Why won't they listen? - Audio Download - Answers Bookstore: Wonder why people don’t listen any more when you present the gospel? Using clear illustrations and irresistible logic, Ken Ham shows that the answer is to begin at the beginning … in Genesis! FREE download for a few more days.
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New graphic STD brochures from Heritage House
Heritage House is excited to offer a new set of graphic STD brochures designed to provide a powerful tool in reaching the younger generations. Each brochure is written in clear and easy to understand English with short bulleted (and documented) text. The edgy design combines with the graphic images to create an instant draw to the information.
‘Blood streamed across his body'
‘Blood streamed across his body’: Leaked report details chilling stories of China one-child policy | LifeSiteNews.com: A chilling account of the savage beating of a woman in China is pulled from a groundbreaking new report released last week by Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. The report recounts in excruciating detail thirteen new, documented cases of the brutal coercion that women and their families routinely experience under the country’s one-child policy.
Family planning officials forced the family of Lixiang Luo and her husband, Muyuan Zou, to smash their house after they were suspected of having a second child.
The report was leaked out of China by a source who requested anonymity for fear of the reprisals that other critics of the one-child policy have been subjected to. It was unveiled at a U.S. Congressional Hearing on the one-child policy, held September 22."
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Family planning officials forced the family of Lixiang Luo and her husband, Muyuan Zou, to smash their house after they were suspected of having a second child.
The report was leaked out of China by a source who requested anonymity for fear of the reprisals that other critics of the one-child policy have been subjected to. It was unveiled at a U.S. Congressional Hearing on the one-child policy, held September 22."
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Women who use abortion drug feel more pain, emotional distress
Women who use abortion drug feel more pain, emotional distress: study | LifeSiteNews.com: Teresa Kelly and colleagues at Newcastle University followed 122 women who had either a surgical abortion or used the mifepristone pill in the second trimester of pregnancy and published their findings in the obstetrics journal BJOG.
They found all of the women in the surgical abortion group would decide to have a surgical abortion again.
The women who used the abortion drug reported more pain and more vaginal bleeding and, two weeks after the abortion, they were much more likely to report “intrusive” psychological symptoms ranging from unwanted thoughts to nightmares of killing their unborn child.
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They found all of the women in the surgical abortion group would decide to have a surgical abortion again.
The women who used the abortion drug reported more pain and more vaginal bleeding and, two weeks after the abortion, they were much more likely to report “intrusive” psychological symptoms ranging from unwanted thoughts to nightmares of killing their unborn child.
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Abortions Stop Again in Columbia, MO
Abortions Stop Again in Columbia, MO – For Now :Operation Rescue: Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri has announced that abortions have stopped at its Columbia clinic because the abortionist has been deployed overseas.
Abortions at the Columbia mill have been offered sporadically over the past couple of years due to difficulty in finding an abortionist willing and qualified to work there. In Missouri, an abortionist must have hospital privileges within 30 miles of the abortion clinic where he or she works.
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Abortions at the Columbia mill have been offered sporadically over the past couple of years due to difficulty in finding an abortionist willing and qualified to work there. In Missouri, an abortionist must have hospital privileges within 30 miles of the abortion clinic where he or she works.
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US House launches investigation into Planned Parenthood
The U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce has launched an investigation into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates to determine whether the organization is violating regulations on taxpayer funding or failing to report criminal activity.
The committee gave Planned Parenthood two weeks to provide documents pertaining to its billing practices, use of federal funds, and procedures regarding detecting and reporting criminal conduct including sex abuse and sex trafficking. CNA
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The committee gave Planned Parenthood two weeks to provide documents pertaining to its billing practices, use of federal funds, and procedures regarding detecting and reporting criminal conduct including sex abuse and sex trafficking. CNA
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The stigma of the abortionist
The stigma of the abortionist | LifeSiteNews.com: A pro-choice blogger admits, "Separation is a hallmark of any stigmatized practice, and the fact that 93% of abortions are now performed at specialized clinics is no accident….While specialized abortion clinics are often able to cultivate a more positive environment for women in need of services, their complete separation from all other health-care facilities only perpetuates the idea that abortion is not a “normal” part of women’s reproductive health care."
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Dad of 18-year-old who died after RU-486 abortion tackles abortion drug misinformation
Dad of 18-year-old who died after RU-486 abortion tackles abortion drug misinformation | LifeSiteNews.com: Monty Patterson, whose daughter Holly died in 2003, said that it is critical that a patient be fully informed of the procedures, administration, and risks involved with the chemical abortion. He created the website: Abortion Pill Risks.
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Pelosi: Defunding Planned Parenthood a ‘horror’
Pelosi: Defunding Planned Parenthood a ‘horror’ | LifeSiteNews.com: When asked by CNS News last week what she would do if Republicans renewed an effort to prohibit federal taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood as part of a Continuing Resolution, Nancy Pelosi refused to speculate. “I think it’s a waste of your time and my time to speculate on the horrors that they could come up with–because we know they are endless and we could be here a long time.”
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French abortionist worries doctors increasingly reluctant to do abortions
French abortionist complains that doctors are increasingly refusing to do abortions | LifeSiteNews.com: French doctors . . . look down upon the practice of killing the unborn, according to a French abortionist writing on the prominent blog of medical journalist Martin Winkler. The author, a female abortionist who writes anonymously, says she fears that if current trends are not corrected, the killing of the unborn will be “endangered.”
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Planned Parenthood's Fetal Development Info Lacks Major Facts
Planned Parenthood's Fetal Development Info Lacks Major Facts | LifeNews.com: The Q&A section of Planned Parenthood’s website about fetal development, called “Pregnancy Week by Week,” conveniently neglects some big milestones during prenatal life.
“The ball of cells develops into an embryo at the start of the sixth week. The embryonic stage of pregnancy will last about five weeks. During this time all major internal organs begin developing."'via Blog this'
Kids on a shoestring
Outfitting a child on the cheap is one of the easiest ways to save money. And don’t worry, cheap doesn’t have to mean shabby.
Some of the best toys and games have simple components that are durable, reusable, versatile, and relatively inexpensive.
Chemotherapy appears safe in pregnancy
Chemotherapy appears safe in pregnancy - TODAY Health - TODAY.com: Scientists who studied the health and mental development of children born to mothers treated for cancer in pregnancy found they were not affected by chemotherapy, but were harmed if they were born prematurely, either naturally or by induction.
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Breast Cancer Glossary of Terms
Breast Cancer Glossary of Terms « Coming Home: It is useful to define a few terms constantly in use.
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Magazine celebrates abortion on Grey’s Anatomy
A Character on Grey’s Anatomy Actually Had an Abortion on Prime-Time Television Last Night -- Vulture: New York magazine enthuses, "Last night on Grey's Anatomy, Cristina Yang, the driven, ambitious surgeon who had gotten pregnant at the end of last season, went ahead and had an abortion. That's right! Someone actually had an abortion — not a miscarriage, not an ectopic pregnancy, not a last-minute change of heart — on national television."
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Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood Abortion Business | LifeNews.com
Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood Abortion Business | LifeNews.com: A letter from Florida Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns asks PP's Cecile Richards to comply with current federal regulations and legal obligations by providing Congress with a wide range of documents within two weeks of the date of the letter.
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Stop your dollars from disappearing into unemployment taxes
Teleseminars Sponsored by NonProfit Direct: The NonProfit National Resource Directory: Unemployment taxes are increasing in 2011 across the U.S. and are expected to continue increasing over the coming years due to strained unemployment funds. For nonprofits, there is an alternative.
During this teleseminar, you will learn how 501(c)(3)s can opt out of the state unemployment tax system and begin reimbursing the state only for their actual unemployment claims, potentially saving them thousands. If you’re already a “direct reimbursing” employer, you’ll learn about further reducing unemployment costs by using the right tools to manage claims. This session can help nonprofits put money back where it is needed most – toward fulfilling their missions.
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During this teleseminar, you will learn how 501(c)(3)s can opt out of the state unemployment tax system and begin reimbursing the state only for their actual unemployment claims, potentially saving them thousands. If you’re already a “direct reimbursing” employer, you’ll learn about further reducing unemployment costs by using the right tools to manage claims. This session can help nonprofits put money back where it is needed most – toward fulfilling their missions.
