Critics blast U. of Iowa deal with abortion doctor - The University of Iowa allowed one of its doctors to violate the school's non-compete agreement so she could leave her job to work for Planned Parenthood as long as she continued to train students on abortion and other procedures, according to a legal agreement released to The Associated Press.
Anti-abortion groups are decrying the school's agreement with Dr. Jill Meadows, which was obtained by the AP through a public records request, saying it shows a close partnership between the state's flagship university and the nation's largest abortion provider.
Pro-Life Group Launches Ad, Tour to De-Fund Planned Parenthood
Pro-Life Group Launches Ad, Tour to De-Fund Planned Parenthood | The Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life women’s political group, today announced a television commercial and grassroots tour across the country to build up support for the movement to yank taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.
Maternal death rates after abortion
Abortion Is Unsafe, Abuse & Aftereffects: Unwanted abortions, escalating coercion and homicide are maiming or killing women before abortion. After abortion, maternal death rates reflect even further abuses and risks for women.
Planned Parenthood Spending 200K on Ads for Taxpayer-Funding
Planned Parenthood Spending 200K on Ads for Taxpayer-Funding | Planned Parenthood is rolling out a new television commercial designed to persuade members of the Senate to support the continuation of its taxpayer funding. The $200,000 ad buy includes commercial spots that will run on cable television, plus network TV and radio in the District of Columbia.
Important Announcement Wednesday Concerning Discovery of Abortion Abuses
Important Announcement Wednesday Concerning Discovery of Abortion Abuses :Operation Rescue: Operation Rescue recently conducted an audit of a dozen randomly selected abortion clinic in Texas. What we have discovered is disturbing.
At each and every abortion clinic that was the subject of our investigation, there were at least some violations of state and federal laws as well as health codes. In every case, laws were broken. Because of this, women’s health and privacy are routinely placed at risk.
“Our investigation focused on what the everyday woman would experience as a matter of routine at Texas abortion clinics,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The general disrespect for the health, safety, and privacy of women – as well as the general public – was more than evident.
On Wednesday, March 2, 2011, Troy Newman and other activists will conduct a press conference in Austin where details of this investigation will be discussed.
At each and every abortion clinic that was the subject of our investigation, there were at least some violations of state and federal laws as well as health codes. In every case, laws were broken. Because of this, women’s health and privacy are routinely placed at risk.
“Our investigation focused on what the everyday woman would experience as a matter of routine at Texas abortion clinics,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The general disrespect for the health, safety, and privacy of women – as well as the general public – was more than evident.
On Wednesday, March 2, 2011, Troy Newman and other activists will conduct a press conference in Austin where details of this investigation will be discussed.
Contraception not the solution
I want to turn back the clock -- to a time when we valued love and marriage and didn't expect, support and even encourage promiscuity. Beyond legislation, the spending fight over Planned Parenthood is a call to arms for a new sexual revolution. It's about wanting more for ourselves and for those whom we love. It's about ending the surrender to a contraceptive mentality that treats human sexuality as just another commercial transaction.
Perhaps nothing better illustrates that than a recent commercial for a contraceptive called Beyaz. Women walk into a store and literally shop for men. "It's good to have choices." A woman happily shakes her head at the stork and its offerings in a sassy "we girls can do anything" kind of way, promenading through an adult Barbie commercial complete with Ken, a dream house and a trip to Paris.
That commercial does not, needless to say, do justice to the pain and desperation many women suffer when they find themselves thinking about an abortion, or popping pills in pursuit of something that masks itself as satisfaction but is really just a bad substitute, oftentimes making true happiness all the more illusory. JWR
Abortion Practitioner Placed on Probation for Abusing Drugs
Abortion Practitioner Placed on Probation for Abusing Drugs | Gabrielle Goodrick had her license to practice medicine restricted in December 2010 due to abuse of prescription medication. Now, in a new Order for Probation with License Restriction, the Board issued findings of fact and conclusions of law restricting her use of intravenous and prescription medication and putting her on probation for five years. Goodrick, who formerly worked for Planned Parenthood, has her own private abortion business in Phoenix.
Planned Parenthood gambit: beat Phill Kline charges, defeat Live Action?
Planned Parenthood gambit: beat Phill Kline charges, defeat Live Action? | The stakes are high in the Phill Kline case: not only could Kline lose his law license if convicted of ethics violations, but it would serve to impeach the criminal case against Planned Parenthood. “If Phill loses, Planned Parenthood wins, and their corruption and expansion of their abortion empire will go largely unchallenged moving forward,” said Tom Brejcha of the Chicago-based Thomas More Society.
NYC Council to Target Pregnancy Centers
Council to Target Pregnancy Centers - The New York City Council plans to pass legislation next week requiring centers that cater to pregnant women to say whether they offer abortions even though a similar law was recently found to be unconstitutional.
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and the bill's primary sponsor, Council Member Jessica Lappin, said they are confident the New York bill will pass legal muster because it's significantly different than the law that was struck down.
But abortion opponents insist the city's bill still infringes on free speech rights. They warn it will draw New York into a costly court battle it can little afford while grappling with multimillion-dollar budget deficits.
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and the bill's primary sponsor, Council Member Jessica Lappin, said they are confident the New York bill will pass legal muster because it's significantly different than the law that was struck down.
But abortion opponents insist the city's bill still infringes on free speech rights. They warn it will draw New York into a costly court battle it can little afford while grappling with multimillion-dollar budget deficits.
MEANWHILE: NYC proves its anti-free speech bent by yanking a pro-life billboard in Soho. How much bigger could a sign be? And still they don't like it.
Interpretation is the key to correct view on humanity
A popular seminary professor believes Adam and Eve were animals before God breathed the breath of life into them. At that point, they experienced “amnesia of their former animal life” so that they would no longer remember their animal past. This ideology flies in the face of Christ’s example and highlights the importance of being able to properly interpret the Bible. In this postmodern age, bizarre interpretations are accepted because people believe they have the right to decide for themselves what a passage means. In other words, meaning is in the eye of the beholder, so you can decide truth for yourself. Answers in Genesis
Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorist Arrested
Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorist Arrested, Jailed By FBI For Threats Against Pro-lifers :Operation Rescue: The FBI arrested abortion supporter Theodore Shulman, 49, yesterday and charged him with communicating interstate threats against two pro-life activists. While the complaint against Shulman was filed under seal, Operation Rescue has been informed that the case involved two pro-life activists who are simply referred to as Victim 1 and Victim 2.
Operation Rescue is withholding the identities of the victims in order to protect their safety. In addition to the two victims listed in the Federal complaint, Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, as well as blogger Jill Stanek, have also been the brunt of Shulman’s threats.
Kansas House Okays Two Pro-Life Bills
Kansas House Okays Two Pro-Life Bills Limiting Abortions | The Kansas state House passed two important pro-life bills today, the Abortion Reporting Accuracy & Parental Rights Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
The House signed off on HB 2218, the fetal pain bill, on a 91-30 vote. The measure is landmark legislation, already law in Nebraska, banning abortion after 22 weeks gestation due to the unborn child’s pain capability.
The second bill, HB 2035, received a 96-25 vote and the measure strengthens parental involvement for pregnant minors, improves judicial bypass protocol, acknowledges that abortion will terminate the life of a separate, whole, unique living human being, and includes provisions preventing abortion fraud that were passed but vetoed three times in the past by Governors Sebelius and Parkinson.
The House signed off on HB 2218, the fetal pain bill, on a 91-30 vote. The measure is landmark legislation, already law in Nebraska, banning abortion after 22 weeks gestation due to the unborn child’s pain capability.
The second bill, HB 2035, received a 96-25 vote and the measure strengthens parental involvement for pregnant minors, improves judicial bypass protocol, acknowledges that abortion will terminate the life of a separate, whole, unique living human being, and includes provisions preventing abortion fraud that were passed but vetoed three times in the past by Governors Sebelius and Parkinson.
Planned Parenthood Falsely Uses Mammograms to Defend Tax-Funding
Planned Parenthood Falsely Uses Mammograms to Defend Tax-Funding | "On February 21, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards joined the talk show of pro-abortion activist Joy Behar and defended Planned Parenthood against the legislation seeking to de-fund it.
“If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning – you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer,” she said.
But pro-life blogger Jill Stanek did some checking and found out Planned Parenthood doesn’t do mammograms."
“If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning – you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer,” she said.
But pro-life blogger Jill Stanek did some checking and found out Planned Parenthood doesn’t do mammograms."
Editor: The latest PPFA report lists "breast exams" and "breast care," but whether that includes mammography is not indicated. Of course, that kind of equipment would be very expensive.
Code red: nationwide protest needed to protect HR 1
Code red: nationwide protest needed to protect beleaguered amendment gutting Planned Parenthood | As pro-abortion forces put immense pressure on federal lawmakers to restore Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding, the Expose Planned Parenthood Coalition is urging pro-lifers to start pushing back with a nationwide vigil Friday at noon in front of House and Senate members’ district offices.
Kansas Travesty
Kansas Travesty: 249 child-age abortions over 3 years, just four sex abuse reports: Kline Hearings | Evidence entered into the Phill Kline ethics trial Wednesday revealed that state agencies had received reports of 249 abortions on children under the age of 15 years old between 2001-2003, but that abortion providers, who are mandatory reporters, had sent in only four reports of child sexual abuse.
West Virginia Senate praises PCCs!
