFLA) gives a historical overview of the pregnancy center movement and highlights case studies and interviews with staff and former clients to demonstrate how pregnancy centers have helped millions of women during their time of need. Last Thursday, Wendy Norris, a blogger at the pro-abortion RH Reality Check blog fired back. LifeNews
STDs: Serious, Threatening, Deadly
Read the results of a national online survey of 18- to 21-year-olds on sexual relationships and sexually-transmitted diseases, prepared for Women’s Health & Sexuality at The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute. The results of this survey suggest that those who support young women of this age group – student health counselors and nurses, student organization staff, and campus residential advisors – should consider advising them of the information contained in the Sense & Sexuality guide.
YWCA and Abortion
The case of a raped inmate in Kansas who was coerced into an abortion and taken to a Planned Parenthood center is generating criticism of Kansas corrections officials. But it is also implicating the YWCA, which appears to have misled the woman and arranged her abortion. LifeNews, Topeka Capital-Journal The YWCA has long been a pro-abortion organization and shifting in that direction after shedding its previously Christian basis for existing. Dr. Lorraine Cole, the CEO of the YWCA, said last year that "the YWCA has always been pro-choice."
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Concerned Parents Report provides summaries of studies that suggest that abortion and contraception use can be contributing factors to the developmnet of breast cancer. Help lower the incidence of breast cancer in the future by educating our teens to avoid two actions that can contribute to it.
- Abortion: A likely Cause of Breast Cancer
- Higher Exposure to Estrogen, Higher Risk of Breast Cancer
- Early Reproductive Events and Breast Cancer
- In Europe, Breast Cancer Incidence Forecasted by Increase in Abortion Rates
- Women Who Bear Children Have a Reduced Risk of Developing Breast Cancer
- Oral Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy Associated with Breast Cancer
- Long-Term Use of Oral Contraceptives Early in Life Increases Risk of Breast Cancer
- Oral Contraceptives Associated with Breast Cancer
- Oral Contraceptives and Breast Cancer
Second call for UN petition drive
Last fall, 467,000 people from all over the world signed the UN Petition for the Unborn Child and the Family. The names were presented at a UN press conference that was broadcast throughout UN headquarters in New York, and to a number of UN ambassadors. C-Fam is re-launching the petition with a goal of presenting 1 million names to the UN General Assembly this December! If you signed before, you can’t sign it again. But you can spread the word to others. International Planned Parenthood Federation has launched a new petition drive in favor of a right to abortion and that their petition has already been signed by 150,000 people. Austin Ruse of C-Fam says, "Quite frankly, we must bury their petition with hundreds of thousands of prolife voices and names!"
Pro-Life Groups Raise 100-Foot Tall Banner at White House
Several pro-life groups have banded together to hoist a 100-foot tall banner of the number 71 on the west lawn of the White House. The number represents the percentage of people in a recent Zogby poll who said they don't want their tax dollars to pay for abortions. LifeNews
Cheap drugs could cut maternal deaths in childbirth in Africa
The lives of a third of the women who die in childbirth could be saved if a cheap and common drug to prevent hemorrhage, together with antibiotics, were readily available in their villages. Guardian
Gandhi opposed abortion
Friday was the 140th birthday of the late Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian civil rights leader. President Barack Obama has said today that: "We must renew our commitment to live his ideals and to celebrate the dignity of all human beings." Gandhi wrote extensively against contraception and debated against Margaret Sanger, the founder of the worldwide abortion movement. "It seems to me clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime." (Quoted in Krishna Kripalani's All Men Are Brothers: The Life and Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi.) SPUC
Incompetence Ruling in Killing of Abortion Protester
The man charged with killing an abortion protester in early September in Owosso, Mich., and another man the same day has been deemed incompetent to stand trial, prosecutors said. On Wednesday, the judge in the case ordered Harlan J. Drake, 33, committed to the custody of the Michigan Department of Mental Health to begin psychiatric treatment. If he is rendered competent, a preliminary examination would be set, the Shiawasee County prosecutor’s office said. It is unclear how long the treatment will last. NY Times
From Birth, Engage Your Child With Talk
All too often, the mothers and nannies I see are tuned in to their cellphones, BlackBerrys and iPods, not their young children. Randi Jacoby, a speech and language specialist in New York, recently told me in an e-mail message: “Parents have stopped having good communications with their young children, causing them to lose out on the eye contact, facial expression and overall feedback that is essential for early communication development. . . . Parents need to be reminded of the significance of their communicative model. . . . Reward your little one’s communicative attempts with your heightened attention to his/her conversation. Be prepared to put down your cellphone and look them squarely in the eye as they share their thoughts with you.” NY Times
Day of Silent Solidarity Grows as Teens Prepare to Oppose Abortion
Students from all 50 states and other countries are prepping to "speak up" for unborn children who can't speak for themselves. The sixth annual day Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity will take place on Tuesday, October 20, with Bryan Kemper, the head of sponsoring organization Stand True, saying that over 2,200 campuses in 21 countries have students registered to participate. LifeNews
Abortion Support Dropping 11 Percent
A new Pew Research Center poll shows support for legal abortions has dropped 11 percent from 2008-2009. The poll finds that four-in-ten Americans are unaware of Obama's position on abortion, although pro-life advocates are most well-informed -- which is a testimony to the work of pro-life organizations.