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What an Abortion Clinic Landlord Left Out of His Rachel Maddow Interview
What an Abortion Clinic Landlord Left Out of His Rachel Maddow Interview :Operation Rescue: “Todd Stave is more than an abortion clinic landlord. He is the son of the founder of this particular abortion clinic and the brother of the current clinic director. He’s an abortion profiteer, but it goes beyond that. He is actively protecting the family’s abortion business while misleading the public as to his true connections with it,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
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Tweeting for a Cause: A Nonprofit’s Guide to Getting Started
Tweeting for a Cause: A Nonprofit’s Guide to Getting Started - Sumac: While Twitter may not be ideal for every nonprofit organization, it has the potential to be a powerful marketing tool for some. It can help spread the word about a need, your cause, or a particular campaign to thousands, even millions of people. If your organization has decided to take the plunge and give Twitter a try, here are the basics you’ll need to know: from creating an account and getting followers to what to tweet about.
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Is succession in your PCC's future?
Check out these resources from IdeaEncore:
- Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits
- Succession Planning for Nonprofits of All Sizes
- Stepping Up, Staying Engaged: Succession Planning for Executive Transition Management for Nonprofit Board of Directors
- Leadership Development and Leadership Change
- Founder Transitions: Creating Good Endings and New Beginnings: A Guide for Executive Directors and Boards
- The Role of the Board of Directors in Executive Transition
- Sample Emergency Succession Plan
Undercover at a pro-choice meeting
In the land of . . . the pro-aborts, if you are poor and/or pregnant, it is all the government’s fault.
. . . I couldn’t leave fast enough. . . . I was upset because I had seen evil, and evil was mundane. Evil had a very impressive law degree and sensible brown shoes. Evil sat in pews around me with folded arms, feeling very concerned about the plight of poor women, wearing pants it bought at Macy’s. Evil looked like people you see at the grocery store. And, most terrifying of all, evil thought it was doing good.
I . . . spent the week since the meeting reflecting on what I learned, which is basically this: that it is just as bad as we fear it is, but it’s far worse for them. The pro-life movement is making headway, and they know it. Whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it, and do more of it. LifeNews
I . . . spent the week since the meeting reflecting on what I learned, which is basically this: that it is just as bad as we fear it is, but it’s far worse for them. The pro-life movement is making headway, and they know it. Whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it, and do more of it. LifeNews
Planned Parenthood Makes $155 Million Doing Abortions
Planned Parenthood Makes $155 Million Doing Abortions | LifeNews.com: Live Action recently dismantled Planned Parenthood’s favorite talking point—that abortion accounts for only 3% of their services. The abortion industry giant could slyly arrive at this fuzzy math simply by stating that they hand out 97 condoms for every 3 abortions performed.
But their pro-abortion spin doesn’t work in business terms when crunching the numbers. According to their own figures, in 2009 alone, Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions. That’s like wiping out the population of a sizeable city. Since the average cost of an abortion was $468, Planned Parenthood’s total abortion income that year was $155,506,104. In light of their total “health center” income of $404,900,000, Planned Parenthood made out like bandits with abortion, which generated 38.4% of this total revenue.
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But their pro-abortion spin doesn’t work in business terms when crunching the numbers. According to their own figures, in 2009 alone, Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions. That’s like wiping out the population of a sizeable city. Since the average cost of an abortion was $468, Planned Parenthood’s total abortion income that year was $155,506,104. In light of their total “health center” income of $404,900,000, Planned Parenthood made out like bandits with abortion, which generated 38.4% of this total revenue.
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Residents oppose funding for abortion clinic
Stream of residents oppose funding for Women's Health Center - Longmont Times-Call: The Longmont [Colorado] City Council will soon consider nearly $1 million in human service spending, but it's one $14,000 item that has some residents up in arms. According to council email, a steady flow of messages has been urging the council not to fund the request of the Boulder Valley Women's Health Center. The agency provides low-cost gynecological services and birth control and operates a teen clinic in Longmont, but opponents have mostly focused on one particular service: abortions.
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Colorado Med Waste picks up picked-over dead babies
THE PASSIONATE PRO-LIFER: Colorado Med Waste picks up picked over dead babies: On September 20th, 2011while protesters stood on the street outside the Mayfair Women’s Center, an abortion facility located in Aurora, Colorado. A Colorado Medical Waste Disposal truck pulled in front of the mill to make a pick up. He exchanged several buckets filled with baby parts (left over parts that Mayfair couldn’t sell for profit) for empty containers to collect the remains of the children to be killed by abortionist Kuseski.
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Two More Abortion Centers Close Their Doors
Two More Abortion Centers Close Their Doors; 40 Days for Life Prepares for Record Campaign - Christian Newswire: "Tremendous momentum is on our side," said Shawn Carney. "We've recently learned of the closure of two more abortion facilities where peaceful 40 Days for Life prayer vigils were conducted in the public right-of-way outside." Those locations are in Pensacola, Florida, and Forest Grove, Oregon. Volunteers in Pensacola report the abortion center was closed and a sheriff's notice placed on the locked door as the result of court proceedings involving the business. In Forest Grove, volunteers say business signs were removed and the building emptied. Phone calls confirmed the permanent closure of the facility.
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More Youngsters Having Unsafe Sex
More Youngsters Having Unsafe Sex | Fox News: Young people across the globe are having more unprotected sex and know less about effective contraception options, a multinational survey revealed on Monday. The "Clueless or Clued Up: Your Right to be informed about contraception" study prepared for World Contraception Day reports that the number of young people having unsafe sex with a new partner increased by 111 percent in France, 39 percent in the USA and 19 percent in Britain in the last three years.
Editor: I thought France was so sophisticated. And how'd we miss World Contraception Day?
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San Francisco Panel OKs Bill Attacking Pregnancy Centers
San Francisco Panel OKs Bill Attacking Pregnancy Centers | LifeNews.com: Supervisor Malia Cohen and City Attorney Dennis Herrera have spent months on an ordinance that would, if passed, require the pro-woman centers to disclose whether they are abortion alternatives agencies that, supposedly, don’t provide comprehensive health care. The pair have erroneously claimed the centers are engaging in misleading counseling and advertising.
They say the legislation came about because of complaints about First Resort, a pregnancy centers that operates locations in San Francisco, Oakland and surrounding areas. The San Francisco Chronicle indicates Herrera sent a letter to First Resort claiming that its advertising methods are misleading by making women believe it does abortions, because they try to compete with abortion centers in purchase links at Google for searches on abortion."
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They say the legislation came about because of complaints about First Resort, a pregnancy centers that operates locations in San Francisco, Oakland and surrounding areas. The San Francisco Chronicle indicates Herrera sent a letter to First Resort claiming that its advertising methods are misleading by making women believe it does abortions, because they try to compete with abortion centers in purchase links at Google for searches on abortion."
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Where Abortion "Rights" Are Disappearing

Where Abortion Rights Are Disappearing - NYTimes.com: "[A] newly intensified drive by anti-abortion forces who refuse to accept the law of the land has seriously imperiled women’s ability to exercise that right. Opponents of abortion rights know they cannot achieve their ultimate goal of an outright ban, at least in the near future. So they are concentrating on enacting laws and regulations narrowing the legal right and making abortion more difficult to obtain."
Editor: We're so ornery.
Blogger's Abortion After Ultrasound Shows "Pro-Choice" Anger, Grief
Blogger's Abortion After Ultrasound Shows "Pro-Choice" Anger, Grief | LifeNews.com: She apparently thinks that if only she had been able to maintain her ignorance of human development, everything would have been fine. She blames the pregnancy center for allowing her to see the situation for what it really was. And now, she wants to impose her wished-for ignorance on other women by fighting sonogram laws.
