‘Hope and Change’ in Sex Education Leaves Kids with Big Change But No Hope!

“What you teach your kids at home might be different, but from this point on, if you want to receive grant money, you will have to teach students ‘safe sex,’ condoms, birth-control, the morning after pill, and abortion.” These words opened the latest national conference for abstinence-centered educators receiving federal grants over the past eight years. This message was given by a representative from the Department of Health and Human Services, which seemed to be a final blow after they all received notice by email just weeks before attending that all of their funding would be completely cut as of September 2010. “Hope and change” had reared its ugly head and changed their programs for the worse and left them with no hope at all. . . . Here is the truth: Abstinence works 100% of the time. Pam Stenzel, page 3 HLA Action News

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