New abortion clinic to open in Michigan
Sounding the alarm on gonorrhea
I haven't seen the American STD epidemic get upgraded to a pandemic, but with 19 million newly reported STD cases each year, it sure could be. And we are not talking about 19 million cases of annoying but nonfatal genital skin problems, either. Every year, 20,000 Americans die of diseases contracted by risky sexual behavior, says a 2004 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Washington Times
See related: Congenital Syphilis Taking Toll on Mothers and Babies
Kenya Won't Change Pro-Abortion Draft Constitution Before Vote
Boyd & Co. Turn Albuquerque Into Late-Term Abortion Capital
Silly Putty Bible Study
they are dangerous. STR
Promises, Promises worksheet
‘Hope and Change’ in Sex Education Leaves Kids with Big Change But No Hope!
Get to Know: Just Say Yes
Claims Questioned On Vaccines Using Cells From Abortion Leading to Autism
McDonald responded to the question, saying the claims "incorrectly represent, and far overreach, our study findings. Our study draws no causal linkages with anything and the recent increase in autistic disorder, and certainly not to the use of fetal tissues in vaccines. Without additional screening approaches there are potentially a huge number of possible exogenous factors and explanations that could be associated with autism. In no case is a correlation with any of these things, including with the timing of the change point, with some other occurrence any indication of causation."
The claims also came under fire from pro-life advocates. LifeNews
States seek new ways to restrict abortions
Next week is National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week
Get to Know: PATH, a Positive Approach to Teen Health
Dangers of alcohol during pregnancy
The Pill's Deadly Affair with HIV/AIDS
Get to Know the Opposition: National Network of Abortion Funds
Editor: I got a new computer, and when I set up my internet browser, a link to this site was on my toolbar!
Planned Parenthood closes Monticello, IA, facility
More of what PP is up to: STOPP Report
Louisville, KY | Undercover Video Release
Irish Pro-Life Advocates Question ‘Non-Judgmental’ Catholic Crisis Pregnancy Service
Calling it a simple case of moral relativism, Sylvester Mann wrote that CURA’s use of the “non-directive counseling” technique undermines their commitment to Catholic teaching on abortion. CURA states on its website that it “upholds the right of every child to be born and to have his or her right to life recognised and respected.” But Charlotte Keary of CURA said no CURA counselor would directly attempt to dissuade an abortion-minded woman. She strongly denied there is any conflict between the non-directive counseling model and the strictures of the Church against abortion. CURA volunteer counselors, she said, “do not give abortion information. We don’t give contacts, numbers or set up any appointments” for abortions. Nevertheless, asked whether a CURA counselor would directly try to dissuade a woman from having an abortion, Keary said, “No. We would not say ‘Don’t do it’.”
What is at issue is CURA’s refusal to guide women away from abortion and its use of so-called “non-directive” counseling techniques. He pointed to the pro-life Irish Constitution and to the Regulation of Information Act of 1995 that “specifically directs that abortion-minded women be given pro-life information.” LifeSiteNews
NIH Panel Urges Return to VBAC for Most Women
Impact of Health Care Reform Issues for Nonprofits
The federal health care reform law will have a substantial impact on employers. Read more from ECFA
Other news affecting nonprofits:
Teaching Abstinence in a Faith-Based Setting
What are the differences between teaching abstinence in a public school versus teaching abstinence in the church? Learn how to tailor your message to your audience in terms they will relate to and understand. Join this 30 minute call to transform your public school message to a faith-based audience.
Thursday, April 29, 2010 11am EST, 10am CST, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific
Register Include your name, organization, and contact information. You will receive the dial-in instructions in an email confirming your registration. Space is limited.
Get to Know: The Love & Fidelity Network
Our mission is to educate, train, and equip college students with the arguments, resources, and direction they need to uphold the institution of marriage, the unique role of the family, and sexual integrity on their campuses. We believe today's young men and women will form the nucleus of an articulate and effective new generation of leaders for marriage, family, love and fidelity at universities and in the public square.
No hooking up for some coeds
Related: STDs--The downside of 'friends with benefits'
Fetuses 'found dumped' in India
Why young voters are lukewarm on abortion rights
"When the history of the 21st century is written, March 21, 2010, will go down as the day Congress cleared the way for health-care reform. Yet for those in the abortion-rights community, March 21 will mark a completely different turning point: the day when they became acutely aware of their waning influence in Washington. . . . So if Democrats won't stand strong for abortion rights, who will? . . .