Related: Seeing ultrasound makes "choice" ring hollow
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Related: Seeing ultrasound makes "choice" ring hollow
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Wholesome Country Singer Taylor Swift Proof Sex Isn't Only Way To Success
Wholesome Country Singer Taylor Swift Proof Sex Isn't Only Way To Success | Fox News: Critics point to the singer's astounding popularity as a sure sign that explicit “sex symbols” and bad behavior in our society aren't necessarily what tweens and teens are attracted to.
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Mom With Cystic Fibrosis Rejects Abortion, Has Triplets
Mom With Cystic Fibrosis Rejects Abortion, Has Triplets | LifeNews.com: Doctors told Kandace Smith she should have an abortion to save her life. Because of the pressure a pregnancy puts on already embattled lungs dealing with cystic fibrosis, Smith’s physicians worried her life was at risk. But Smith refused and went ahead to give birth to her three children, in what some reports say is a medical first. Ultimately Smith carried the children for 28 weeks before her lungs began failing and babies were delivered.
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Study: babies develop facial expressions before birth
Study: babies develop facial expressions before birth | News | The Christian Institute: Scientists for the first time have been able to show that facial movements of unborn babies become increasingly complex between 24 and 36 weeks gestation. Facial movements were recorded using 4D ultrasound technology.
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Abortion Business Near Portland, Oregon, Reportedly Closes
Abortion Business Near Portland, Oregon Reportedly Closes | LifeNews.com: One of the two abortion businesses operated by long-time Oregon abortion practitioner Peter Bours, who began doing abortions in the state in 1975, has reportedly closed. Bours has closed his abortion center in Forest Grove, a suburb west of Portland, although he continues operating an abortion business in Eugene.
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Wanted: Pro-Life Medical Students, Doctors, Nurses
Wanted: Pro-Life Medical Students, Doctors, Nurses | LifeNews.com: There are plenty of pro-life doctors, nurses and medical students out there, but many may feel isolated and alone. They need us. They need our support. They need to meet other pro-life medical students and physicians. They need to know Medical Students for Life of America.
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Secret births: When teens hide their pregnancies
The media spin on the birth of a “closet baby” suggests that teenagers can be unaware of their pregnancies for long periods and may engage in denial of reality until it is “too late.” Teenage “denial” is often blamed for late-term abortions. The argument goes that teenagers have trouble confronting the reality of their problem and so fail to seek an earlier, “safer” abortion. Because of this “denial” problem, pro-abortionists argue, we must keep late term abortions available for these “messed up” kids.
Certainly it is not uncommon for teenage mothers to go through short periods of denial about a pregnancy, desperately hoping that “my period is just late.” But of the thousands of testimonies I have collected, in every case where a teenager had a late term abortion, not one stated that she didn’t realize or couldn’t accept that she was pregnant. Instead, they all indicated that they deliberately concealed their pregnancies in the hope that by the time their parents discovered the truth, it would be “too late” to have an abortion.
Unfortunately, these young women discovered, it is never “too late” to get an abortion in America. Their abortions were either forced or carried out under duress. From this viewpoint, late-term teenage abortions are not due to teenage denial, but rather to parental abuse. David Reardon
Certainly it is not uncommon for teenage mothers to go through short periods of denial about a pregnancy, desperately hoping that “my period is just late.” But of the thousands of testimonies I have collected, in every case where a teenager had a late term abortion, not one stated that she didn’t realize or couldn’t accept that she was pregnant. Instead, they all indicated that they deliberately concealed their pregnancies in the hope that by the time their parents discovered the truth, it would be “too late” to have an abortion.
Unfortunately, these young women discovered, it is never “too late” to get an abortion in America. Their abortions were either forced or carried out under duress. From this viewpoint, late-term teenage abortions are not due to teenage denial, but rather to parental abuse. David Reardon
Democrats Float Bill to Ban Pro-Life Mexico City Policy
Democrats Float Bill to Ban Pro-Life Mexico City Policy | LifeNews.com: Democrats in the U.S. Senate have introduced new legislation to permanently ban the pro-life Mexico City Policy, which prevents the federal government from funding international groups that promote and perform abortions. Planned Parenthood is one of the major recipients of millions of dollars through the State Department and the USAID program.
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Canada Renews Funding for Planned Parenthood
Canada Renews Funding for Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz | LifeNews.com: The Canadian government had not officially accepted or denied a request from the abortion business for $18 million in taxpayer funding to promote and perform abortions across the globe, but Harper’s administration, according to a CBC report, has now approved it.
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Pivotal Positions: Transforming Abortion Provider Stigma
Pivotal Positions: Transforming Abortion Provider Stigma | RH Reality Check: Abortion providers experience stigma in drastically different ways depending on their country and community. For example, in Uruguay abortion providers may be viewed as accomplices to murder due to deep-seated Catholic opposition to the procedure there. On the other hand, communities in Zambia tend to respect the professional judgment of abortion providers but severely disapprove of women who seek them. And provider experiences differ vastly even within the United States: Some physicians who work in more progressive urban settings face less discrimination and fewer social effects of stigma than their counterparts working in conservative rural communities.
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How to Study the Bible eChart Download
How to Study the Bible eChart Download: This free eChart is taken from the pamphlet How to Study the Bible. The full-color, glossy pamphlet is ideal for teachers who want to provide information on studying the Bible in a quick, easy-to-use format. The bestselling pamphlet offers concise steps for personal preparation, descriptive resources and reference information, and a step-by-step approach for inductive Bible study.
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Can two walk together except they be in agreement?
The new curriculum combines teaching from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and from the Life Center, a faith-oriented pregnancy resource center based in Midland. The new curriculum will focus on four key areas: partnership, delivery, parents and assessment. “In no other place in Texas or even the U.S. do you see ‘abstinence-plus’ and ‘abstinence-only’ curriculums joining hands,” Loyd said. “The CDC says that abstinence is the best choice—that’s our common thread and the bottom line.” OAOA
Editor: Abstinence-only + abstinence-plus = abstinence-plus.
Abortion-Breast Cancer PowerPoints
The PowerPoint presentations and worksheets from the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is being offered as an educational resource to equip crisis pregnancy centers with the facts supporting an abortion-breast cancer link. They give staff members confidence when speaking about the breast cancer risks of induced abortion, use of the birth control pill, and early premature birth (which can be caused by an earlier abortion). Center directors can use them to educate pregnant clients and lawmakers, and to defend themselves against attacks led by NARAL and Planned Parenthood who employ abortion-friendly city council members in urban areas to pass legislation intended to discourage pregnant women from entering crisis pregnancy centers.
Spokane Police issue search warrant for aborted fetus in child rape case
Spokane Police issue search warrant for aborted fetus in child rape case | KREM.com Spokane: Spokane Police Detectives served Planned Parenthood with a search warrant, hoping to strengthen a child rape case with DNA evidence from an aborted fetus. According to the warrant the detectives are trying to prove paternity by pulling DNA from the aborted fetal tissue. They want to match that DNA to an alleged rape suspect.
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California disciplines two abortionists
Two California abortionists, Jesse James Joplin and Feliciano Rios, have fallen under discipline from the California Medical Board this month.
Documents show that Jesse James Joplin, an abortionist with Planned Parenthood Mar Monte for 27 years, had his licensed revoked after repeatedly violating probations imposed by the board. Joplin’s discipline arises from years of alcoholism. His reported attempts at recovery have been unsuccessful, nevertheless, Planned Parenthood continued to keep him employed doing surgical abortions even though his alcohol abuse was evident. Joplin’s license was permanently revoked on September 13, 2011. (Read the order.)
The medical license of Feliciano Rios, of Chula Vista, California, was suspended for 60 days in an order issued by the Board that went into effect on September 20, 2011. (Read the order.) Rios’ discipline is the result of criminal felony convictions for grand theft, Medi-Cal fraud, and perjury. Rios was placed on probation after those convictions and restricted from owning firearms. After records showed that Rios failed to transfer ownership of his weapons, police searched his abortion clinic and found three handguns, two of which were semi-automatic, locked in a filing cabinet fully loaded with ammunition. Possession of the firearms constituted a violation of his criminal probation. Operation Rescue
Documents show that Jesse James Joplin, an abortionist with Planned Parenthood Mar Monte for 27 years, had his licensed revoked after repeatedly violating probations imposed by the board. Joplin’s discipline arises from years of alcoholism. His reported attempts at recovery have been unsuccessful, nevertheless, Planned Parenthood continued to keep him employed doing surgical abortions even though his alcohol abuse was evident. Joplin’s license was permanently revoked on September 13, 2011. (Read the order.)