Senate Resolution 40 Text: "[T]he Senate hereby recognizes the many contributions of the thousands of volunteers and paid staff at pregnancy care centers in West Virginia and across the United States; and, be it
"Further Resolved, That the Senate extends its sincere appreciation to these committed volunteers and staff who unselfishly work to educate, assist and contribute to the many women, men, children, families and babies that are in their need across West Virginia and the entire United States; and, be it
"Further Resolved, That the Senate extends its sincere appreciation to these committed volunteers and staff who unselfishly work to educate, assist and contribute to the many women, men, children, families and babies that are in their need across West Virginia and the entire United States; and, be it
"Further Resolved, That the Senate strongly encourages the United States Congress and other federal and state governmental agencies to grant pregnancy care centers assistance for medical equipment and abstinence education in a manner that does not compromise the mission or religious integrity of these organizations; and, be it
"Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to each pregnancy care center in West Virginia, to the President of the United States, and to the President of the United States Senate and Speaker of the United House of Representatives."
CDC: Abortion report for 2007 finally out
CDC: Abortions Declined in 2007, Black Women Have Highest Rate | The report indicates 827,609 abortions were done in 2007, a decline of about 2 percent from the 852,385 abortions that took place in 2006. The 2007 total is the second lowest since 1998, with only the 2005 figure of 820,151 showing fewer abortions.
The abortion rate, the number of abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, dropped to 16.0 and is tied for the second lowest in the last decades. The abortion ratio, the number of abortions per 1,000 live births, dropped to 231 — which is the lowest figure since 1998, meaning 23.1 percent of pregnancies end in abortion.
The abortion rate, the number of abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, dropped to 16.0 and is tied for the second lowest in the last decades. The abortion ratio, the number of abortions per 1,000 live births, dropped to 231 — which is the lowest figure since 1998, meaning 23.1 percent of pregnancies end in abortion.
Outrageous! Pro-Life NYC Billboard Taken Down
Pro-Life NYC Billboard on Black Abortion Rate Taken Down | The outdoor advertising company that sold the space to the pro-life group for the billboard said on Thursday that it would remove the image because the employees at the Mexican restaurant located on the bottom floor of the several story building bearing the ad were facing harassment over its pro-life message.
“It’s down, or at least it should be coming down soon,” Peter Costanza, the general manager for Lamar Advertising, told the New York Times. “Why did I take it down? Yesterday, somebody came into the restaurant harassing the waiters and waitresses. I don’t want any violence to happen around the buildings there.”
Yet, a woman answering the phone at Lupe’s East L.A. Kitchen could not verify to the Times that any harassment had been taking place.
“It’s down, or at least it should be coming down soon,” Peter Costanza, the general manager for Lamar Advertising, told the New York Times. “Why did I take it down? Yesterday, somebody came into the restaurant harassing the waiters and waitresses. I don’t want any violence to happen around the buildings there.”
Yet, a woman answering the phone at Lupe’s East L.A. Kitchen could not verify to the Times that any harassment had been taking place.
Editor: Pro-choice violence?
Right to Life office to move next to Ft. Wayne abortion clinic
Press Advisory: ACRL office to move next to Ft. Wayne abortion center: The board of directors of Allen County Right to Life, a local affiliate of Indiana Right to Life, has announced that it has formally signed a lease for office space a few feet away from Fort Wayne's only surgical abortion clinic.
Allen County Right to Life Executive Director Cathie Humbarger cites an increase in pro-life advocacy activity as well as a growing number of pro-life volunteers as the reason for the move. 'Many of our pro-life activities, including the 40 Days for Life campaign, occur in the Inwood Drive vicinity, and this is the logical location for our operations.'
Allen County Right to Life Executive Director Cathie Humbarger cites an increase in pro-life advocacy activity as well as a growing number of pro-life volunteers as the reason for the move. 'Many of our pro-life activities, including the 40 Days for Life campaign, occur in the Inwood Drive vicinity, and this is the logical location for our operations.'
4 babies saved in 1 week at crisis pregnancy center
Beautiful success story: 4 babies saved in 1 week at crisis pregnancy center | The dedicated staff at the Toronto-based crisis pregnancy center, Aid to Women, experienced a successful week this week after three women going to the nearby abortion facility experienced a change of heart after conversing with Aid to Women staff. One woman, after discovering from the abortionist that she was pregnant with twins, left the abortion facility crying, telling Aid to Women workers, “I couldn’t do it.”
Virginia Senate Cracks Down on Abortion Clinics
Virginia Senate OKs Bill Cracking Down on Abortion Centers | After a long and passionate debate on the Senate floor, senators voted 20-20 and pro-life Lt. Governor Bill Bolling cast the tie-breaking vote to send the bill to Governor Bob McDonnell, who will sign the measure into law.
New Planned Parenthood Report: Record Abortions Done in 2009
New Planned Parenthood Report: Record Abortions Done in 2009 | Planned Parenthood Federation of America recently posted on its website what it calls its service numbers for 2009. This document, dated February 2011, shows Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide did 332,278 surgical abortions or abortions using the dangerous RU486 abortion during in 2009.
That’s 2.5 percent more abortions than the September 2010 report the abortion business released covering 2008 and showing it doing 324,008 abortions, which was a 6.1 percent increase over the 305,310 abortions it did in 2007. The 2007 figure was itself a 5.3 percent increase over the 289,750 abortions Planned Parenthood did in 2006.
With approximately 1.2 million abortions done annually in the United States via surgical abortions or the mifepristone abortion drug, Planned Parenthood has increased its share of the abortion industry to 27.6 percent of all abortions done annually.
That’s 2.5 percent more abortions than the September 2010 report the abortion business released covering 2008 and showing it doing 324,008 abortions, which was a 6.1 percent increase over the 305,310 abortions it did in 2007. The 2007 figure was itself a 5.3 percent increase over the 289,750 abortions Planned Parenthood did in 2006.
With approximately 1.2 million abortions done annually in the United States via surgical abortions or the mifepristone abortion drug, Planned Parenthood has increased its share of the abortion industry to 27.6 percent of all abortions done annually.
Facts about Abstinence Education
Facts about Abstinence Education | The Heritage Foundation: Despite the overwhelming popularity of [abstinence] education, some groups seek to divert funds away from [it] and into 'safe sex' programs. These efforts to redirect funds are usually deceptively labeled as support for ' plus' or 'comprehensive sex ed' programs. The following facts are important to understanding any debate about the future of [abstinence] education.
Licenses of Gosnell Abortion Biz Colleagues May be Yanked
Licenses of Gosnell Abortion Biz Colleagues May be Yanked | In a press statement released today, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden said he has asked the Board of Medical Licensing and Discipline to suspend the licenses Dr. Albert Dworkin and Dr. Arturo Apolinario, who both worked with Gosnell at Atlantic Women's Medical Services in Wilmington and Dover. His office said the Dworkin and Apolinario should have reported the problems associated with Gosnell to state officials in both Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Life Always billboard in NYC causes outrage

Planned Parenthood condemned the billboard, saying, “These billboards are offensive and disturbing. The creators are using divisive messaging around race to restrict access to medical care,” according to the NBC station.
And Public Advocate Bill De Blasio demanded the billboard be taken down, saying, “This billboard simply doesn’t belong in our city. The ad violates the values of New Yorkers and is grossly offensive to women and communities of color.” LifeNews
South Dakota House OKs Bill For CPC Visit Before Abortion
South Dakota House OKs Bill For CPC Visit Before Abortion | The South Dakota state House on Tuesday approved a bill to require women to visit a crisis pregnancy center before going to an abortion business if they are considering having an abortion. The idea behind the bill — which goes further than legislation in other states — is to get women tangible pregnancy help and support that they won’t normally find at an abortion center.
Rep. Roger Hunt, a Republican who sponsored the bill, said he’s been contacted by many women who made it clear they did not get adequate information or counseling about abortion before getting their abortion at the Planned Parenthood in Sioux Falls, the state’s only abortion center. Women have told him of how they have been pressured into getting abortions but that the Planned Parenthood abortion center does nothing to help them resist it — just selling them an abortion.
Rep. Roger Hunt, a Republican who sponsored the bill, said he’s been contacted by many women who made it clear they did not get adequate information or counseling about abortion before getting their abortion at the Planned Parenthood in Sioux Falls, the state’s only abortion center. Women have told him of how they have been pressured into getting abortions but that the Planned Parenthood abortion center does nothing to help them resist it — just selling them an abortion.
Late-Term Abortion Biz in Seattle Evicted After Missing Rent
Late-Term Abortion Biz in Seattle Evicted After Missing Rent | Jonathan Bloedow of the blog Abortion in Washington obtained court records related to the eviction of Cedar River Clinics, which advertises abortions up to 26 weeks into pregnancy, and had rented office space since 2003 on Interurban Avenue. The records pertain to a lawsuit the owner of the corporate office suite filed against the abortion business. “On or about August 7, 2010, a three-day notice to pay $16,633.21 or vacate was served upon defendant,” reads the lawsuit. “As of this date, defendant has failed to cure said default or vacate the Premises.”
Pro-Kline report concealed for months
Pro-Kline report concealed for months | The state's disciplinary board for lawyers concealed for 20 months an internal investigative report concluding no probable cause existed to justify ethics complaints against former Attorney General Phill Kline tied to his criminal inquiries into abortion clinics.
Kline, in an exclusive interview with The Topeka Capital-Journal, said the document would have been valuable during his unsuccessful August 2008 election campaign for Johnson County district attorney and would have contributed over ensuing years to countering claims he overstepped ethical boundaries as a prosecutor.
Kline, in an exclusive interview with The Topeka Capital-Journal, said the document would have been valuable during his unsuccessful August 2008 election campaign for Johnson County district attorney and would have contributed over ensuing years to countering claims he overstepped ethical boundaries as a prosecutor.
Planned Parenthood, Tiller failed to report 164 cases of child statutory rape
Breaking: Planned Parenthood, Tiller failed to report 164 cases of child statutory rape - Jill Stanek: In an ethics trial that is seeking to determine in part whether Kline acted too aggressively to enforce Kansas child rape laws in his capacity as Attorney General or Johnson Co. District Attorney, Kline just revealed to the court under oath that he found 166 instances during a specific time period when girls 14 years old and younger got abortions at clinics owned either by late-term abortionist George Tiller or Planned Parenthood of Overland Park.