"This past January, when [NARAL president] Keenan's train pulled into Washington's Union Station, a few blocks from the Capitol, she was greeted by a swarm of anti-abortion-rights activists. . . . 'I just thought, my gosh, they are so young. There are so many of them, and they are so young.' . . .
"New NARAL research, conducted earlier this year and released exclusively to NEWSWEEK, only amplified Keenan's fears. A survey of 700 young Americans showed there was a stark "intensity gap" on abortion. . . . Worse still for NARAL, the millennials surveyed didn't view abortion as an imperiled right in need of defenders. As one young mother in a focus group told NARAL, it seemed to her that abortion was easily accessible. How did she know? The parking lot at her local clinic, she told them, was always full.
"Millennials are more likely than their boomer parents to see abortion as a moral issue. In the NARAL focus groups, young voters flat-out disapproved of a woman's abortion, called her actions immoral, yet maintained that the government had absolutely no right to intervene. As one young woman in Denver said, 'I only get mad when [a friend] tries telling me, "It is like nothing, oh well, it is just an abortion."?' It wasn't the abortion itself that seemed to trouble the woman; rather, it was her friend's nonchalance. 'Even if it was like nothing,' the woman told NARAL, 'it was something.'"
Register for the Summit: Mapping the Future
Friday is . . . Day of Purity
This is National Volunteer Appreciation Week . . .
Missing girls in Vietnam: is high tech sexism an emerging reality?
April is . . .
It's also National Child Abuse Prevention Month - Abortion is child abuse. Since the 1973 decriminalization of abortion, child abuse has skyrocketed. A 2005 study found that woman who had a previous abortion were 144% more likely to physically abuse their children. Rock for Life
New Global Study Shows Maternal Mortality Significantly Lower Than Previously Thought
Some advocates for women’s health tried to pressure The Lancet into delaying publication of the new findings, fearing that good news would detract from the urgency of their cause. “I think this is one of those instances when science and advocacy can conflict,” said researcher Dr. Richard Horton. The advocates, whom he declined to name, wanted the new information held and released only after certain meetings about maternal and child health had already taken place. NY Times
Let’s Move — Childhood Obesity Prevention from Pregnancy and Infancy Onward
Planned Parenthood to blame for STD epidemic
Get to Know: Pure Love Club
North Dakota Measure Seeks to Ban Decapitation, Skull Crushing during Abortions
Spring issue of At the Center online now
- Centerboard:Pro-Life to the Core By Tom Lothamer
- Serving Teenage Men: A Pregnancy Center Priority By Dr. David E. Whitaker
- By Paul Harmon
- Bring the Gift of Hope to Our Clients By Dianne Pomon
- Handling Board and Organizational Conflict: The Board Chaplain By Thomas A. Glessner, J.D.
- Are You Obtaining Words, Graphics, and Pictures Legally? By Amanda Naugle and Jerry Thacker
- Does Bigger Always Mean Better? By Mark Hiehle
- Marketing 101: Extending Your Network By Jerry Thacker
Nebraska First to Allow Women to Sue for Psychological Injury After Abortion
Polish President Mourned by Pro-Life Groups
50-Yr. Sentence for Murdering Unborn Baby
The New Health-Care Fight: Abortion Coverage in State Exchanges
Resources for Mother's Day
Editor: I highly recommend their eight-week post-abortion Bible study, Living in His Forgiveness.
Abortionist Kills Wrong Twin in 'Selective Reduction,' Loses License
Kachinas was one of the few abortion practitioners in Florida to engage in second-trimester abortions or the practice known as selective reduction. The pregnancy in question involved unborn children conceived through in-vitro fertilization. Records show that after the "wrong" baby was killed in the first abortion, a second was done to kill the disabled unborn child as well. The babies were 15 weeks along at the time of the abortion. LifeNews
Abortion clinic doctor infected women with hep C
Next week is National Volunteer Week 2010
Celebrate ordinary people doing extraordinary things to transform their communities! Share your stories, videos and photos of outstanding volunteers here. Find inspiration as you scroll through compelling stories from across the nation.
How will you celebrate your volunteers?
Second Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Caught Misleading Clients
British Woman Dies of Blood Clots after Ten Years on the Pill
Austin PRC responds to forced signage
The director said that her organization’s mission is simply to provide free resources to pregnant women. “We have a clothing boutique. We partner with medical care in the community so we can get her a good doctor in the community. She’s scared, so she doesn’t know what to do, and we help her with that. We are a pregnancy resource center. That’s what we do. We provide resources for pregnancy. How much clearer can you be? I don’t understand it.”