The medical license of Feliciano Rios, of Chula Vista, California, was suspended for 60 days in an order issued by the Board that went into effect on September 20, 2011. (Read the order.) Rios’ discipline is the result of criminal felony convictions for grand theft, Medi-Cal fraud, and perjury. Rios was placed on probation after those convictions and restricted from owning firearms. After records showed that Rios failed to transfer ownership of his weapons, police searched his abortion clinic and found three handguns, two of which were semi-automatic, locked in a filing cabinet fully loaded with ammunition. Possession of the firearms constituted a violation of his criminal probation. Operation Rescue
Abstinence is obedience, not a lucky charm
How much success are we going to have if we say, "Kids, abstain from sex, maybe for the rest of your lives"? It sounds so much better to say, "Wait until God sends you your AWESOME partner!" that it's no wonder we succumb to the temptation.
But we shouldn't. Because it's not necessarily true. . . . [T]he "obedience will get you what you want" philosophy has a dark side. First, it puts the focus on us ("doing this will lead directly to a reward"), not on God ("this is what God wants me to do, so I'll do it"). And second, when obediencedoesn't get you what you want . . . it can lead to disillusionment and resentment.Perhaps if we were more focused on God's grace to begin with, instead of falling into a pattern of works-based thinking, envy wouldn't be such a problem. That is, we wouldn't be dealing with this fallacious notion of "Why isn't God giving me what I deserve? I did what he told me to do!"
If too many single Christians are compromising their principles and falling into sexual disobedience—and the evidence shows that this is the case—perhaps it's because so many of us were taught a lie in the first place. It was taught to us with the very best of intentions, and with the highest hopes for us … but it was a lie all the same.
What we—both teens and single adults—need from the church is better theology, a healthy dose of realism, and a little more understanding of where we are in our lives. Christianity Today
Read this article and see which pattern its advice falls into: Saved Sex
Abstinence educator Scott Phelp's talks about his program: "Our Excel program for churches & Christian schools follows the life of Joseph, and shows that by avoiding sexual temptation (Potiphar's wife) we can go on to accomplish all that God has planned for us to accomplish for him. It ends with a challenge to live with an eternal perspective, and to make your days on this earth count for eternity. It's much more than just an "abstinence" program, as it would be in a public school."
But we shouldn't. Because it's not necessarily true. . . . [T]he "obedience will get you what you want" philosophy has a dark side. First, it puts the focus on us ("doing this will lead directly to a reward"), not on God ("this is what God wants me to do, so I'll do it"). And second, when obediencedoesn't get you what you want . . . it can lead to disillusionment and resentment.Perhaps if we were more focused on God's grace to begin with, instead of falling into a pattern of works-based thinking, envy wouldn't be such a problem. That is, we wouldn't be dealing with this fallacious notion of "Why isn't God giving me what I deserve? I did what he told me to do!"
If too many single Christians are compromising their principles and falling into sexual disobedience—and the evidence shows that this is the case—perhaps it's because so many of us were taught a lie in the first place. It was taught to us with the very best of intentions, and with the highest hopes for us … but it was a lie all the same.
What we—both teens and single adults—need from the church is better theology, a healthy dose of realism, and a little more understanding of where we are in our lives. Christianity Today
Read this article and see which pattern its advice falls into: Saved Sex
Abstinence educator Scott Phelp's talks about his program: "Our Excel program for churches & Christian schools follows the life of Joseph, and shows that by avoiding sexual temptation (Potiphar's wife) we can go on to accomplish all that God has planned for us to accomplish for him. It ends with a challenge to live with an eternal perspective, and to make your days on this earth count for eternity. It's much more than just an "abstinence" program, as it would be in a public school."
Abortion battle returns to Wichita
Abortion battle returns to Wichita (OneNewsNow.com): Julie Burkhart is threatening to open an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas, where there has been none since the killing of late-term abortionist George Tiller more than two years ago.
Burkhart formerly worked for Tiller. Kansans for Life spokeswoman Kathy Ostrowski says Burkhart is waiting for the outcome of a federal lawsuit challenging a new Kansas law that sets standards for abortion clinics and requires a license.
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Burkhart formerly worked for Tiller. Kansans for Life spokeswoman Kathy Ostrowski says Burkhart is waiting for the outcome of a federal lawsuit challenging a new Kansas law that sets standards for abortion clinics and requires a license.
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Obama HHS Secretary to Host Pro-Abortion Fundraiser
Obama HHS Secretary Sebelius to Host Pro-Abortion Fundraiser | LifeNews.com: Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, will host a massive fundraiser for one of the nation’s biggest pro-abortion organizations next month. She'll be the featured speaker at the 17th annual “Power of Choice” luncheon NARAL is throwing in Chicago at The Standard Club in Chicago on October 5. The event is a big fundraiser for NARAL as tickets start at $200; top sponsorship levels range anywhere from $2,500 to $25,000.
X-Factor contestant refused abortion
Woman Who Rejected Abortion During Cancer Wows X-Factor Show | LifeNews.com: Pamela Cook explained that last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer while being 16-weeks pregnant. “The doctors encouraged me to terminate the pregnancy but that wasn’t an option for me and they said it would be much easier to treat (the breast cancer) but my partner and I had lost the baby the year before and that just made it not even on the table.”
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Washington Post laments fewer minority abortions
Virginia’s abortion end run - The Washington Post: "The main victims of choking off the availability of abortions will be poor African Americans and Hispanics, who account for a majority of women who undergo abortions nationwide. . . . Already, it was hard for many women to find a clinic (or the rare hospital provider) to get an abortion in the commonwealth. The state has just 38 providers, down from 46 in 2005, and just eight of the state’s 135 localities have any provider."
Peaceful Paris demonstration disrupted by pro-aborts
About 30 pro-lifers outside a Paris hospital separated into two groups because of a massive counter-demonstration. They were pelted with eggs, several banners and personal effects were stolen, and a freelance photographer who arrived on the scene later was attacked by two or three persons who tried to snatch her camera; she was protected by the police.
The smallest group of seven pro-lifers spent about 45 minutes on a small band of sidewalk with their backs to the hospital railings and separated from the counter-demonstrators by riot police. The police charged twice to prevent the counter-demonstrators from closing in. The pro-life group was then moved several hundred yards, but refused to go any further despite the police telling them that their safety could not be guaranteed.
“Babies are being killed in this hospital, we can well take a few risks,” said Dr. Xavier Dor, the leader of the group. The group was able to pray a full rosary before leaving the scene under police protection. LifeSiteNews
The smallest group of seven pro-lifers spent about 45 minutes on a small band of sidewalk with their backs to the hospital railings and separated from the counter-demonstrators by riot police. The police charged twice to prevent the counter-demonstrators from closing in. The pro-life group was then moved several hundred yards, but refused to go any further despite the police telling them that their safety could not be guaranteed.
“Babies are being killed in this hospital, we can well take a few risks,” said Dr. Xavier Dor, the leader of the group. The group was able to pray a full rosary before leaving the scene under police protection. LifeSiteNews
Dallas abortion clinic charges for counseling
Abortion clinic charges $50 for counseling - Jill Stanek: Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center of Dallas charges $50 for counseling. SWSC also misleads on the cost of abortion -- which varies by weeks gestation -- since there are mandatory add-ons: sonogram, pregnancy test, and lab work totaling $160. (The sonogram is “necessary” to “determine the size of your pregnancy,” i.e., how much to charge.)
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As we've said all along . . .