Breast Cancer Link with Abortion Featured in You Tube Videos
Two videos confronting the disinformation about the link between the skyrocketing incidence of breast cancer, and abortion and hormonal contraceptive use have been posted to You Tube. The first features a victim of breast cancer, who states that abortion and hormonal contraceptive use at a young age destroyed her health. The second reports findings in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showing that breast cancer rates climbed more than 40% between 1973 and 1998. The increase took place only in the youngest of three generations of women studied - the Roe v. Wade generation - which suffered a more than 40% increase in breast cancer cases since the mid-1980s. These were women young enough to have had access to legal abortions starting in 1973. The increase in breast cancer rates didn't take place among women from the two older generations that couldn't obtain legal abortions. LifeSiteNews
Tell the story of what you do
A Day in the Life of a Pregnancy Care Center sneaks a peek behind the scenes at a typical PCC. Download and freely distribute this newly published piece from Baptists for Life.
Teen Life Night
Providing teens with a super-charged life experience & music. On October 10, 2009, from 7-9 pm, prolife students from around the state of Michigan will come together in Lansing for a fun, educational event known as Teen Life Night. Take advantage of the event and pass this on to teens you know! Sponsored by Michigan Right to Life.
Summit 2010: July 22-23

Where have we been? Where are we going? How do we get there? Plan now to attend the 2010 Partners in Ministry PCC Leadership Summit, July 22-23 in Grand Rapids. Featured speakers: Dinah Monahan and Dr. Stan Haegert. Workshops will include: finding, training, caring for, and evaluating volunteers; the culture of your center; the PCC and the church; the PCC and legislation.
News from Washington
- Senate Panel Defeats Amendment to Protect Pro-Life Medical Workers on Abortion
- Senate Panel Rejects Amendment to Cut Abortion Funding From Baucus Health Care Bill
- 183 House Members Urge Pelosi to Allow Vote to Cut Abortion Funding
- Good news: Senate Finance Committee Reinstates $50 Million in Abstinence Education Funding
YouTube ad spotlights Yaz problems
The FDA says Yaz Birth Control may cause serious heart, blood clots and health problems. YouTube
Man Charged with Double Murder for Shooting Pregnant Girlfriend Who Refused Abortion
A Tennessee man is facing a double murder charge after his girlfriend and her unborn child were shot to death, in what police say was the conclusion to the couple's disagreement over getting an abortion. LifeSiteNews
A Review of Planned Parenthood Clinical Trials
Last year, American Life League revealed how Planned Parenthood has been getting involved in clinical trials as a way to increase its professional identity and as a way to increase its income. ALL has recently completed a review of the government database on clinical trials and found 33 of them that involved Planned Parenthood.
Care Net Releases First-Ever In-Depth Report On Pregnancy Center Movement
A Passion to Serve, A Vision for Life is available for order or free download. The report represents a year-long, combined effort by Care Net, Heartbeat International, NIFLA, Life International, and Family Research Council. It was featured at the Care Net National Pregnancy Center Conference in September and is a key component of Care Net’s current communication strategy to assist pregnancy centers in sharing their work with a broader audience of state legislators, media, public health officials, and others in key positions.
Get to Know: Inspire Life
Inspire Life has two key goals: to empower more abortion-vulnerable women to choose life, and to build a culture of life. The ultimate purpose is to change America’s culture for Christ. Care Net
Pregnancy Care Centers Must Lead
In more than 30 years of speaking to pregnancy help centers and other pro-life groups, I have yet to discover a single person in this work who is not involved for the most noble and selfless purposes. Pro-lifers are the most caring individuals I have ever known and are nothing like the stereotypes the “pro-choicers” use to portray them. The pregnancy centers are the key component in saving lives in an anti-life environment. Care Net
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