But during that same time period, Kline testified, Planned Parenthood reported only one case of child rape, and Tiller reported only one case of child rape. This means there were 164 instances when girls 14 years old and younger had abortions at one of those abortion clinics, and the clinics failed to report the abortions to authorities.
But during that same time period, Kline testified, Planned Parenthood reported only one case of child rape, and Tiller reported only one case of child rape. This means there were 164 instances when girls 14 years old and younger had abortions at one of those abortion clinics, and the clinics failed to report the abortions to authorities.
Delaware Abortion Regulations Pushed After Gosnell Horror
Delaware Abortion Regulations Pushed After Gosnell Horror | Americans United for Life Action has announced support for an effort by Delaware legislators to introduce a “Women’s Health Protection Act” that would “enact abortion clinic regulations to protect women from an abortion industry that prioritizes profits and radical ideology over women’s health and safety.” The groundbreaking legislation will be announced at a special news conference today.
HHS Decision to Overturn Protections for Pro-Life Docs Could Hurt Pregnancy Centers
HHS Decision to Overturn Protections for Pro-Life Docs Could Hurt Pregnancy Centers, Care Net Says - Christian Newswire: Melinda Delahoyde said that her network of 1,130 pregnancy center affiliates could feel the damaging blow of the Administration's action. 'Pregnancy centers empower women facing unplanned pregnancy to choose abortion alternatives,' Delahoyde said. 'To accomplish this, we offer critical, free medical services, such as limited obstetrical ultrasounds and STD testing. Because of our commitment to providing alternatives to abortion, we rely on the availability of pro-life medical professionals -- nurses, physicians, sonographers and others. If the rights of these individuals are violated, then they will simply leave the field of practice or not enter it altogether. With more than 580 pregnancy centers in the Care Net network that offer medical services, we're simply not willing to take that risk.'
Virginia House Revives Bill Targeting Abortion Clinics
Virginia House Revives Bill Targeting Abortion Center Problems | The Virginia state House has revived legislation the state Senate killed that would target the problems at abortion clinics and put more regulations in place that would hold them to higher health and safety limits.
Del. Kathy Byron, a Republican, on Monday put forward an amendment to SB 924, a Senate bill on health and safety regulations for hospitals. The amendment essentially attached the pro-life bill the Virginia state Senate Education and Health Committee killed earlier this month to the legislation.
Because of the change to the Senate bill, it now goes back to the state Senate for a concurrence vote — but pro-life advocates have a better chance of getting the measure approved because the full Senate votes on the bill rather than just the members of the committee known for killing pro-life legislation.
Del. Kathy Byron, a Republican, on Monday put forward an amendment to SB 924, a Senate bill on health and safety regulations for hospitals. The amendment essentially attached the pro-life bill the Virginia state Senate Education and Health Committee killed earlier this month to the legislation.
Because of the change to the Senate bill, it now goes back to the state Senate for a concurrence vote — but pro-life advocates have a better chance of getting the measure approved because the full Senate votes on the bill rather than just the members of the committee known for killing pro-life legislation.
Part 4: How the politics of abortion protects bad clinics
Unsafe abortion clinics exposed in Florida: What health inspectors and reporters found. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine: Rather than help clean up, pro-choice leaders stonewalled. First they complained that the state Department of Professional Regulation was plotting to tighten licensing rules for abortions in doctors' offices. Then they claimed that by failing to crack down on doctors' offices as well as clinics, HRS proved it wasn't really concerned about health. Meanwhile, they cited HRS's regulatory failure as evidence that further regulations wouldn't help. 'If they can't enforce the laws that exist,' asked a state senator, 'why do they need stronger laws?'
Sensing defeat, Gov. Martinez gave up on his original regulatory plan. Instead, on the advice of HRS, he proposed milder sanitation, staffing, and equipment rules drawn from the National Abortion Federation standards—with which half of Florida's abortion clinics already complied—and from standards already imposed on birthing centers. Still, pro-choicers wouldn't budge.
Sensing defeat, Gov. Martinez gave up on his original regulatory plan. Instead, on the advice of HRS, he proposed milder sanitation, staffing, and equipment rules drawn from the National Abortion Federation standards—with which half of Florida's abortion clinics already complied—and from standards already imposed on birthing centers. Still, pro-choicers wouldn't budge.
Part 3: How the politics of abortion protects bad clinics
[The Miami Herald's] Sontag reported pro-choice leaders refused legislative remedies, insisting that current regulations sufficed. But Sontag pointed out that the sole regulatory hurdle, a license, required only a $35 fee and an inspection. She then discredited the inspection system with a single illustration:
When Ellen Williams died after an abortion at the Dadeland Family Planning Clinic, Dade Medical Examiner Joe Davis requested a special investigation. Investigators checked everything they could by law: The clinic indeed had copies of its doctors' licenses; patient records were kept; fetal remains were adequately disposed of. In other words, the clinic passed. . . .In Florida, such arguments about the futility of regulation had been made before, but in a different context: gun control. . . . Liberals dismissed these arguments in the context of gun control but parroted them when the debate shifted to abortion. And some abortion rights advocates went further. Recognizing parallels between the right to privacy and the right to bear arms, they explicitly sought to emulate the National Rifle Association. . . . "There are 70 million gun owners. But there are twice as many womb owners." . . . Surgical equipment didn't kill women; bad doctors killed women. No law aimed at clinics, their equipment, or their records would fix that. Slate
Part 2: How the politics of abortion protects bad clinics
Saletan writes of having "seen a story like the one in Philadelphia before." It happened two decades ago in Florida. The political stakes were higher, and none of the doctors involved was as bad as Gosnell. But much of what's documented in the Philadelphia report—unsanitary conditions, sloppy anesthesia, unlicensed practitioners, busted emergency equipment, lax record-keeping, and a patient's death—was found in the Florida clinics, too. And when legislators tried to step in, abortion rights advocates stopped them. . . .
The Florida Abortion Council, known as FLAC, included 18 of Florida's 48 providers. Thirteen of its members, along with seven other Florida clinics, belonged to NAF, the national clinic alliance. Both groups followed rigorous safety standards. NAF devoted three meetings each year to discussing medical precautions and innovations. FLAC held its own meetings on quality control. It was the only such statewide organization in the country, and its leaders were duly proud. Its members were mission clinics, and virtually all of Florida's independent feminist providers belonged to it.
Twenty-three clinics in Florida belonged neither to NAF nor to FLAC. Some had failed to meet the requisite standards. Others hadn't bothered to apply. . . . In south Florida, conscientious providers privately blacklisted the bad clinics and avoided referring women to them. Many referred patients only to NAF or FLAC members. But making this private rating system public seemed unthinkable. As little as the good providers trusted the bad ones, they trusted the government less. Nothing would make them break their silence. Not even a woman's death. Slate
The Florida Abortion Council, known as FLAC, included 18 of Florida's 48 providers. Thirteen of its members, along with seven other Florida clinics, belonged to NAF, the national clinic alliance. Both groups followed rigorous safety standards. NAF devoted three meetings each year to discussing medical precautions and innovations. FLAC held its own meetings on quality control. It was the only such statewide organization in the country, and its leaders were duly proud. Its members were mission clinics, and virtually all of Florida's independent feminist providers belonged to it.
Twenty-three clinics in Florida belonged neither to NAF nor to FLAC. Some had failed to meet the requisite standards. Others hadn't bothered to apply. . . . In south Florida, conscientious providers privately blacklisted the bad clinics and avoided referring women to them. Many referred patients only to NAF or FLAC members. But making this private rating system public seemed unthinkable. As little as the good providers trusted the bad ones, they trusted the government less. Nothing would make them break their silence. Not even a woman's death. Slate
Part 1: How the politics of abortion protects bad clinics
Kermit Gosnell and abortion clinic regulation: Did pro-choice politics protect him? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine: At the root of the state's lax oversight, pro-choice legal scholars see a failure to recognize abortion as health care. 'By and large, our policymakers have never viewed abortion as a medical procedure—instead placing it under the Pennsylvania Criminal Code—and therefore haven't nurtured a system of abortion care that is woman-focused,' write Carol Tracy and Susan Frietsche of the Philadelphia-based Women's Law Project. 'The commonwealth's focus has been on denying access, not protecting the health and safety of women who need this medical care.' The Department of Health's legal analysis illustrates this mentality. The department assumes—wrongly, in the grand jury's view—that since abortion clinics are regulated under their own subsection of Pennsylvania law, they're immune to dozens of pages of rules that apply to ambulatory surgical facilities.
Black History Month: NYC billboard fights abortion in minority neighborhoods
That's Abortion: A billboard that reads, 'The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb,' has been placed in the heart of SoHo by Life Always™ as a part of a new national campaign to expose the truth about how Planned Parenthood targets minority neighborhoods as they perform over 300,000 abortions a year. This particular billboard is about half a mile from a Planned Parenthood abortion facility.
Remembering Bernard Nathanson
NRLC Mourns the Death of Dr. Bernard Nathanson: Dr. Nathanson was probably one of the individuals most responsible for Roe v. Wade and, once he realized his error, he dedicated the rest of his life to reversing it.
Real Cases: California Planned Parenthood Concealed Rape of 11-Year-Old Girl
Real Cases: California Planned Parenthood Concealed Rape of 11-Year-Old Girl: At Live Action we have investigated Planned Parenthood’s failure to report child sexual abuse to law enforcement and have caught them on camera failing to properly report over 14 times. Some have asked, are there real cases of this happening as well? The answer is yes. This post highlights the first of many real cases that we will be highlighting on the coming days.
