‘Catastrophic outcomes’ when ectopic pregnancies misdiagnosed, ‘treated’ with abortion

Alarming research from The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto has detailed the “catastrophic outcomes” that occur when ectopic pregnancies are misdiagnosed and then “treated” with chemical abortions – something the authors say amounts to a “serious public health issue.”

Citing previous studies, the new study reveals that a full 40% of initial diagnoses of ectopic pregnancy are erroneous, although it is unclear how many of these are ultimately mistreated as ectopic.

. . . The study, “Outcome Following High-Dose Methotrexate in Pregnancies Misdiagnosed as Ectopic,” which is to be published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, tracked a number of mothers with normal, desired pregnancies, who were erroneously given high doses of Methotrexate in their first trimester to end a misdiagnosed ectopic pregnancy.

The study describes how all the misdiagnosed pregnancies ended with “catastrophic outcomes,” including the births of “severely malformed” newborns, miscarriages, and physician-advised deaths of the normally implanted babies through surgical abortions on account of the adverse effects of Methotrexate on the pre-born baby. LifeSiteNews

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