Toy Story 3 Affirms Value in Life
Is each toy is valuable for its own sake, as an end, and not merely a means to something else? The message Toy Story 3 ultimately affirms is that every toy, regardless of usefulness or "newness" or brokenness, is special. LifeNews
Mother aborts baby because she cannot cope with morning sickness
Cheryl Harrison, 34, suffered from unrelenting vomiting so severe that it left her with dangerously high blood pressure and so weak she was unable to stand. In the end, she decided she could not proceed with the pregnancy and, at nine weeks, opted for an abortion. She said: ''It was the most horrendous decision I have ever made. I know I can't have any more children, even if they develop a treatment for morning sickness. ''I had severe hypertension, I was putting my life in danger and I sacrificed my baby's life. I could never risk that again.”
A spokesman for the anti-abortion campaigners ProLife Alliance supported Dr Swallow’s argument for more research and said: “'We sympathise with Mrs Harrison and understand that she was going through extreme suffering during her pregnancy. However rather than women thinking that they have to resort to abortion as a solution, doctors should be educating themselves into the extreme effects of morning sickness and providing more help.” Telegraph
Women seeking abortions report intimate partner violence
Women seeking elective abortions have experienced high rates of intimate partner violence, indicating the need for targeted screening followed by community-based referrals and interventions, according to a new study led by University of Iowa researchers. The study was published online June 17 in the American Journal of Public Health.
Editor: Should PCCs screen for violence as well?
Daily Mail headline making them flip
The British press is much more honest about abortion than the American press. Here's another example: "Abortion 'triples breast cancer risk': Fourth study finds terminations linked to disease." Jill Stanek
Study Denying Fetal Pain Lacks Scientific Basis
A new study from members of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists lacks a strong scientific basis and ignores the evidence supplies in several previous studies supplied by leading researchers in the field, say pro-life groups who are criticizing the new report. Mary Spaulding Balch, a National Right to Life attorney who has overseen the development of legislation in the Unite States informing women of the pain unborn children experience in an abortion, said most scientific research says the pain exists. "An objective expert in neurobiology would be appalled by the stunning lack of scholarship in the RCOG article," she said. LifeNews
Docs claim that abortions don’t hurt unborn babies
Women should be able to continue to abort their unborn babies up to 24 weeks because the baby can’t feel pain, according to a controversial review of the scientific evidence. Earlier this year David Cameron said that an upper limit of “20 or 22″ weeks for abortions would be sensible, in the light of recent medical discoveries. But now The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has claimed that their report, which contradicts previous research, negates the need to review the UK’s abortion laws. Christian Institute
The Most Powerful Weapon?
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)How can the Bible claim to be the most powerful weapon? God’s Word is . . . the power of One who is always present in every time and everywhere. Scripture is the power of the light of God’s truth; it displays our utter weakness in sin. It is the power of His authority to both judge rebellion and deliver mercy. God’s Word is the power of the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. All of this power is eternal and limitless. This is the power of the almighty God displayed in His written Word and through His mighty work of salvation. AiG
New York Abortion Deregulation Bill
The most aggressive abortion deregulation bill ever considered in any State resurfaced in New York today entitled the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). The New York Senate (Bill S5808) and then Assembly (Bill A11484) will be considered anytime between today and next week. More detail here. It is possible that there is not enough opposition to defeat it.
Essentially it is designed to scour through all New York legislation and surgically remove all abortion regulation language in addition to eliminating conscience clauses for medical facilities as well as permitting non-physicians to perform abortion procedures. New Yorker’s for Constitutional Freedoms. Your help is crucial.
1. Contact your representatives.
2. Call you State Senator to voice your opposition to Bill S5805 the Reproductive Health Act at (518) 455-2800.
3. Spread the word to your network and church.
4. Pray.
Essentially it is designed to scour through all New York legislation and surgically remove all abortion regulation language in addition to eliminating conscience clauses for medical facilities as well as permitting non-physicians to perform abortion procedures. New Yorker’s for Constitutional Freedoms. Your help is crucial.