Exacting Revenge in Kansas: A Matter of Injustice
Exacting Revenge in Kansas: A Matter of Injustice - By Kathryn Jean Lopez - The Corner - National Review Online: Before there was a House vote to potentially begin to end funding of Planned Parenthood, as there was Friday; before there was a 22-year-old girl named Lila Rose leading private investigations exposing Planned Parenthood as a safe haven for pimps of underage girls; before there was a Philadelphia prosecutor exposing a “house of horrors” too long protected by abortion politics, there was Phill Kline, a law-enforcement official doing his job.Today Kline remains the only prosecutor in the United States to have brought charges against Planned Parenthood. And for this, Planned Parenthood and its allies are determined to see him pay.
. . . . What a relief to Kansans that a man who no longer holds elective office nor lives in the state is being persecuted for trying to hold taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood accountable for allegedly refusing to report statutory rape (a practice we have now seen is not foreign to Planned Parenthood and its mission).
Former Planned Parenthood director: complicity with sex trafficking happens ‘all the time’
The shocking scenes of complicity with illicit sex trafficking at Planned Parenthood clinics captured by undercover investigators and published this month are a common occurrence thanks to the abortion giant’s “idea of tolerance” of various sexual lifestyles, a former Planned Parenthood director told Fox’s Bill O’Reilly this past weekend.
“It happens all the time, it happened at my clinic,” said Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas. “You let it happen?” O’Reilly challenged, to which Johnson replied, “Absolutely. I let it happen.” She suggested that Planned Parenthood workers may not even realize what they are doing because of their employer’s philosophy of sexual “tolerance.”
“Planned Parenthood has created this idea of tolerance,” she explained. “They want to tolerate all these lifestyles, and all these different walks of life for their clients; they forget to protect their clients. They forget to protect these minors that are being abused by pimps and being abused by older men. They forget to protect these women that they’re there to help.” LifeSiteNews
10 simple things you can implement now to strengthen your board
Center for Nonprofit Management: March 2010: How do you keep board members engaged and motivated? Here's a list of some simple things you can do to energize your organization’s board meetings.
10 daring fundraising challenges for 2011
10 daring fundraising challenges for 2011 : FundRaising Success: Feeling brave? Here are 10 fundraising challenges for the new year.
BREAKING: Bernard Nathanson dies at 84
BREAKING: Former abortionist, top pro-life advocate Bernard Nathanson dies at 84 | Bernard Nathanson, the former abortionist turned top pro-life activist who is perhaps best known for his role in creating the pro-life video The Silent Scream, died at the age of 84 this morning after a lengthy battle with cancer. Nathanson’s high-profile conversion to the pro-life movement was sparked by the advent of the ultrasound machine in the early 1970s.
Medical group slammed for ‘biased’ abortion guidance
Medical group slammed for ‘biased’ abortion guidance | News | The Christian Institute: A major medical group has been accused of ‘perpetuating the myth’ that abortion has few physical or psychological consequences for women. The criticism of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists comes as it conducts a review of its abortion guidance.
Dr Peter Saunders, chief executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship, has questioned the transparency of the review and warned that those charged with revising the controversial document are “almost exclusively ‘pro-choice.’” The guidance, recommends that women seeking an abortion should be told that most women who have an abortion do not experience adverse psychological effects.
Dr Peter Saunders, chief executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship, has questioned the transparency of the review and warned that those charged with revising the controversial document are “almost exclusively ‘pro-choice.’” The guidance, recommends that women seeking an abortion should be told that most women who have an abortion do not experience adverse psychological effects.
Researchers Identify Protein Essential For Embryo Implantation
Researchers Identify Protein Essential For Embryo Implantation: Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health have identified a key step in the establishment of a pregnancy. Their discovery shows how the hormone progesterone suppresses the growth of the uterus’s lining so that a fertilized egg can implant in the uterus. This key step, the researchers discovered, occurs when a protein called Hand2 suppresses the chemical activity that stimulates growth of the uterine lining, also known as the uterine epithelium.
At the start of each menstrual cycle, levels of the hormone estrogen begin to rise. Estrogen stimulates the cells in the uterine lining to increase in number, causing the epithelium to thicken. However, as the ovary releases an egg, levels of the hormone progesterone begin to rise. The elevated progesterone levels put the brakes on the estrogen-driven growth of the uterine epithelium. In this study, the researchers discovered that Hand2, previously found to increase in uterine cells as progesterone levels rise, is the switch that turns off estrogen’s stimulating effect on the epithelium.
At the start of each menstrual cycle, levels of the hormone estrogen begin to rise. Estrogen stimulates the cells in the uterine lining to increase in number, causing the epithelium to thicken. However, as the ovary releases an egg, levels of the hormone progesterone begin to rise. The elevated progesterone levels put the brakes on the estrogen-driven growth of the uterine epithelium. In this study, the researchers discovered that Hand2, previously found to increase in uterine cells as progesterone levels rise, is the switch that turns off estrogen’s stimulating effect on the epithelium.
Tabloid: Why You Should Wait
Reach your teenage audience with the message of abstinence with our brand new 12-page full-color tabloid! The information is factual and CDC documented and includes a wide range of abstinence topics for both young men and young women. Heritage House '76
A Deadly Domino Effect
A Deadly Domino Effect - Kathryn Jean Lopez - National Review Online: Abby Johnson talks with National Review Online’s Kathryn Jean Lopez about her journey from Planned Parenthood to pro-life activism.
Dr. Sherwin Raymond: Pioneer abortionist
Dr. Sherwin Raymond Obituary: View Sherwin Raymond's Obituary by The Record and Herald News: Dr. Sherwin Raymond of Ridgefield is remembered as a staunch defender of "a woman's right to an abortion." In the 1960s, he pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit abortion. The charge stemmed from his involvement in an illegal abortion ring operating in Hudson and Union counties. He served just under three years at Rahway State Prison.
ABC News Was OK With Videos Attacking PCCs
ABC News Was OK With Videos Attacking Pregnancy Centers | Given the reactions of the left to both the Acorn and Planned Parenthood stings you might be surprised to learn about a nearly identical sting, at least in terms of tactics, against crisis pregnancy centers that ABC did in 1991.
Apparently, back then, the left had zero problems with undercover video investigations which end up as edited and excerpted pieces trying to prove a political point. They were also perfectly fine with showing just how much contempt they had for the “bad guys” they recorded.
In fact, Chris Wallace’s entire ABC report is drenched in condemnation and outrage. What exactly did these crisis pregnancy centers do that was so worthy of ABC’s attacks? Well, the overarching criticism is that they don’t want women to have abortions for various different reasons that ABC didn’t agree with.
Apparently, back then, the left had zero problems with undercover video investigations which end up as edited and excerpted pieces trying to prove a political point. They were also perfectly fine with showing just how much contempt they had for the “bad guys” they recorded.
In fact, Chris Wallace’s entire ABC report is drenched in condemnation and outrage. What exactly did these crisis pregnancy centers do that was so worthy of ABC’s attacks? Well, the overarching criticism is that they don’t want women to have abortions for various different reasons that ABC didn’t agree with.
House Rep. defends abortion with ‘pregnancy-termination’ story: ‘I lost a baby’
Tim Schlittner, Rep. Jackie Speier's spokesman, told CNN today that the congresswoman did not consider the event the referenced on the House floor to have been an 'abortion,' but indicated that the pregnancy did not end spontaneously. "She did not consider it an abortion, it was a miscarriage," Schlittner said. "The fetus moved to where it could not survive, so they had to end the pregnancy."
"Chris Smith of New Jersey was talking about a procedure that's known as D and E, and that is the procedure that the congresswoman had," he noted. CNN reporter Kevin Litipak concluded that, "contrary to some news reports, Speiers did not have an abortion."
However, a Huffington Post article by Elise Foley late Friday afternoon reported that, "Speier underwent an abortion in her early 40s, while she was serving in the California State Assembly. The procedure used to terminate the pregnancy was the same type that Smith's book described."
"This was a wanted pregnancy, it was the second miscarriage I had had," Speier told HuffPost. "What they express doesn't come close to the experience that a woman goes through when she is losing a baby or when a pregnancy is terminated. It's a painful, gut-wrenching loss."
The headline on the article, originally entitled "Jackie Speier on sharing her emergency-abortion story: 'It just overwhelmed me,'" later changed to "pregnancy-termination story," omitting the abortion reference. LifeSiteNews
"Chris Smith of New Jersey was talking about a procedure that's known as D and E, and that is the procedure that the congresswoman had," he noted. CNN reporter Kevin Litipak concluded that, "contrary to some news reports, Speiers did not have an abortion."
However, a Huffington Post article by Elise Foley late Friday afternoon reported that, "Speier underwent an abortion in her early 40s, while she was serving in the California State Assembly. The procedure used to terminate the pregnancy was the same type that Smith's book described."
"This was a wanted pregnancy, it was the second miscarriage I had had," Speier told HuffPost. "What they express doesn't come close to the experience that a woman goes through when she is losing a baby or when a pregnancy is terminated. It's a painful, gut-wrenching loss."
The headline on the article, originally entitled "Jackie Speier on sharing her emergency-abortion story: 'It just overwhelmed me,'" later changed to "pregnancy-termination story," omitting the abortion reference. LifeSiteNews
In her own words: "Abortion" Fuels Intolerant Thinking
Obama White House rolls back Bush-era conscience laws for health providers
Obama White House rolls back Bush-era conscience laws for health providers | The Health and Human Services Department under Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, issued the new “final rule,” which leaves health-care workers of federally funded entities a narrower conscience exemption that only protects them from having to participate in abortions or sterilizations. The new regulation replaces the earlier one enacted in the waning days of the George W. Bush administration, which broadened the interpretation of existing federal conscience statutes related to abortion to include health professionals opposed to emergency contraception, such as Ella or Plan-B, drugs which pro-life advocates say also act as abortifacients.