Jonathan Saenz, director of legislative affairs at Liberty Institute, asks, "Why is the City of Austin so hostile to the needs of pregnant women served by charitable pregnancy centers?" Liberty Institute also pointed out that “there is no corresponding requirement that abortion facilities post signs about the services they do not provide.” DeVillez echoed a similar sentiment, saying, “I don’t know of any other group, non-profit or not, that has to put on their building what they don’t do. That doesn’t make any sense.” LifeSiteNews
Latest edition of The Elliot Institute's research on forced abortion in America
Consider a donation to the Elliot Institute.
This STD could be the next superbug
Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported infectious disease in the United States. Not all of those who are infected know it, contributing to the problem. Undiagnosed cases, or infections that are unsuccessfully treated and then linger without obvious symptoms, can create serious health problems.
Teenage girls between 15 and 19 account for more cases than any other age group. If they aren’t cured, they risk pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility or ectopic pregnancies. People infected with gonorrhea are also about three times more likely to become infected with HIV should they come into contact with the virus. MSNBC
Editor: Truly alarming.
British Life Chain in April
Dawn Johnsen Withdraws Name from Consideration for Justice Department Slot
The 'humble hound' leadership style
Austin Forces PCCs to Post Signs
The vote came despite testimony form pregnancy centers and their supporters -- who pointed out that the proposed law does not require abortion centers to inform women that they don't provide pregnancy assistance. Under the terms of the ordinance, not posting a sign constitutes a Class C misdemeanor and centers would face fines of up to $450 each time they fail to post the signs. Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell must sign the new ordinance into law, but NARAL indicated before the vote it expected him to do so. LifeNews
Abortion Clinic Sign Proposal Goes to TN Gov
Research: Chemotherapy Has No Detrimental Effect On The Foetus
The primary explanation for this reassuring discovery is that the placenta functions as a filter for most of the products researched and that it protects the foetus against the damaging effects of chemotherapy. A second important criterion is that chemotherapy is not administered during the first trimester, which is the most vulnerable period of a pregnancy. MedicalNewsToday
URGENT prayer request from Lori DeVillez
- We are serving our community with excellence.
- We are always upfront with anyone who contacts us of what our services are and that we do not perform nor do we refer for abortions. Our mission at the APRC is to help women have their babies and we provide all the compassionate support from good referrals for prenatal care, baby items such as diapers, formula, etc. all at no charge.
- We are not a medical facility.
- All of our services are free of charge.
- We are financially supported by individuals and churches.
In the meantime, please join APRC in prayer over this battle for truth and life.
Online registration for The Summit
WHEN: July 22-23
NEW LOCATION: Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI
WHAT: The Summit is a two-day conference for pregnancy care center directors, volunteers, staff, and board members.
Our brochure is at the printer and will be in the mail ASAP, but you can sneak a peak of the full lineup of workshops and speakers.
Obama Administration Pressures Kenya to Adopt Constitution Legalizing Abortion
Contraceptive Maker Sued for Pressuring Employee to Abort
Prom season alert
Sex Education Could Mean Charges for Teachers
Interview with Peter Kopf, Austin abortionist
The Shadow Practice: Cash-only abortions for immigrants
It’s an ignoble tradition, where the patients can’t read about their doctors’ misdeeds because they don’t know the language or the customs for finding that information. And the doctors who can’t treat anyone else turn to treat some of the most vulnerable members of society. Reporting on Health blog, part one; links to parts two-six
The rules have changed
Today's STDs are a "game changer." Dr. Meg Meeker explains the serious consequences of a hidden epidemic.
Time for the truth about Gardasil v. Toyota
Teen Birth Rates Fall in 2008 After Two Year Increase
Online registration opens for The Summit

- WHEN: July 22-23
- NEW LOCATION: Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI
- WHAT: The Summit is a two-day conference for pregnancy care center directors, volunteers, staff, and board members.
Sustainability: Strategies for Surviving Grant Termination
All grants end! That’s life. So what happens next? Are there ways to continue your abstinence program when your current grant is over? In this practical session sponsored by the Abstinence Clearinghouse, Calvin Edwards will explain what grantees are doing to continue their programs and will synthesize their approaches with other ideas from nonprofit experts. Seven key strategies will be outlined along with useful steps to implement them. This session is constructed to offer valuable advice and to strengthen your sustainability plan. Register
What About Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest?
Check here for BFL's web page on abortion for rape and incest.
