Claims Questioned On Vaccines Using Cells From Abortion Leading to Autism

Claims from a pro-life organization and pro-life blogger who say a new study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency shows a correlation between the use of cells from babies in abortions in vaccines to an increase in autism rates, are drawing questions and criticism. The study's author, Mike McDonald, and others, question that claim.

McDonald responded to the question, saying the claims "incorrectly represent, and far overreach, our study findings. Our study draws no causal linkages with anything and the recent increase in autistic disorder, and certainly not to the use of fetal tissues in vaccines. Without additional screening approaches there are potentially a huge number of possible exogenous factors and explanations that could be associated with autism. In no case is a correlation with any of these things, including with the timing of the change point, with some other occurrence any indication of causation."

The claims also came under fire from pro-life advocates. LifeNews

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