Obama distances himself from Planned Parenthood
Obama distances himself from Planned Parenthood - Jill Stanek: When asked about PP last week, Obama tried to minimize the sex trafficking sting as “manufactured” and only getting attention on the “blogosphere,” both claims of which are patently false. His own Dept. of Justice is now involved, after all, and the videos were repeatedly cited in GOP House testimony last week about an amendment to defund PP – which passed. But Obama did nothing to reassure PP beyond that. In fact, he only distanced himself from the sex trafficking sanctuary.
Stunning admissions by long-time pro-abortion leader
In a Washington Post guest editorial, Frances Kissling, former director of Catholics for Choice, admitted pro-abortion tactics aren't working and recommended changes. She also credited the pro-life movement with using "increasingly sophisticated arguments." Don't miss what she had to say:
The fetus is more visible than ever before, and the abortion-rights movement needs to accept its existence and its value. It may not have a right to life, and its value may not be equal to that of the pregnant woman, but ending the life of a fetus is not a morally insignificant event. Very few people would argue that there is no difference between the decision to abort at 6 weeks and the decision to do so when the fetus would be viable outside of the womb, which today is generally at 24 to 26 weeks. Still, it is rare for mainstream movement leaders to say that publicly. Abortion is not merely a medical matter, and there is an unintended coarseness to claiming that it is.
We need to firmly and clearly reject post-viability abortions except in extreme cases. Exceptions include when the woman's life is at immediate risk; when the fetus suffers from conditions that are incompatible with a good quality of life; or when the woman's health is seriously threatened by a medical or psychological condition that continued pregnancy will exacerbate. We should regulate post-viability abortion to include the confirmation of those conditions by medical or psychiatric specialists.
Those kinds of regulations are not anti-woman or unduly invasive. They rightly protect all of our interests in women's health and fetal life.
Washington State Senate SB 5274 Pulled!
Washington State Senate SB 5274 Pulled!: The Washington State Senate Committee has removed SB 5274 from Monday’s executive session agenda. The committee did not have enough votes to pass the bill out of committee. Therefore the bill is now dead in the Senate.
SB 5274, also known as The Limited Service Pregnancy Accountability Act, was designed to place strict restrictions and requirements on pregnancy help centers in Washington State. As a result many pregnancy help centers would be forced to close their doors.
SB 5274, also known as The Limited Service Pregnancy Accountability Act, was designed to place strict restrictions and requirements on pregnancy help centers in Washington State. As a result many pregnancy help centers would be forced to close their doors.
Ireland announces decision on morning-after pill
Ireland announces decision on morning-after pill | News | The Christian Institute: Girls of any age can buy the morning-after pill without a prescription from pharmacies in Ireland, following a controversial decision. Pharmacies will have discretion to sell the NorLevo brand of the morning-after pill to females of any age following a declaration by the Irish Medicines Board. The morning-after pill can cause an early stage abortion and the new move in Ireland is likely to alarm many.
Another Abortionist Bites the Dust
Another Abortionist Bites the Dust - Christian Newswire: Small Victories Ministries is pleased to announce the demise of another abortionist and butcher of babies and women. It appears former felon and abortionist Allen Palmer Jr. is closing his last known cutlery practice, Women's Care Gynecology, located in Bridgeton, Missouri. In speaking with his office manager she confirmed they are no longer doing abortions and closing their doors at the end of the month.
Mr. Palmer has been the subject of many lawsuits of medical malpractice, gross negligence and medical battery just to name a few at the Hope Clinic for Women, in Granite City, Illinois. It stands as the Midwest largest late-term abortion provider where just this past summer, Allen Palmer Jr. was terminated due to the surmounting lawsuits filed against him and Hope Clinic. It appears the final straw that broke this abortionist trail of destruction was the tsunami of lawsuits recently filed against Allen Palmer and several other hospital employees at an St. Louis area hospital where Allen Palmer Jr. has medical privileges.
Mr. Palmer has been the subject of many lawsuits of medical malpractice, gross negligence and medical battery just to name a few at the Hope Clinic for Women, in Granite City, Illinois. It stands as the Midwest largest late-term abortion provider where just this past summer, Allen Palmer Jr. was terminated due to the surmounting lawsuits filed against him and Hope Clinic. It appears the final straw that broke this abortionist trail of destruction was the tsunami of lawsuits recently filed against Allen Palmer and several other hospital employees at an St. Louis area hospital where Allen Palmer Jr. has medical privileges.
While others try to protect women, Planned Parenthood runs with scissors
While others try to protect women, Planned Parenthood runs with scissors | The accusation that Republicans want women to go back to the day of coat hanger abortions is dated vile rhetoric at its worst. It has been the pro-life side, regardless of party, that has repeatedly stood up for the woman when it comes to her safety in relation to abortion.
Peruvians overwhelmingly reject abortion, gay ‘marriage’ in new poll
Peruvians overwhelmingly reject abortion, gay ‘marriage’ in new poll | Despite the aspirations of major presidential candidates to legalize abortion and homosexual ‘marriage’ in Peru, the vast majority of Peruvians say they are opposed to both ideas, according to a new poll. More than three quarters of Peruvians, 76.3%, said they were opposed to the legalization of abortion, and only 17.4% said they support it. Another 6.3% said that they either didn’t know or had no opinion.
U.S. House votes FRIDAY MORNING on Pence Amendment to defund Planned Parenthood! Please call now!
Federal Legislation - Legislative Action Center: On the morning of Friday, February 18, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on an amendment that has been offered by Congressman Mike Pence (R-In.), which would deny all federal funds, through September 30, for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., and 102 PPFA affiliates, which are named in the text of the amendment. The House debated the amendment, but did not vote, on February 17.
Add stunning prenatal imagery to your website . . . and earn revenue!
Become an EHD Affiliate: Is your organization involved in pregnancy-related education? Are you looking for prenatal imagery that will help your visitors appreciate the wonder of early human development? Would your organization benefit from additional revenue? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please read on.
The Endowment for Human Development (EHD), a 501(c)(3) [nonprofit] corporation dedicated to improving health science education and public health, is pleased to invite owners of websites involved in pregnancy-related education to join our new (and free) affiliate program.
The Endowment for Human Development (EHD), a 501(c)(3) [nonprofit] corporation dedicated to improving health science education and public health, is pleased to invite owners of websites involved in pregnancy-related education to join our new (and free) affiliate program.
Editor: I just signed BFL up and embedded a video on our website in 5 minutes!
Case Against Planned Parenthood Moves Ahead
Case With 107 Charges Against Planned Parenthood Moves Ahead | After two years of delay, the case with 107 charges against Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri has finally moved forward. The charges, initially filed by former state attorney general Phill Kline, allege the abortion business potentially engaged in illegal abortions and violated state record-keeping laws.
Why am I not so excited about "the Bieb"?
Okay, so teen pop idol star Justin Bieber makes some statements in Rolling Stone that hint he's on our side, but I'm not falling all over myself to promote him as a role model as everyone else in the pro-life movement seems to be doing. (Are they doing it as a sort of tit-for-tat to the news 'House' actress Lisa Edelstein made a pro-choice ad?) Why can't I get on the band-wagon? Well, read what he actually said:
What makes me expect more is that I just read yesterday that Bieber claims to be a Christian. Let's hope someone takes him aside to school him on these matters so the next time Rolling Stone or E! come calling, he'll be ready with a better answer.
"'I don't think you should have sex with anyone unless you love them,' Bieber says. When asked if he believes in abstinence until marriage, Bieber – who is reportedly dating fellow teen star Selena Gomez – seems wary: 'I think you should just wait for the person you' love with.'"Uh, that's not abstinence. That's pretty much what everyone says who doesn't practice abstinence.
"He does have a solid opinion on abortion. 'I really don't believe in abortion,' Bieber says. 'It's like killing a baby?' How about in cases of rape? 'Um. Well, I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don't know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven't been in that position, so I wouldn't be able to judge that.'"Okay, I will grant you that most 14-year-olds (let alone fully grown politicians) don't have a ready answer for that one. I can be grateful his heart's in the right place, but he's no Lia Mills.
What makes me expect more is that I just read yesterday that Bieber claims to be a Christian. Let's hope someone takes him aside to school him on these matters so the next time Rolling Stone or E! come calling, he'll be ready with a better answer.
Mobile PCC: On the road for life
Imagimotive wrote to tell us about a recent project: converting a bus into a mobile crisis pregnancy center. "We have a heart for life and will keep cost down if you know of anyone/group that would like something similar."
Totally cool. Every center should be so nice. More pics here.
Top New York Pro-Abortion Activist Fired After Financial Misconduct
Top New York Pro-Abortion Activist Fired After Financial Misconduct | Kelli Conlin, president of NARAL New York, resigned last month after a forensics audit the pro-abortion group conducted uncovered financial problems dating back to 208, or even earlier. She had held the post for two decades and a source close to the situation says she was fired.
The accounting firm Marks Paneth & Shron conducted the audit and found numerous questionable charges on NARAL credit cards Conlin used between 2008 and 2010. The audit also found questionable transactions in which Conlin transferred large sums of money between NARAL accounts to cover bonuses for her staff and herself. The New York chapter of NARAL has a $4.5 million budget and Conlin was paid $309,000 in 2009, which includes a $90,000 bonus.
The accounting firm Marks Paneth & Shron conducted the audit and found numerous questionable charges on NARAL credit cards Conlin used between 2008 and 2010. The audit also found questionable transactions in which Conlin transferred large sums of money between NARAL accounts to cover bonuses for her staff and herself. The New York chapter of NARAL has a $4.5 million budget and Conlin was paid $309,000 in 2009, which includes a $90,000 bonus.
Ex-Planned Parenthood Director Joins Live Action
Ex-Planned Parenthood Director Joins Live Action: Today Live Action announced the addition of Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director and employee of eight years, to the Live Action team as Chief Research Strategist. “Abby Johnson has seen the abuses inside Planned Parenthood with her own eyes and confirms the danger its clinics pose to women and young girls,” stated Live Action President Lila Rose.
