Young Female Leaders Speaking Out About Girl Scouts of America and Planned Parenthood

FRC Blog » Young Female Leaders Speaking Out About Girl Scouts of America and Planned Parenthood: Two former girl scouts, Tess and Sydney Volanski, are using some of the very skills acquired in scouting formation (Discover, Connect and take Action) to educate their friends and girls around the country about the relationship between PPFA and GSA; to “speak the truth about the girl scouts” via their new blog.


  1. Attention Catholic MOMS!

    Consider American Heritage Girls for your daughter. I am a Coordinator of a Catholic troop and we do lots of service projects supporting the pro-life centers. For families with 2 or more daughters, it's great because the girls go to the same meeting together. Badges are age appropriate and challenging and references to God are accepted and encouraged. Are you a Girl Scout leader and have a group of girls? Well, that's called an AHG unit. Go today to!

  2. Thanks for providing an alternative. Is it only for Catholics?

  3. @ Michele, American Heritage Girls is for girls of all faiths!