Virginia stands to lose 22 clinics that provide abortion all at once.: A pro-abortion blogger admits, "Providing abortions is part of the mission of Planned Parenthood, and they do make it a priority. It's a necessary service, after all. I think some times that point gets lost in all the discussion of the 97 percent of their services that aren't abortion. The other reason I suspect these regulations would harm Planned Parenthood's ability to keep as many clinics open to offer non-abortion services as they currently do is that a complete shut-down of abortion services would create a cash flow problem for them. Abortions are 3 percent of the actual services Planned Parenthood provides, but they constitute a larger chunk of their income, around 15 percent nationally. Which makes sense; abortions simply cost more than Pap smears and birth control pills, and Planned Parenthood provides a huge chunk of all the abortions in the country, even for women who get their standard gynecological care elsewhere."
Kids on a shoestring: Childcare
If you are facing decisions about childcare, you are not alone. Whether by choice or necessity, most parents are now working outside the home in order to support their families. According to a report published by the National Association of Childcare Resource & Referral Agencies in 2008, there are 8.6 million families in the United States in which both parents are working, 5.6 million working single parents, and 14.3 million children under age six in need of childcare. On average, children under age five with working mothers spend 36 hours a week in childcare. A common question for parents seeking childcare is, "How can we afford this?" Feminists for Life
Less than 25% of Planned Parenthood’s Revenue Comes From Paying, Non-Abortion Customers
Less than 25% of Planned Parenthood’s Revenue Comes From Paying, Non-Abortion Customers: Without government funding and a robust abortion business, it isn’t likely that Planned Parenthood would be able to keep operating in its current form. To survive as-is, they are beholden to advance a robust abortion business and engage in controversial political involvement in an attempt to keep the taxpayer funding flowing.
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What is the difference between strategic planning and operational planning?
Heather Harker, Consulting & Executive Transitions Director for Third Sector New England, talks about the subtle difference.
More on collaboration
- The Nonprofit Sector and Business: New Visions New Opportunities New Challenges
- Managing Collaboration Risks: Partnering with Confidence and Success
- Collaboration criteria
- Meeting the collaboration challenge (workbook)
- A guide to online collaboration software
See more on collaboration in posts below.
Pregnant on pointed shoes: how one professional dancer risked her career to choose life

Community Takes Action Against Sex Trafficking
Calif. Community Takes Action Against Sex Trafficking : NPR: The average age at which girls get recruited into trafficking in the U.S. is 12. People often think girls end up being trafficked because they were kidnapped. But many times, it can start with a seduction or even a relationship. Families are encouraged to have frank conversations early about dating and sex.
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Thousands Of Immigrant Women Forced Into Marriage
Study: Thousands Of Immigrant Women Forced Into Marriage : NPR: Girls can be forced to marry someone here, or sent back to their parents' home country to marry someone there. If the girl is a U.S. citizen, she may be forced into a marriage to sponsor someone for a U.S. visa. Communities keep these unions highly secret. And social workers and others are not good at reading the signs that a forced marriage is in the works.
Was there a trip back home recently? Has there been some money exchanged in terms of dowry? Is she all of a sudden not thinking about her next year of school? Even if advocates do know what's up, there's little they can do to stop something that is not illegal.
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Was there a trip back home recently? Has there been some money exchanged in terms of dowry? Is she all of a sudden not thinking about her next year of school? Even if advocates do know what's up, there's little they can do to stop something that is not illegal.
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Infant Safe Haven Laws
Infant Safe Haven Laws: To date, approximately 49 States and Puerto Rico have enacted safe haven legislation. The focus of these laws is protecting newborns. In approximately 13 States, infants who are 72 hours old or younger may be relinquished to a designated safe haven. Approximately 16 States and Puerto Rico accept infants up to 1 month old. Other States specify varying age limits in their statutes.
A model for multi-organization collaboration
The current environment can be used as a catalyst for funders and nonprofits to work together to address their mutual interests. The following are a few examples of areas of potential collaboration: Facilities Management; Accounting, Bookkeeping and Auditing Investing and Money Management; Staff and Leadership Development; Purchasing; Insurance; Marketing and Public Relations; Information Systems and Technology. Many attempts to bring nonprofits together on collaborative initiatives have failed due to initial lack of trust between and among participants and a feeling that participation could result in a loss of control over their own destinies. How collaboration is developed is the key to success. NonProfit Direct
Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff Speaks at Pro-Abortion Event
Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff Speaks at Pro-Abortion Event | LifeNews.com: Tina Tchen, the First Lady's chief of staff, spoke at the Power of Choice event — which NARAL says was organized to attack pregnancy centers. According to NARAL's website, “The Power of Choice Summit brought together students, activists, and community leaders for education and training, featuring a session on dangerous 'Crisis Pregnancy Centers.' There were also sessions featuring Black Women for Wellness and California Latinas for Reproductive Justice discussing anti-choice billboards.
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Distraught Woman's Loss of Control Saves Three Lives
Distraught Woman Loses Control At Rockford Abortion Mill - Resulting In Three Lives Saved! | Pro-Life Corner: "The woman continued to scream and thrash around uncontrollably as she was taken into the abortion mill. Within moments two mothers came out of the mill with frightened looks on their faces, got into their cars, and sped away. A third mother left a short time later, well before the abortionist arrived. Police told pro-lifers that the woman who had the breakdown was still yelling inside the abortion mill when they arrived to interrogate her."
Related: WaPo advice columnist weighs in on forced abortion
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Related: WaPo advice columnist weighs in on forced abortion
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Most Planned Parenthood offices in minority neighborhoods
A survey of all U.S. ZIP codes where Planned Parenthood clinics are located in the United States has found that most are in areas with a minority population significantly higher than the state average. Life Dynamics' report, “Racial Targeting and Population Control,” aims to bolster the group’s claims made in its 2009 documentary Maafa 21. The film’s findings had been battled back by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which claimed that only one in 10 Planned Parenthood clinics was located in a minority area. “The reality is, the research in AGI’s report had been manipulated to yield pre-determined results,” writes Crutcher, who notes that non-abortion facilities and those performing under 400 abortions per year were excluded. LifeSiteNews
Planned Parenthood Closes Four Texas Centers After De-Funding
Planned Parenthood Closes Four Texas Centers After De-Funding | LifeNews.com: Planned Parenthood Association of Hidalgo County announced over the weekend that will close four of its centers and lay off half of its staff in response to the cuts the state legislature approved, which state pro-life groups like Texas Right to Life and Texas Alliance for Life supported. The abortion business plans to shut down centers in Rio Grande City, San Carlos, Progreso, and Mission. The Planned Parenthood affiliate will consolidate its offices and refer existing customers to remaining centers in McAllen, Edinburg, San Juan, and Weslaco.
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Women will be texted reminders about their abortion
Women will be texted reminders about their abortion - Telegraph: Britain's largest abortion provider said it is introducing reminders because some girls and women had forgotten about their procedures. Critics said the move, by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, gave a disturbing insight into casual attitudes to abortion. BPAS, which carries out almost one third of NHS-funded terminations, likened the service, which begins in November, to reminders sent out by dentists before check-ups.
Editor: Could it be that women "miss" their abortions because they've decided against them?
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Defense Gaffes Marked Neuhaus Hearing, Cause Delay
Defense Gaffes Marked Neuhaus Hearing, Causing Delay :Operation Rescue: An unprepared witness was one of several gaffes made by the defense. Earlier in the day, two former employees of a now-closed late-term abortion clinic where Neuhaus provided her consults were slated to testify. Sara Love and Debra Esquina were prevented from testifying because an attorney at the Wichita law office where the women had gathered for questioning via telephone had failed to sequester them during testimony of former office manager JoAn Armentrout.
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Bill Would Fund Abstinence After Obama Admin Denies Grants
Bill Would Fund Abstinence After Obama Admin Denies Grants | LifeNews.com: Recently, the Department of Health and Human Services announced new funding opportunities for initiatives on the subject, but included a caveat that grants would no go to agencies promoting abstinence education. Applicants for the FOA must include a written statement that abstinence education is not part of the program, because the Obama administration considers it an “unallowable activity.”
Organizations receiving funding under the program must make a “commitment to not use funds for unauthorized activities, including, but not limited to, an abstinence-education program.” Some $75 million has been authorized under the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 for the programs.