1. Contact your representatives.
2. Call you State Senator to voice your opposition to Bill S5805 the Reproductive Health Act at (518) 455-2800.
3. Spread the word to your network and church.
4. Pray.
‘Telemed’ Abortions Under Investigation In Iowa
Operation Rescue has been notified in writing that the Iowa Medical Board is now investigating the “care and treatment” practices of abortionist Susan Haskell and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. The investigation is in response to complaints filed by Operation Rescue Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger concerning “Telemed” abortions.
Ultrasound Laws Protect Women's Health, Stop Abortions, Provide Window to the Womb
In recent years, pro-life advocates have enjoyed tremendous success at the state level in facilitating and encouraging the adoption of ultrasound requirements. Nineteen states have already enacted ultrasound requirements, and nearly a dozen states have considered ultrasound-related measures in 2010. However, as with any important policy initiative, there continues to be debate within the pro-life movement as to the best approach for making ultrasounds available to women before abortion. Importantly, there are more areas of agreement than disagreement. LifeNews
This opinion column is a response to Stopping Abortion: A Different Take on Legislation Promoting Ultrasounds, written by pro-life NIFLA attorney Tom Glessner.
This opinion column is a response to Stopping Abortion: A Different Take on Legislation Promoting Ultrasounds, written by pro-life NIFLA attorney Tom Glessner.
Planned Parenthood's missing millions
It's time to defund Planned Parenthood. Someone needs to explain to all those people why $2.3 billion in tax dollars have been doled out to an organization that admits to systematically having killed more than 1.8 million pre-born babies between 2002 and 2008 and then reports it only spent $657.1 million in federal dollars.
Has Planned Parenthood managed to tuck away megamillions of our tax dollars, seemingly unnoticed? Or is that much of its government funding coming from sources other than the federal government? Or is there a problem with the way Planned Parenthood is reporting its expenditure of our federal monies?
In just two weeks, Planned Parenthood will complete its 2009-10 fiscal year. Yet it still has not released its annual report for its 2008-09 fiscal year. In light of the discrepancy revealed in this GAO report, we must ask: What is Planned Parenthood trying to keep secret?
It's time for Planned Parenthood to come clean - if such a thing is possible.
GAO reports for prior years show that from 1997 through 2001, PPFA expenditures of federal money accounted for an average of 72 percent of its government income.
Yet this new report shows PPFA expenditures of federal money making up an average of just 32 percent of its government income from 2002 through 2008.
Planned Parenthood's abortion business has increased year after year in lock step with its increasing government funding, as evidenced by the included chart. Washington Times
Has Planned Parenthood managed to tuck away megamillions of our tax dollars, seemingly unnoticed? Or is that much of its government funding coming from sources other than the federal government? Or is there a problem with the way Planned Parenthood is reporting its expenditure of our federal monies?
In just two weeks, Planned Parenthood will complete its 2009-10 fiscal year. Yet it still has not released its annual report for its 2008-09 fiscal year. In light of the discrepancy revealed in this GAO report, we must ask: What is Planned Parenthood trying to keep secret?
It's time for Planned Parenthood to come clean - if such a thing is possible.
GAO reports for prior years show that from 1997 through 2001, PPFA expenditures of federal money accounted for an average of 72 percent of its government income.
Yet this new report shows PPFA expenditures of federal money making up an average of just 32 percent of its government income from 2002 through 2008.
Planned Parenthood's abortion business has increased year after year in lock step with its increasing government funding, as evidenced by the included chart. Washington Times
Doctors Sign “Abortion Provider’s Declaration of Rights” at Awards Ceremony
Two abortion providers were honored at a May 24 ceremony in New York City: one for a "lifelong commitment" to abortion services, the other for the "courage" to begin a medical career that includes abortion. Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health also used the occasion to launch the Abortion Provider’s Declaration of Rights. "The declaration outlines rights all doctors should enjoy — whether or not they provide abortion services — such as the right to live without violence and the right to give patients complete and accurate information about a medical procedure."