CDC: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010: "A reliable way to avoid transmission of STDs is to abstain from oral, vaginal, and anal sex or to be in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner. For persons who are being treated for an STD (or whose partners are undergoing treatment), counseling that encourages abstinence from sexual intercourse until completion of the entire course of medication is crucial."
Pro-life group places bus ads in NYC
New ads pushing Mayor Bloomberg to address a Health Department report that says 41% of viable city pregnancies end in abortion are hitting city buses today.
NY Daily News
NY Daily News
Historic Medical Students for Life Tour Beginning Today
Historic Medical Students for Life Tour Beginning Today « Students for Life: The Medical Students for Life Bioethics Symposium and Tour begins today with stops at the University of Virginia School of Medicine (12-1pm) and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (7pm). All are welcome to attend the events.
Dominique Monlezun, National Coordinator for Medical Students for Life, will be speaking with Dr. John Bruchalski, a former abortion provider, founder of the pro-life Tepeyac Family Center in Virginia, and one of the nation’s foremost medical experts on pro-life health care.
Dominique Monlezun, National Coordinator for Medical Students for Life, will be speaking with Dr. John Bruchalski, a former abortion provider, founder of the pro-life Tepeyac Family Center in Virginia, and one of the nation’s foremost medical experts on pro-life health care.
‘Worst attack - ever’: Planned Parenthood reeling from attacks on all fronts
‘Worst attack - ever’: Planned Parenthood reeling from attacks on all fronts | In a desperate attempt to rally pro-abortion forces to head-off proposed defunding and allegations of illegal activity at Planned Parenthood, CEO Cecile Richards sent out an email on February 14 with the subject line “the worst attack – ever.” Richards said that the “anti-choice House leadership is forcing a vote on the most dangerous legislative assault on women’s health in Planned parenthood’s 95-year history. They want to shut down every Planned Parenthood health center in America.”
Will God Praise Us?
Will God Praise Us? - Answers in Genesis: Which would you rather have: fallible and fickle human beings praising you or the infallible, all-powerful, all-knowing God praising you?
PCC sponsors Sexual Integrity Conference
The San Bernardino PRC is "really excited about the Sexual Integrity Confernece we are doing at Judson Baptist Church this weekend. Our goal is to schedule one of these each quarter in community churches, schools or organizations."
I asked for more information, and this is what they told me: "We use Heartbeat Sexual Integrity material. Plan the conferences to begin on Friday night and then most of the day Sat. We have four main speakers on the four pillars on which the Heartbeat curriculum is built. Then break into small groups after each main session. Serve snacks both days and lunch on Sat. The hosting organization takes care of the logistics/food. We bring our team in and do the whole things. For girls 11-18. Don't like having that broad an age range together, but it seems to work and it's the only way we can make the most of our time."
Huge drop in Zimbabwe HIV rate fuelled by rise in abstinence, fidelity
Huge drop in Zimbabwe HIV rate fuelled by rise in abstinence, fidelity: UNAIDS-funded study | Despite the proliferation of massive condom campaigns in the fight against HIV/AIDS, another study has shown that the most effective strategy is to promote marital fidelity and sexual responsibility.
The new study from Zimbabwe, where HIV prevalence has dropped 50% since peaking in the late-1990s, found that the success was driven primarily by changes in sexual behavior, particularly a drop in casual, commercial, and extramarital sex.
The researchers found that the change in behaviour was motivated by fear of the infection, stemming from the country’s high rate of AIDS mortality. They say it was amplified by economic decline because men had less money to pay for sex or to maintain multiple sexual relationships.
The new study from Zimbabwe, where HIV prevalence has dropped 50% since peaking in the late-1990s, found that the success was driven primarily by changes in sexual behavior, particularly a drop in casual, commercial, and extramarital sex.
The researchers found that the change in behaviour was motivated by fear of the infection, stemming from the country’s high rate of AIDS mortality. They say it was amplified by economic decline because men had less money to pay for sex or to maintain multiple sexual relationships.
Planned Parenthood Advises Man With STD to Donate Blood
Planned Parenthood staff in Roanoke, Virginia told the Live Action undercover agent who said he thinks he might have an STD to attempt to donate blood because he can get free testing. David Schmidt, the research director for Live Action, responded to the comments this way in a blog post on Monday.
“Today I called a couple blood donation centers and asked them if was good advice for people who think they might have STDs to donate blood. They said that it was very bad advice and that if people think they have an STD or other condition that they should address that condition before attempting to donate blood,” he said. ” I was also told that if one attempts to donate blood and is found to be ineligible through testing, they will only tell you that you are ineligible. They will not tell you the details of your positive result so that blood donation centers don’t get abused as disease testing centers.”
“It appears that they have had to put in policy to prevent the very thing that Planned Parenthood is encouraging. This direction from Planned Parenthood staff is making it harder for blood donation centers to collect good blood and save lives,’ Schmidt added. LifeNews
Endangered: Our Future in Peril
Welcome to Human Life Alliance: This latest publication from HLA details the staggering impact of abortion across the globe as well as the foundational reasons it is becoming so widespread. Endangered reaches out to men and women considering abortion and educates them on the humanity of the preborn child and the consequences of abortion for women and men. It also goes more in depth to examine forced abortion, maternal mortality, feminism, and the funders and providers of abortion. This publication is designed to be used around the world.
'Woman, thou art loosed!'
"On April 20, 2005, as I read Luke 13:11-13, 'Woman, thou art loosed!' The Lord Jesus spoke peace to my heart about my abortion after almost 30 years of carrying the grief. As I read those words, it was as if Jesus spoke them directly to me and, I knew He not only could, but He desired to forgive me of this terrible sin. Like that woman, I could not pick myself up, but He both could and did. I experienced that same inner joy that I had felt so many years before when He saved me." Sherry, Anchor Missionary Baptist Church, Anchorage, Alaska
Gov Announces Major Changes After Gosnell Abortion Horrors
Gov Announces Major Changes After Gosnell Abortion Horrors | PA Gov. Tom Corbett immediately ordered his nominees for Secretary of Health, Dr. Eli Avila, and Secretary of State, Carole Aichele, to review the charges and problems and recommend changes to the existing system of monitoring abortion centers to ensure they don’t happen again elsewhere. Corbett also held people responsible, — including seven members of the staff of the Department of Health, as well as the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs, a branch of the Department of State, who are no longer employed. Another four employees named in the grand jury report have resigned.
Get to Know: Abortion Blackout
Abortion Blackout | End abortion by 2020: Over 3,000 people have pledged to wear black on Fridays to mourn the lives lost to abortion. They've also pledged to donate $1 a week in support of 50 PCCs across the country.
Most Women Obtaining Abortions Report Their Partners Know of and Support Their Decision
Most Women Obtaining Abortions Report Their Partners Know of and Support Their Decision: The overwhelming majority of women obtaining abortions in the United States (82%) report that the men by whom they got pregnant knew about the abortion, and nearly eight in 10 perceived these men to be supportive. A new analysis of data from the Guttmacher Institute’s 2008 survey of women obtaining abortions suggests that most women are able to rely on their partners for support, which previous research has shown improves women’s postabortion well-being.
One Abortionist Quits While Lawsuit Convinces Second Abortionist To Move
One Abortionist Quits While Lawsuit Convinces Second Abortionist To Move :Operation Rescue: Greg Linhardt has dropped plans to open an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas. Abortionist Mila Means has agreed to abandon her plans to begin abortions at her current office.
ACTION ALERT: US House to vote this week on defunding PP and other pro-life issues
Federal Legislation - Legislative Action Center: On February 15, 16, and 17, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on multiple abortion-related amendments to a bill (H.R. 1) that will fund all federal programs through September 30, 2011. Of particular importance is an amendment to be offered by Congressman Mike Pence (R-In.), which would deny all federal funds, through September 30, for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., and 102 PPFA affiliates, which are named in the text of the amendment. CALL NOW! And pass it on!
National Day Of Mourning
National Day Of Mourning - American Life League: The Nation's Largest Grassroots Catholic Pro-Life Organization: On February 28, in response to the continued epidemic of abortion in the black community and the recent revelations of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnells house of abortion horrors, a National Day of Mourning has been called into being. Across the country, Americans are invited to mourn the loss of over 55 million babies killed (disproportionately over 16 million of which are black babies) by the Supremely wrong constitutional decision of legalized abortion. We will gather to mourn the loss of life and the wounding of women by the violent act of 'choice.'
Planned Parenthood event cancelled by venue
Planned Parenthood officials in Florida believe pressure from anti-abortion activists led to the sudden cancellation of a fundraiser Friday night, but cited no specific intimidation attempts. Oak Harbor officials informed them Thursday their event would not be hosted at its clubhouse.
Friday's cocktail party would have offered a buffet, dancing and a live auction featuring an 18-karat gold cocktail ring with 31 full-cut diamonds and various works of art, Planned Parenthood said. Tickets for the "Cocktails with a Twist" fund raiser were $100, according to the organization's web site. TC Palm
Friday's cocktail party would have offered a buffet, dancing and a live auction featuring an 18-karat gold cocktail ring with 31 full-cut diamonds and various works of art, Planned Parenthood said. Tickets for the "Cocktails with a Twist" fund raiser were $100, according to the organization's web site. TC Palm
One Abortionist Quits While Lawsuit Convinces Second Abortionist To Move
One Abortionist Quits While Lawsuit Convinces Second Abortionist To Move :Operation Rescue: Greg Linhardt has dropped plans to open an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas. Abortionist Mila Means has agreed to abandon her plans to begin abortions at her current office.
Planned Parenthood held rape victim hostage and attempted to coerce late-term abortion
Planned Parenthood held rape victim hostage and attempted to coerc late-term abortion: police report | A Police Investigation Report reveals that staff at a Kennewick, WA Planned Parenthood abortion facility held a pregnant teen and victim of statutory rape hostage and attempted to coerce her into a late-term abortion.