Valerie Huber, director of the National Abstinence Education Association, called the policy discriminatory, saying, “Preventing youth from receiving sexual-abstinence skills is very troubling and completely ignores the body of research that now links teen sex to future divorce in marriage.” Huber says the ratio of federal taxpayer spending on sex education programs is now 16-1 against abstinence education.
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Organizations receiving funding under the program must make a “commitment to not use funds for unauthorized activities, including, but not limited to, an abstinence-education program.” Some $75 million has been authorized under the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 for the programs.
Valerie Huber, director of the National Abstinence Education Association, called the policy discriminatory, saying, “Preventing youth from receiving sexual-abstinence skills is very troubling and completely ignores the body of research that now links teen sex to future divorce in marriage.” Huber says the ratio of federal taxpayer spending on sex education programs is now 16-1 against abstinence education.
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Indiana Abortions Up, Planned Parenthood Using RU486 More
Indiana Abortions Up, Planned Parenthood Using RU 486 More | LifeNews.com: Indiana Right to Life noted the new numbers and the pro-life group is concerned over the alarming growth of abortions using the mifepristone abortions drug.
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Birth control pill alters women’s emotional memory
Birth control pill alters women’s emotional memory: new research | LifeSiteNews.com: Women on the birth control pill are less likely to retain factual details in memories of emotional events, according to new University of California, Irvine research. “What’s most exciting about this study is that it shows the use of hormonal contraception alters memory,” UCI graduate researcher Shawn Nielsen said.
Jobs bill repeals charitable deductions
President Obama’s proposed “American Jobs Act” will repeal charitable tax deductions for certain taxpayers. Eliminating tax deductions would allegedly raise approximately $400 billion to support Obama’s government stimulus bill and would, in turn, significantly decrease the amount of charitable donations, while increasing government glut. Charities play a significant role in the every-day functioning and survival of Americans nationwide, and Obama is essentially seeking to replace those charities with more government. Liberty Alert
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Liechtenstein rejects plan to legalize abortion
Liechtenstein rejects plan to legalize abortion - Yahoo! News: Voters in the tiny principality of Liechtenstein rejected a plan to legalize abortion, following a bitterly fought campaign that saw the country's prince threaten to veto the proposed change in the law. The plan would have decriminalized abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy or if the child is severely disabled. Under existing law, women who have an abortion risk one year imprisonment, except in cases where the mother's life is in danger or she is under 14 at the time she got pregnant. Doctors who carry out an abortion can go to prison for three years.
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Patch will prevent premature births
Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Patch will prevent premature births: It is very difficult for doctors to preserve a pregnancy once a mother’s membranes have broken. If a rupture happens early in a pregnancy, the baby will die because it is not developed enough to survive. The stem cell patch is designed to be placed over the rupture using keyhole surgery.
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Records give glimpses of late-term abortions performed by George Tiller
Records give glimpses of late-term abortions performed by George Tiller - KansasCity.com: A 15-year-old Kansas girl wanted to be a professional rodeo barrel-racer and saw the chance disappearing when she got pregnant. A girl from Illinois, also 15, had given up basketball because it no longer seemed fun. Half a dozen teenagers worried about being forced to drop out of school or forgo college. Distraught, they came to the late George Tiller’s clinic for late-term abortions.
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How Do We Witness to Someone with Biblical Knowledge?
How Do We Witness to Someone with Biblical Knowledge? - Answers in Genesis: There is not just one approach to use when sharing the gospel.
Mary Margaret Gibson spoke on these themes at the Summit. Look for Fishing for People in Deep Water and Serving the Woman Who's Not Looking for You in our online store.
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College Campus Censorship: Abortion Activists Don't Trust Women
College Campus Censorship: Abortion Activists Don't Trust Women | LifeNews.com: "It wasn’t until I pointed out the irony that they were chanting 'Trust black women!' but wouldn’t allow a black woman to speak that [mostly white abortion activists] briefly stopped their nonsense."
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HHS Mandates Copay-Free Contraception, With Exceptions
HHS Mandates Copay-Free Contraception, With Exceptions: HHS plans to allow religious institutions that offer insurance to their employees to opt out of covering contraception. HHS issued an interim final rule that allows these groups to buy or sponsor group health insurance that does not cover contraception if it violates the group's beliefs. The interim final rule is modeled after similar religious exemptions in place in the 28 states that already require insurance companies to cover contraception, according to the HHS.
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Growing set of state abortion restrictions visualized
Growing set of state abortion restrictions visualized | Remapping Debate: A study done in Mississippi found that following the enactment of a waiting period law, “the actual number of abortions performed in Mississippi was 22 percent lower than expected based on previous years.” Other studies relied on identified parental notification and consent laws as most effective at reducing abortion rates.
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New devotionals from BibleGateway
BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.: Newsletters:
NIV Devotions for Couples: Spend time together with God and learn to grow as one through Him. — Begins September 24. Delivered weekly.
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NIV Devotions for Moms: Be the best Mom you can be! — Begins September 19. Delivered weekly.
NIV Devotions for Couples: Spend time together with God and learn to grow as one through Him. — Begins September 24. Delivered weekly.
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Senate Panel OKs Bill Funding Abortions in Nation's Capital
Senate Panel OKs Bill Funding Abortions in Nation's Capital | LifeNews.com: The Financial Services Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee passed the FY12 Financial Services funding bill which would essentially scrap the Dornan amendment, a pro-life provision that prevents the nation’s capital from funding abortions at taxpayer expense. The D.C. Hyde amendment, as reinstated in the FY11 spending bill, ensures that no congressionally appropriated funds (federal or local) are used to fund elective abortions in the District of Columbia.
Tomorrow, the full Senate Appropriations Committee will consider legislation and there is no word yet on whether any of the pro-life members of the panel will try to attach language similar to the House provision banning abortion funding.
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Tomorrow, the full Senate Appropriations Committee will consider legislation and there is no word yet on whether any of the pro-life members of the panel will try to attach language similar to the House provision banning abortion funding.
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Last Planned Parenthood De-Funded in Tennessee
Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz De-Funded in Tennessee | LifeNews.com: The last county in Tennessee to provide taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood has chosen to send its state family planning grant money elsewhere — making it so the abortion business has been almost totally de-funded.
Shelby County Health Department director Yvonne Madlock announced on Tuesday that, after significant lobbying from pro-life advocates, another recipient has been chosen to receive almost $400,000 in taxpayer funds to promote family planning efforts.
Shelby County Health Department director Yvonne Madlock announced on Tuesday that, after significant lobbying from pro-life advocates, another recipient has been chosen to receive almost $400,000 in taxpayer funds to promote family planning efforts.
Pro-Life Advocates to Bring Live 4D-Ultrasounds to Congress
Pro-Life Advocates to Bring Live 4D-Ultrasounds to Congress | LifeNews.com: The “Voices from the Womb” project co-sponsored by pro-life advocates Brandi Swindell and Rev. Patrick Mahoney will kick-off their national campaign in the Congressional Auditorium on October 13. This project will feature live “real time” ultrasounds being performed on women in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy so close to Congress that members of the House and Senate can walk to see them.
All 535 members of Congress and the public will be invited to the presentation, where they can witness the amazing technology revealing the intricate development of human life at its various stages before birth.
After the showing on Capitol Hill, “Voices from the Womb” will begin a national tour performing live ultrasounds in schools, churches, state capitals and public hearings as a means of educating the public on fetal development and encouraging people to oppose abortion.
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All 535 members of Congress and the public will be invited to the presentation, where they can witness the amazing technology revealing the intricate development of human life at its various stages before birth.
After the showing on Capitol Hill, “Voices from the Womb” will begin a national tour performing live ultrasounds in schools, churches, state capitals and public hearings as a means of educating the public on fetal development and encouraging people to oppose abortion.
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62% Want All or Most Abortions Made Illegal
CNN Poll: 62% Want All or Most Abortions Made Illegal | LifeNews.com: A new poll shows 62% of Americans want all or most abortions made illegal. CNN asked, “Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal under only certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?” 25 percent of Americans want all abortions legal while 21 percent want all abortions illegal, and it had a large group of 53 percent of Americans saying abortions should be legal only under certain circumstances.