Abortion Advocates Target Pregnancy Centers in Austin, Texas
The ordinance requires pregnancy centers to prominently display, at the entrance of their office, two black and white signs -- one in English and one in Spanish -- saying: "This center does not provide abortions or refer to abortion providers. This center does not provide or refer to providers of U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved birth control drugs and medical devices." Each sign must be at least eight and one-half inches by eleven inches and the text must be in a font size of at least 48 point, the proposal stipulates.
Reflection from Lori Smith
"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us." (1 John 3:16)
The rest of that passage is such a wonderful parallel to that very great and, my personal favorite, passage (probably the first verse most of us ever learned) in the Gospel of John -- 3:16. God so loved us that HE gave.
In 1 John 3:16 we see God's great sacrificial love demonstrated by the death of Jesus on the cross, but we also see the impacting result that should have in our lives.
"And we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother hath need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither love in tongue but in deed and in truth and hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him." (1 Jn 3:16-18)
God's amazing love gift should compel us to reach out to minister to others in love. Make a Difference blog
Lilith Fair turns into an attack on PCCs
Director Colleen Tronson knows not by whom, but was willing to accept any donations. She also too visited the Lilith Fair No Money for Crisis Pregnancy Centers fan page that sprang up in defiance of this nomination, and wrote about the pro-woman nature of her center.
Her post has since been deleted, and the site is triumphantly reporting that no longer will fans be able to choose to support the odious PCCs. So much for pro-choice. And so much for their concern for women. (Note musician Sarah McLachlan's profile photo on the page -- she of animal welfare fame.) So much for the rights of unborn babies.
My hour with an abortion doctor
Editor: This is part 3 of Terra's reflections on a pro-choice seminar she attended.
The paradox of the cross
To bear the cross means forgiving, instead of harboring that grudge.
It means resisting that temptation to do what everybody else does.
It means not having sex before marriage, and being faithful to your spouse after.
It means putting down the remote control and picking up your Bible.
It means praying when you would rather be sleeping.
It means “swallowing your pride” and telling someone about Jesus.
It means doing what God wants you to do, instead of what you want to do.
EPM, page 6
Same words, different meanings: Defining truth in postmodern Christianity
seem to me to be stepping over the line. Truth is an issue of seismic proportions, and if we have eyes to see, it is everywhere around us. Often we don’t see it, though, because we can have nice conversations at church in which we assume that those we’ve talked with meant the same thing we did when they used certain words. But in fact, they didn’t. EPM, page 14
Kenyan Parliament Approves Pro-Abortion Constitution
This is a reversal of previous law on abortion - which required the opinion of two medical doctors who agreed an abortion was necessary for the life of the mother- and will open the door to abortion on demand. Abortion is also advanced in Article 43 of the Draft which states: (1) Every person has the right- (a) to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services, including reproductive health care.
According to Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues Director Marie Smith, "This section can fool those unschooled in pro-abortion deceptions but in the US we know that reproductive health is defined by pro-abortion advocates at the highest level of government as including access to abortion. Hillary Clinton believes it does and as the US undertakes a new Global Health Initiative, Clinton is in a key position as Secretary of State to make sure her definition is imposed on US-sponsored health programs globally, including in Kenya."
An intense campaign to protect the unborn and their mothers from the violence of abortion will soon begin in Kenya as the nation moves to a referendum on the new constitution in July. LifeSiteNews
Planned Parenthood deepens link to breast-cancer group
Between 2003 and 2008, SGK gave $3 million to Planned Parenthood. In Fiscal Year 2008 alone, Planned Parenthood got $805,000 from SGK. SGK now has a webpage dedicated to defending its involvement with Planned Parenthood, including message points and a letter from a "pro-life Catholic." WND
Governors Declare April as Abortion Recovery/Awareness Month
Leadership Institute’s High Dollar Fundraising School
In addition, the Leadership Institute will be offering a new training, the Event Planning Workshop. The workshop will provide you with everything you need in order to conduct effective fundraising events. $50 ($35 if you register before April 6); free to all High Dollar Fundraising School attendees! Register now!
For more information, call (703) 647-3563 or email.
Babies' Bodies Found Dumped in Chinese River
Reports suggest most of the dead babies were females who had been allowed to die or were aborted and dumped because parents wanted to keep the option open for a male child within China's coercive one-child system. According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, police have arrested two hospital morgue workers who had "privately struck oral agreements with the families of the deceased babies to dispose of their remains and had taken payments from them. They took the corpses to near the Guangfu River and disposed of them. They failed to bury them properly, so that they were exposed to view and discovered." Xinhua then blamed the incident on "local custom and a lack of regulation." LifeSiteNews