The September 2008 report, recently obtained by pro-life blogger ‘Abortion in Washington,’ documents the police investigation of the case of a 14-year-old un-named teen at the hands of Planned Parenthood staff worker Andrea Smasne. The girl, 22 weeks pregnant, was held by Smasne at the abortion mill against the express wishes of her father and even police directives.
The September 2008 report, recently obtained by pro-life blogger ‘Abortion in Washington,’ documents the police investigation of the case of a 14-year-old un-named teen at the hands of Planned Parenthood staff worker Andrea Smasne. The girl, 22 weeks pregnant, was held by Smasne at the abortion mill against the express wishes of her father and even police directives.
How's the Planned Parenthood boycott doing?
Life Decisions International: To date, at least 274 corporations have ceased funding Planned Parenthood!, which has cost the abortion-committing Goliath more than $40 million!
Editor: It's a long, hard way to fight them, but effective.
New Obama Budget Funds Sex Ed Over Abstinence on 16-1 Margin
New Obama Budget Funds Sex Ed Over Abstinence on 16-1 Margin | The new $3.73 trillion FY 2012 budget President Barack Obama proposed today may ratchet up the deficit, but it continues to drive down the amount of spending on abstinence education compared to spending on comprehensive sex education promoting condoms and birth control. The National Abstinence Education Association says the ratio of sex ed spending to abstinence spending remains over 16 to 1.
The reality of late-term abortion
Life Issues Institute - Connector February 2011: Most abortionists who specialize in doing abortions in the second- or third-trimester go quietly about their killing business without any media fanfare.
In the United States, there are at least 10 late-term abortionists doing abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy who have gotten a fair amount of media attention. Some of them are facing financial, licensing or criminal issues, and most are notorious, unabashed by the headlines they make. But they are just a fraction of the people who kill viable babies for a living.
The Guttmacher Institute indicates that 20% of abortionists will do abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. This means that in 2005, over 350 late-term abortionists killed pre-born babies beyond the 5th month of pregnancy.
Tiananmen Dissident Turned Software Entrepreneur Urges End to Forced Abortions in China
Ling Chai, the former Chinese dissident leader during the Tiananmen massacre, has found a new calling. She now works to to end China's One-Child Policy. "The brutal and violent enforcement of the one-child policy is the largest crime against humanity," Chai told a crowded room of about 100 people. "It is the inhumane secret slaughter against mothers and babies; it is a Tiananmen massacre taking place every hour."
Chai went into hiding after the protests in Hong Kong and fled for the United States in 1990. She was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In November 2009, however, Ling's activism was transformed when she learned about the effects of China's One-Child Policy. Chai said she was helping serve as an interpreter at a congressional hearing about the policy, when she heard graphic testimony of a Chinese woman dragged to an abortion clinic by local officials.
Chai said she experienced a "spiritual transformation" from that moment. She said she became a Christian in December 2009 and that helped her understand hope amid evil. She launched a nonprofit advocating against the One-Child Policy, All Girls Allowed, in June 2010. The World Health Organization reported over 500 female suicides per day in China in 2008, the only country in the world in which more women take their lives than men. ABC News
Chai went into hiding after the protests in Hong Kong and fled for the United States in 1990. She was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In November 2009, however, Ling's activism was transformed when she learned about the effects of China's One-Child Policy. Chai said she was helping serve as an interpreter at a congressional hearing about the policy, when she heard graphic testimony of a Chinese woman dragged to an abortion clinic by local officials.
Chai said she experienced a "spiritual transformation" from that moment. She said she became a Christian in December 2009 and that helped her understand hope amid evil. She launched a nonprofit advocating against the One-Child Policy, All Girls Allowed, in June 2010. The World Health Organization reported over 500 female suicides per day in China in 2008, the only country in the world in which more women take their lives than men. ABC News
The 'Unbortion': Chicago Hospital Persuades Women to Halt Abortions
The 'Unbortion': Chicago Hospital Persuades Women to Halt Abortions - TIME Healthland: This article ends asking whether it's ethical to try to get a woman to reconsider her abortion decision.
Emergency Transport from St. Louis Planned Parenthood; Another Case for Defunding
Emergency Transport from Planned Parenthood Makes Another Case for Defunding :Operation Rescue: Emergency responders removed a patient from a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St. Louis, Missouri, on Saturday morning and rushed her to the emergency room at Barnes-Jewish-Christian Hospital.
A witness, pro-life sidewalk counselor Marty Bennet, took over a dozen photos of the dramatic incident as the woman was wheeled out the clinic and into an awaiting ambulance. Photos showed that the woman’s head was covered and that there was no IV bag or any other sign of ongoing emergency care. There was no evidence that any Planned Parenthood staff member accompanied her to the hospital.
Bennet left a note offering assistance on the vehicle that accompanied the ambulance to the hospital. Later, the husband of the botched abortion victim contacted him to thank him for his concerns. He indicated that his wife is in stable condition.
A witness, pro-life sidewalk counselor Marty Bennet, took over a dozen photos of the dramatic incident as the woman was wheeled out the clinic and into an awaiting ambulance. Photos showed that the woman’s head was covered and that there was no IV bag or any other sign of ongoing emergency care. There was no evidence that any Planned Parenthood staff member accompanied her to the hospital.
Bennet left a note offering assistance on the vehicle that accompanied the ambulance to the hospital. Later, the husband of the botched abortion victim contacted him to thank him for his concerns. He indicated that his wife is in stable condition.
Early medical abortions: Bid to change law fails
BBC News - Early medical abortions: Bid to change law fails: A legal bid to allow women having an early medical abortion to take some of their pills at home has been rejected by the UK High Court. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service had challenged the law, arguing women should choose where they complete their treatment.
Women currently have to make two visits and are given pills each time. The Department of Health opposed the change, which would have covered England, Scotland and Wales. Early medical abortions involve taking two sets of pills. These are taken 24 to 48 hours apart in order to induce a miscarriage.
Women currently have to make two visits and are given pills each time. The Department of Health opposed the change, which would have covered England, Scotland and Wales. Early medical abortions involve taking two sets of pills. These are taken 24 to 48 hours apart in order to induce a miscarriage.
Mother-baby Bond: The Biology Of Love – Health Centers - Child Health - Mother-baby Bond The Biology Of Love - Nurturing Development: A baby’s nutritional environment actually begins before conception, because the health and nutrition of the mother-to-be can have repercussions for her baby. Dietary deficiencies in a pregnant woman can affect the growth and development of her fetus. In general, though, a woman’s body shows a remarkable capacity to compensate the fetus with any nutrients in short supply in the expectant mother’s diet.
This compensation can come, however, at the expense of the mother’s stores of these nutrients in her own body. A pregnant woman should make every effort, then, to eat a well-balanced, healthy diet throughout her pregnancy, both for her sake as well as the baby’s. The same goes after the baby is born.
'One More Girl' unveils truth behind HPV vaccine travesty
'One More Girl' unveils truth behind HPV vaccine travesty: This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines - giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out - share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer.
Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughter's to get the vaccine - and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter's illness, leaving no viewer untouched. Interviews with mothers whose daughters lost their lives after receiving the vaccine bring tears to your eyes - raising the question of how the marketing of a medical experiment got by the world's health regulatory agencies.
Pro-life coalition sponsors ‘vigil for victims’ in front of every Planned Parenthood nationwide
Pro-life coalition sponsors ‘vigil for victims’ in front of every Planned Parenthood nationwide | A coalition of many of the country’s most prominent pro-life organizations is sponsoring a “vigil for victims of underage sex trafficking” today. The event seeks to put a pro-life presence in front of every single Planned Parenthood facility across the country. The vigils will take place from noon to 1 p.m. in each U.S. time zone.
Valentine's Day reflection on love
Colleen Tronson, director of Metro Women's Center in Crystal, MN writes:
As we approach Valentine's Day with all its talk of love, we have to ask ourselves, "Do we really love our clients?" I would say for the most part, humanly, we do. But do we love them enough to tell them the truth about their sin in relation to sexual activity outside of marriage, about the sin of abortion, about their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
As I am writing this, I am asking myself, "What about my own sinfulness apart from God's grace in my life?" OUCH! As we confront our own need of grace from the Lord when we fail, I pray that we will extend that grace to our clients. While we need to have confrontation, it needs to be done with great love and care. We ask God for boldness in witnessing--not boldness to bang someone over the head with the biggest Bible we can find--but surgical boldness, to get to the heart of the matter using God's Word (Hebrews 4:12)
I heard someone once say, "There is great wisdom in knowing when to use a flyswatter and when to use a cannon." I have been grateful that the Lord hasn't given up on me and that people have been patient and longsuffering-more than I deserve at times! Many of our clients have been rejected by Christians because of their past choices, and it has made them leery of exposing their hearts for fear of rejection. This keeps them from the help they desperately need. I pray that as we go forward, we will be approachable, grace-filled, welcoming representatives of God's love for our clients.
Foes seek to de-fund, discredit Planned Parenthood
Foes seek to de-fund, discredit Planned Parenthood - 'We've been here for the past 95 years, and we'll be here for the next 95,' said Planned Parenthood's president, Cecile Richards.
Pregnancy Center Bill Makes it Out of Committee, and Threatens Abortion Blowup On House Floor
House Bill 1366 (Washington state) would for the first time impose regulations on the storefront operations that abortion opponents have established to counsel pregnant women about their options. Another big blowup over abortion appears destined for the House floor after a committee Thursday passed a bill that would impose stiff rules on crisis pregnancy centers. The next stop for the House bill this year is the Rules Committee, where House Democratic leaders get to decide whether the issue advances to the House floor – and whether they want to reopen that can of worms. The House panel adopted a few modest amendments that clarified and toned down some of the rules.