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HPV Vaccine Should Require Parental Consent
HPV Vaccine Should Require Parental Consent » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog: "We force children to have vaccines against measles, chicken pox, mumps,etc., or not go to school . . . precisely because they are readily communicable, in the sense of being spread by air or touch. HPV isn’t. That is a crucial distinction, I think. The state interest in preventing a future sexually transmitted disease, which most people will not contract in any event, is therefore less compelling. Hence, I think the proper approach is to recommend inoculation, but not require it. I can even get behind an opt-in system in which the vaccine is made available in the nurse’s office at school if parents want their kid to have it, but not an opt-out system, in which kids are vaccinated automatically unless the parent says no."
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Man accused of trying to abort girlfriend's baby
Man accused of trying to abort girlfriend's baby: Alfredo L. Vargas, 34, was extradited from Puerto Rico to face attempted murder charges. He is accused of giving his pregnant girlfriend an herb in an attempt to abort her unborn child.
Vargas allegedly gave his girlfriend Blue Cohosh over a period from January to May of 2010. She became suspicious and contacted law enforcement. Blue Cohosh is known to induce labor or abortion in early term pregnancies. The woman delivered a healthy baby.
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Abortion survivor contemplates baby #2
You would never know it by looking at me today, but at the time that I survived that failed abortion, I was barely clinging to life. I suffered from severe respiratory problems, jaundice, and seizures. As the result of hemorrhaging, (a consequence of what the toxic salt solution was doing to me), I required multiple blood transfusions. I was too weak to suck from a bottle, and so I was fed intravenously through my head. The prognosis for my life was guarded at best. The doctors didn’t believe that I would live for very long, and if I did live, I would suffer from any one or a number of disabilities. But I was alive! And God had other plans…
[O]ur daughter, Olivia, and our rapidly developing child tucked safely away in my womb are living testament to the fact that abortion is about so much more than just a woman and a child. It’s about everyone. We are all impacted by abortion—those already born, and those yet to be conceived. Melissa Ohden
[O]ur daughter, Olivia, and our rapidly developing child tucked safely away in my womb are living testament to the fact that abortion is about so much more than just a woman and a child. It’s about everyone. We are all impacted by abortion—those already born, and those yet to be conceived. Melissa Ohden
Good news, bad news: Spiritual warfare
Not only do we have a God Who loves us, we also have an enemy who hates us and wants to destroy us. . . .
I Peter 5:8 says, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Those of us who work in the pregnancy care center ministry are on Satan's hit list because we not only follow Jesus, we also share truth with every client that comes to our centers. We not only tell them that the life they carry is a child (not just a glob of cells); we also tell them that God loves them and wants to change their lives. We desire to see lives saved and souls redeemed—the exact opposite of what Satan desires.
If we want to be effective in this battle over life and death, we must be keenly aware of the battle that is waged against us. The devil studies his prey, looking for areas in our lives where we are vulnerable, and that is where he attacks. How can we protect ourselves from becoming easy prey? ATC archives

More expert testimony from the Neuhaus hearing
Neuhaus provided mental health consults exclusively to late-term abortion patients of George Tiller’s now-closed Women’s Health Care Services. Kansas law required that a second physician concur that continuation of the pregnancy would result in “substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the woman.” “Bodily function” was interpreted to include mental health issues as long as the risk met the standard of “substantial and irreversible” mental impairment.
All late-term abortions referred by Neuhaus were justified by mental health diagnoses made concurrently by Neuhaus and physicians at WHCS.
On cross-examination by Neuhaus’ attorney, Robert Eye, questioned Dr. Gold about standard of care for mental health evaluations for late-term abortions. Dr. Gold replied that there is no such thing. She explained, “Late term abortion is not a treatment or intervention for any psychiatric condition.” . . .
When questioned about whether she had ever admitted a patient to the hospital for a late-term abortion, Dr. Gold responded, “It would be inappropriate for a psychiatrist to admit a patient to a hospital for abortion services.” . . .
When asked if an unwanted pregnancy put a teen at risk for developing psychiatric disorders, Gold was emphatic. “Teen pregnancy is not a risk factor for psychiatric disorders,” she said. Operation Rescue
All late-term abortions referred by Neuhaus were justified by mental health diagnoses made concurrently by Neuhaus and physicians at WHCS.
On cross-examination by Neuhaus’ attorney, Robert Eye, questioned Dr. Gold about standard of care for mental health evaluations for late-term abortions. Dr. Gold replied that there is no such thing. She explained, “Late term abortion is not a treatment or intervention for any psychiatric condition.” . . .
When questioned about whether she had ever admitted a patient to the hospital for a late-term abortion, Dr. Gold responded, “It would be inappropriate for a psychiatrist to admit a patient to a hospital for abortion services.” . . .
When asked if an unwanted pregnancy put a teen at risk for developing psychiatric disorders, Gold was emphatic. “Teen pregnancy is not a risk factor for psychiatric disorders,” she said. Operation Rescue
Related: Day 2 of testimony
Radio Ads from UnChoice
Radio Ads: Ask your local stations to run the 60- or 30-second radio ads -- about coerced abortion and post-abortion suicide -- as paid advertising during popular time slots or as free community-service Public Service Announcements (PSAs) during late-night or other less popular, but still valuable, time slots.
Related: Ads 101
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Related: Ads 101
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Over Coffee We Shared Our Secrets: Now an ebook!
Over Coffee « Julie Surface Johnson: In case you haven't heard, Over Coffee (We Shared Our Secrets), the novel Julie wrote to encourage post-abortive women to find hope and healing in Bible-based support groups, has just been released in ebook format. "I took this step in order to give women privacy as they learned about PAS and the the help that's available." As an ebook, the cost is only $3.99 compared to $12.95 so, hopefully, that will help, too. It's available at all major ebook outlets. Direct links and information about Over Coffee is available at my website (Amazon and Barnes & Noble links).
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Planned Parenthood gets federal contract
Planned Parenthood gets contract | Concord Monitor: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced yesterday it will contract directly with Planned Parenthood to provide family planning services in New Hampshire, effectively reversing an Executive Council decision earlier this year.
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Abortion protesters picket middle school of clinic owner’s daughter
A small group of pro-lifers stood outside Robert Frost Middle School in Rockville, MD, on Thursday, holding a banner that showed the name of Todd Stave, his photo, his phone number, and the words “Please STOP the Child Killing.” He is part-owner of a facility that houses abortionist LeRoy Carhart's Germantown Reproductive Health Services.
Defend Life Director Jack Ames said that his group organized the protest at the school because it was a “very good public venue.” The part owner of Germantown Reproductive Health Services, Ames said, should not be allowed to “hide under this cloak of anonymity.”There were also two protesters holding banner-sized photos of aborted fetuses at both sides of the entrance to the school driveway the first day of school. Stave's daughter is a 6th grader at the school. LifeSiteNews
Editor: May I just say for the record that this is a bad, stupid, dumb, awful, misguided, wrong idea. Maybe it goes without saying.
Steve Jobs is a genius, but even geniuses need to be born
Steve Jobs is a genius alright, but even geniuses need to be born | LifeSiteNews.com: Steve Jobs has been acclaimed as “the Thomas Edison of this century” and “the da Vinci of our time.” There have been stories mentioning his family background but these have been mere sideshows to the retrospectives on Jobs’ extraordinary career. None of that drama might have happened, however, if a young, unwed graduate student back in 1955 had not offered her unplanned baby for adoption.
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Get to Know: Mission Increase Foundation
Mission Increase Foundation - Transformational Giving, Leveraged Grants: Mission Increase Foundation believes that a giving model based on a transformational giving philosophy has the power to transform both the giver and the recipient. Transformational giving - Biblical giving - focuses not on the recipient's bottom line, but on the giver themselves. Transformational giving offers more than the typical transactional donation; it provides a powerful tool to enable great giving that transforms the giver's heart. Transformational giving also transforms the hearts of the receiving ministry when they understand the Biblical call to serve and disciple those who give, not just ask them to give. Ultimately, this philosophy seeks to create a partnership that, through a proper understanding of Biblical priorities, impacts the entire community for Christ.
