Planned Parenthood's missing millions

It's time to defund Planned Parenthood. Someone needs to explain to all those people why $2.3 billion in tax dollars have been doled out to an organization that admits to systematically having killed more than 1.8 million pre-born babies between 2002 and 2008 and then reports it only spent $657.1 million in federal dollars.

Has Planned Parenthood managed to tuck away megamillions of our tax dollars, seemingly unnoticed? Or is that much of its government funding coming from sources other than the federal government? Or is there a problem with the way Planned Parenthood is reporting its expenditure of our federal monies?

In just two weeks, Planned Parenthood will complete its 2009-10 fiscal year. Yet it still has not released its annual report for its 2008-09 fiscal year. In light of the discrepancy revealed in this GAO report, we must ask: What is Planned Parenthood trying to keep secret?

It's time for Planned Parenthood to come clean - if such a thing is possible.

GAO reports for prior years show that from 1997 through 2001, PPFA expenditures of federal money accounted for an average of 72 percent of its government income.

Yet this new report shows PPFA expenditures of federal money making up an average of just 32 percent of its government income from 2002 through 2008.

Planned Parenthood's abortion business has increased year after year in lock step with its increasing government funding, as evidenced by the included chart. Washington Times

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