If women’s groups or other critics believe that a pregnancy center is violating the rules, they would be allowed to sue. The ironic thing about it is that 16 years ago the two sides argued precisely the opposite positions – women’s groups were battling parental notification and “informed consent” laws, and they told lawmakers to butt out.
There’s no question that the crisis pregnancy centers are proving a major influence in the never-ending political debate. They have sprung up in every medium-to-large city of the state, and in 2009 they served 62,000 young women. The House bill is one of two measures in the state Legislature this year that would regulate their conduct. The other, Senate Bill 5274, got a hearing last week that drew hundreds of onlookers and proved the best-attended meeting so far of this year’s legislative session. The Senate bill awaits action in the Senate Health and Long-Term Care Committee. WA State Wire
There’s no question that the crisis pregnancy centers are proving a major influence in the never-ending political debate. They have sprung up in every medium-to-large city of the state, and in 2009 they served 62,000 young women. The House bill is one of two measures in the state Legislature this year that would regulate their conduct. The other, Senate Bill 5274, got a hearing last week that drew hundreds of onlookers and proved the best-attended meeting so far of this year’s legislative session. The Senate bill awaits action in the Senate Health and Long-Term Care Committee. WA State Wire
Your Basic All-Purpose Garment
Your Basic All-Purpose Garment: Your basic all purpose garment is not a black cotton tee. It’s love.
Before Jesus, we wore ill-fitted, dirty clothes. After meeting Jesus, we’ve been dressed in a new wardrobe.
Before Jesus, we wore ill-fitted, dirty clothes. After meeting Jesus, we’ve been dressed in a new wardrobe.
Solomon on social media
Blogger Tim Challies offers some wise and much needed guidelines for all of us who post online. EPM, page 4
Philly abortion doctor finds lawyer
Philly abortion doctor finds lawyer in murder case | Gosnell has secured a prominent Philadelphia criminal lawyer, Jack McMahon, days after a judge denied him a public defender after learning he and his wife own at least six properties between them, including a beach house near Atlantic City, N.J. 'It's totally not fair for him to be tried, convicted by everybody in this city, the paper, the radio, the TV, when he hasn't had a single hearing on this,' McMahon said after the hearing.
Editor: Boo hoo.
DC Planned Parenthood Staffer Counsels Sex-Trafficker How Underage Girls Can Get Abortions And Testing, No Questions Asked
DC Planned Parenthood Staffer Counsels Sex-Trafficker How Underage Girls Can Get Abortions And Testing, No Questions Asked: New undercover audio released today by Live Action reveals yet another Planned Parenthood clinic, this time in Washington, D.C., more than willing to aid and abet a self-identified sex trafficker exploiting underage girls, including girls from other countries. A woman posing as a prostitute and “manager” of young girls for “sex work” meets with a staffer at Planned Parenthood’s Egypt Center on Minnesota Avenue, NE, in Washington, D.C. The Planned Parenthood staffer counsels the sex trafficker on how to get the girls tested, the best way for them to get an abortion and how to work the system if they don’t have health insurance.
Marie Stopes advocates anal sex for teens
Marie Stopes advocates anal sex for teens in explicit ‘safe sex’ music video | Anal sex is strongly linked to many dangerous and deadly diseases, including HPV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Herpes. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have outlined the grave risks of anal sex, especially the potential of contracting HPV. A sexually explicit music video sponsored by abortion giant Marie Stopes International is promoting anal sex as a contraceptive option for teens.
Return of the Back Alley
Return of the Back Alley - Rich Lowry - National Review Online: Legal abortion was supposed to end “back-alley abortions,” both their dangers and their entanglements with shady characters. But the practice and the mores of the back alley are with us still, tolerated by people for whom the ready provision of abortion trumps all else.
More on big-government back-alley abortions, from Mark Steyn: The back alley is back, and supersized: The above New Jersey clinic [earlier under investigation] performs 10,000 abortions a year. When the pro-choice rally ends and Cameron Diaz, Ashley Judd and other celebrities d'un certain age return to Hollywood, and the upper-middle-class women with the one designer baby go back to their suburbs, a woman's "right to choose" means that, day in, day out, the blessings of this "right" fall disproportionately on all the identity groups the upscale liberals profess to care about - poor women, black women, Hispanic women, undocumented women, and other denizens of Big Government's back alley. A government back alley, licensed and supposedly regulated, is worse than the old kind, because it implies the approval of the state, and of society.
More on big-government back-alley abortions, from Mark Steyn: The back alley is back, and supersized: The above New Jersey clinic [earlier under investigation] performs 10,000 abortions a year. When the pro-choice rally ends and Cameron Diaz, Ashley Judd and other celebrities d'un certain age return to Hollywood, and the upper-middle-class women with the one designer baby go back to their suburbs, a woman's "right to choose" means that, day in, day out, the blessings of this "right" fall disproportionately on all the identity groups the upscale liberals profess to care about - poor women, black women, Hispanic women, undocumented women, and other denizens of Big Government's back alley. A government back alley, licensed and supposedly regulated, is worse than the old kind, because it implies the approval of the state, and of society.
Plan B Over-the-Counter Application is Filed, But CRR Says FDA has Enough Evidence
Plan B Over-the-Counter Application is Filed, But CRR Says FDA has Enough Evidence | Center for Reproductive Rights: Teva, the manufacturer of the emergency contraceptive Plan B, announced that they filed an over-the-counter application for Plan B One-Step with the Food and Drug Administration this week. The application requests that the agency make the emergency contraceptive available without a prescription for women of all ages.
Real worship
What Is Worship Not? - Answers in Genesis: The Bible commands us, “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). We are told to “continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (Hebrews 13:15–16, ESV).
Hospital offers help for women who want to halt abortions
Hospital offers help for women who want to halt abortions - Chicago Tribune: Working with two anti-abortion groups, Resurrection Medical Center, the largest hospital of one of Chicago's largest Catholic health care systems, has put in place a practice that when a woman arrives in the emergency room with an activist seeking to stop a second-trimester abortion, she should be treated immediately. Since October, four women have arrived at the hospital seeking to halt their abortions, and three of them had their abortions stopped.
Most U.S. teens want to be virgins when they marry
Most U.S. teens want to be virgins when they marry | A poll conducted with youth aged 13-18 in late 2010 found a majority of young people in the US - 61 percent - would like to be virgins when they get married. Additionally, 63 percent said that, presuming they had lost their virginity, they would change the past if possible and regain it.
The survey was conducted from August through October 2010 by Drs. Rene Paulson and Jacquelyn Pennings under the auspices of the Christian youth research and outreach organization OneHope as part of their Spiritual State of the World’s Children study. 5,108 teens between the ages of 13 and 18 in the United States were recruited to take the online survey through a panelist company and through social networking websites.
A press release from OneHope announcing the release of the study today said the results of the survey were “surprising” given the high teen exposure to sexually explicit media content.
The survey was conducted from August through October 2010 by Drs. Rene Paulson and Jacquelyn Pennings under the auspices of the Christian youth research and outreach organization OneHope as part of their Spiritual State of the World’s Children study. 5,108 teens between the ages of 13 and 18 in the United States were recruited to take the online survey through a panelist company and through social networking websites.
A press release from OneHope announcing the release of the study today said the results of the survey were “surprising” given the high teen exposure to sexually explicit media content.
Trial of Gosnell Moving Ahead
Grisly Abortion Practitioner Gosnell’s Trial Moving Ahead | A judge ruled on Wednesday that the case against a grisly abortion practitioner, Pennsylvania-based Kermit Gosnell, can move forward. He could have been charged with the deaths of hundreds of babies in this gruesome live-birth abortion method, but prosecutors focused on the seven cases they believed would be most likely to result in a conviction.
Today’s ruling also allowed the cases prosecutors filed against nine of Gosnell’s staff, including his wife and sister-in-law, to move forward. They face charges ranging from murder in association with the deaths of the woman from the abortion and the babies to obstruction of justice and other counts associated with covering up the alleged crimes.
Today’s ruling also allowed the cases prosecutors filed against nine of Gosnell’s staff, including his wife and sister-in-law, to move forward. They face charges ranging from murder in association with the deaths of the woman from the abortion and the babies to obstruction of justice and other counts associated with covering up the alleged crimes.
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Chinese blogger brings stolen children home
A Chinesee academic has harnessed the power of the country's huge, frenetically innovative blogosphere in a stand against child-trafficking. The crime has become a national scourge in which as many as 60,000 children a year are abducted from the streets and sold. Child-trafficking in China overwhelmingly involves minors from the larger cities being stolen from their parents and sold for between 20,000 and 70,000 yuan ($2995-$10,475) to families in rural provinces.
In the 15 days since Yu Jianrong established his Twitter-style account, the microblog -- entitled Take a Picture to Rescue Begging Children -- has exploded in popularity and commands a network that reaches into local government and media In just a few days of operation, the blog is thought to have saved half a dozen children from misery, reuniting them with their parents after years of separation. The professor has nearly 110,000 readers following the updates and, more critically, a 1000-strong and rapidly swelling national photo archive of possible child-trafficking victims. Users can upload pictures of children who may have been abducted. The pictures have been recirculated to some of the best-read microblogs in China, where their potential audience has morphed into the tens of millions. The Australian
In the 15 days since Yu Jianrong established his Twitter-style account, the microblog -- entitled Take a Picture to Rescue Begging Children -- has exploded in popularity and commands a network that reaches into local government and media In just a few days of operation, the blog is thought to have saved half a dozen children from misery, reuniting them with their parents after years of separation. The professor has nearly 110,000 readers following the updates and, more critically, a 1000-strong and rapidly swelling national photo archive of possible child-trafficking victims. Users can upload pictures of children who may have been abducted. The pictures have been recirculated to some of the best-read microblogs in China, where their potential audience has morphed into the tens of millions. The Australian
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