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Kansas Practitioner OKd Late-Term Abortions as Birth Control
Kansas Practitioner OKd Late-Term Abortions as Birth Control | LifeNews.com: Nine of eleven case files for Kansas post-viability abortions were examined today by psychiatric expert, Dr. Liza Gold. All girls were minors, aborted at the Wichita facility of George Tiller in 2003, and most were non-residents. These late-term abortion referral files of Ann Kristin (Kris) Neuhaus showed a stunning lack of mental health evaluations, clinical evidence and valid patient analyses.
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Fatherhood Begins in the Womb, New Pro-Life Billboards Say
Fatherhood Begins in the Womb, New Pro-Life Billboards Say | LifeNews.com: The Radiance Foundation, partnering with the Issues4Life Foundation, announces a powerful new billboard/web campaign to illuminate the crisis of fatherlessness. The new TooManyAborted.com billboards, “Fatherhood begins in the womb,” have been placed in Sacramento, California.
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MI House and Senate move to enact partial birth abortion ban
Prolife Action Needed: Identical versions of a two-bill package banning partial birth abortion are resting on the Michigan House Floor and Senate Floor. Legislative leaders in both chambers have targeted the final two weeks of September to take the necessary votes to send the package to the governor's desk. Your help is needed.
Action Items:
Call your Michigan Senator in Lansing and let him or her know you support the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, S.B. 160 and S.B. 161.
Call your Michigan House Representative in Lansing and let him or her know you support the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, H.B. 4109 and H.B. 4110.
Key Message: Now is the time for Michigan to place a partial birth abortion ban on its law books.
Michigan citizens and Right to Life of Michigan have labored more than 15 years to enact a ban on partial birth abortions in our state.
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Action Items:
Call your Michigan Senator in Lansing and let him or her know you support the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, S.B. 160 and S.B. 161.
Call your Michigan House Representative in Lansing and let him or her know you support the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, H.B. 4109 and H.B. 4110.
Key Message: Now is the time for Michigan to place a partial birth abortion ban on its law books.
Michigan citizens and Right to Life of Michigan have labored more than 15 years to enact a ban on partial birth abortions in our state.
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Abortions at Planned Parenthood: Done in Record Numbers
Abortions at Planned Parenthood: Done in Record Numbers | LifeNews.com: Here are Planned Parenthood’s own numbers. They reflect their activity in the abortion arena. As one can see, they are increasingly invested in performing this gruesome procedure.
Baby Boomers: These are the children who never were born, who will never pay the taxes we’ll need to sustain us in our retirement; these and the others totaling 53 million lost citizens.
Baby Boomers: These are the children who never were born, who will never pay the taxes we’ll need to sustain us in our retirement; these and the others totaling 53 million lost citizens.
Editor: Comparing these figures to abortion totals, PP commits 26-37% of all US abortions (depending on whether you're using Guttmacher or CDC data). And their chunk keeps increasing.
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Advocate Plans To Open Wichita Abortion Clinic In 2012
Advocate Plans To Open Wichita Abortion Clinic In 2012: An abortion rights advocate who once worked for slain provider Dr. George Tiller hopes to open a clinic in his hometown of Wichita in 2012. Julie Burkhart said Friday that the Trust Women political action committee has a medical director for the clinic and is making progress in raising money and finding a site in Wichita. The group expects to need roughly $500,000 to open the clinic.
County Fair Booths: How to Reach the Heart of Your Community
County Fair Booths: How to Reach the Heart of Your Community |: At first setting up a booth may not seem like the most ideal use of your time or resources. But in fact the opposite is most often the case, for a couple of reasons.
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Mum told premature twin babies had no chance of survival
Mum told premature twin babies had no chance of survival | Herald Sun: At birth, Kamal and Nayan Pothireddy each weighed little more than a tub of margarine, but the twins have overcome incredible odds to survive.
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Bachmann Shamefully Claims HPV Vaccine Causes Mental Retardation
Bachmann Shamefully Claims That HPV Vaccine Causes Mental Retardation » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog: In attempting to hit Perry for “crony capitalism” because of his ties to the vaccines manufacturer–a fair hit–she goes way out of bounds by stating that the HPV vaccine causes “mental retardation.” Her proof? A woman in a crowd told her so. Irresponsible in the extreme.
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Planned Parenthood Drops Bid for Office in Redwood City
Planned Parenthood Drops Bid for New California Abortion Biz | LifeNews.com: The city council in Redwood City, California, a town in the Bay Area, was to have the final vote next week to determine if a new Planned Parenthood abortion-referral business could open that didn’t have the required parking spaces. It will instead open a new location in San Mateo.
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When Does Human Life Begin?
White Paper. When Does Human Life Begin?: In the course of sperm-egg interaction, when is a new cell formed that is distinct from either sperm or egg? Is this new cell a new human organism—i.e., a new human being?
Based on universally accepted scientific criteria, a new cell, the human zygote, comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion, an event that occurs in less than a second. Upon formation, the zygote immediately initiates a complex sequence of events that establish the molecular conditions required for continued embryonic development.
The behavior of the zygote is radically unlike that of either sperm or egg separately and is characteristic of a human organism. Thus, the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.”
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Establishing Term Limits for a Nonprofit Board Nonprofit
Establishing Term Limits for a Nonprofit Board Nonprofit | Board of Directors - Recruiting / Nominations | How to / Guide | IdeaEncore Network: If your nonprofit board is establishing term limits for the first time, or if you are a young board and have not followed your bylaws regarding term limits and you are now trying to institute terms and term limits, here are a few things to keep in mind. Best practices and template for timeline and process provided.
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Phases of a Capital Campaign
Phases of a Capital Campaign - Sumac: Because so much money is at stake, and because so much effort and good will is required for a successful campaign, non-profits do a good deal of spadework ahead of time to ensure that:
The organization is financially ready for a capital campaign;
Organizational leadership has what it takes to carry through a capital campaign;
A reasonable and executable plan is in place for the project in question;
A budget is available to underwrite the fundraising project.
Related: Planning for capital projects and campaigns (from the Gates Foundation)
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The organization is financially ready for a capital campaign;
Organizational leadership has what it takes to carry through a capital campaign;
A reasonable and executable plan is in place for the project in question;
A budget is available to underwrite the fundraising project.
Related: Planning for capital projects and campaigns (from the Gates Foundation)
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Psych Manager Lite: Abortionist's diagnostic tool
Psych Manger Lite? Day 1 of the Neuhaus Disciplinary Hearing Reveals Shoddy Record-Keeping, Diagnostics :Operation Rescue: Perhaps the most damaging testimony of the day came when an expert witness described an outdated computer program called “Psych Manager Lite” that was used by abortionist Neuhaus to supposedly document the mental health diagnoses of late-term abortion patients who ranged in age from 10 to 18.
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Nearly half of African-American youth report pressure to have sex
Nearly half of African-American youth report pressure to have sex: survey | LifeSiteNews.com: A new survey of African-American youth has found that almost half report considerable pressure to have sex. The results, which were derived from the answers of 1,500 youth ages 13-21, will be featured in the October issue of ESSENCE magazine, out on newsstands today.
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Arizona Planned Parenthood Won't Appeal Pro-Life Ruling
Arizona Planned Parenthood Won't Appeal Pro-Life Ruling | LifeNews.com: The Arizona affiliate of the Planned Parenthood abortion business is giving pro-life advocates another victory after they stopped abortions at several locations following an Arizona Court of Appeals decision upholding a pro-life law that protects the health and safety of women and their unborn children by giving them information they don’t normally receive.
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Council of Europe Committee Recommends Not Telling Parents Child’s Gender
Council of Europe Committee Recommends Not Telling Parents Child’s Gender |: Made up of MPs from the 47 member states, the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe’s Equal Opportunities Committee has issued a preliminary non-binding resolution that suggested all public hospital bar parents from knowing the sex of their unborn baby. The draft resolution will go before the council’s full parliamentary assembly next month. The proposal came under withering criticism, even as opponents recognized the underlying reason for the proposal: to “clamp down” on sex-selective abortions.
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