Canadian Study Finds Strong Link Between Abortion and Premature Birth
Dr. Ghislain Hardy, a third year resident in obstetrics and gynecology at McGill, and his team did a chart review of 17,916 women who delivered at Royal Victoria Hospital. Of their sample, 13% had obtained one abortion and 5% had procured two or more. Women with one past abortion were 45% more likely to give birth before 32 weeks, 71% more likely to do so at less than 28 weeks, and more than 50% more likely at less than 26 weeks. They noted that the link was even greater where the woman had more than one abortion. LifeSiteNews
Free Speech and Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Imagine going to a shoe store—and seeing a large sign on the door announcing, “We don’t sell puppies here.” Or suppose you’re about to board a plane, and spot a sign in the waiting area: “No train service here.” Or imagine walking into a four-star restaurant, and seeing a sign reading: “The county government recommends that you dine somewhere else.” Now imagine these nutty signs might be required by law. Believe it or not, in Maryland, lawmakers have ordered signs like these to be posted—but only in front of one business: crisis pregnancy clinics. CPCs of Tucson
NC clinic to stop offering abortions
National Women's Health Organization of Raleigh, which was founded in 1976 by the late women's rights activist Susan Hill, is "in transition." The clinic was widely believed to be for sale after Hill died of breast cancer in February. In addition to the Raleigh facility on Haworth Drive, Hill owned abortion centers in Columbus, Ga., and Jackson, Miss. Her brother said he is uncertain about the status of the clinics but said Susan Hill had no children and no heirs. News Observer
Editor: Seems like lately, we've been hearing about a clinic closing nearly every day!
Editor: Seems like lately, we've been hearing about a clinic closing nearly every day!
GAO Report on Planned Parenthood Reveals Startling Discrepancy
According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office report, Planned Parenthood Federation of America audits show the organization spent only $657.1 million between 2002 and 2008 from federal government grants and programs when the abortion behemoth's annual reports show it took in $2 billion from government grants and programs during the same time period. "That leaves $1.3 billion unaccounted for. That's not pocket change," said STOPP national director Rita Diller. "Why the discrepancy? These numbers don't add up and from an organization with a track record like Planned Parenthood's, the American people deserve an explanation." Christian Newswire
Editor: Meanwhile, PCCs and other pro-life ministries struggle to survive!
Editor: Meanwhile, PCCs and other pro-life ministries struggle to survive!
Sri Lankan Study Confirms Abortion Triples Breast Cancer Risk
A new study coming from researchers in Sri Lanka finds women who had abortions more than triple their breast cancer risk compared with wome who carry their pregnancy to term. The study was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology and found a 3.42 odds ratio against women having abortions compared with those who kept their baby. Abortion was the most significant factor in the study on breast cancer risk and researchers found a significantly reduced risk associated with prolonged duration of breastfeeding a newborn. This is the fourth epidemiological study in fourteen months to report an abortion-breast cancer link, including studies from the U.S., China and Turkey. Other studies have shown the protective effect a full-term pregnancy has for women. LifeNews
A Different Take on Legislation Promoting Ultrasounds
Efforts have been made in various state legislatures in the last few years to pass laws that would mandate that information about the availability of ultrasound be given to a woman before she can obtain abortion. These well- intended laws are deficient in major areas and are not the most effective means to insure that an abortion-minded mother benefits from the powerful impact of ultrasound.
All of these laws require that certain ultrasound information be given to the woman, by the abortionist doctor – the one who is going to financially benefit from the decision to abort! How objective and credible is such a person going to be? A second criticism of the laws passed is that they compel a mother to receive information that she may not wish to have. Finally, an examination of many of the laws actually passed show that they are inadequate in ensuring that a woman contemplating abortion will actually see an ultrasound image of her child.
NIFLA strongly recommends that proposed ultrasound legislation include the concerns that a mother be informed of whether she has a viable pregnancy. The law should require that before a woman undergoes an abortion that she receive a medical opinion that her pregnancy is a viable pregnancy. This, of course, can only be done by an ultrasound exam. The importance of this information lies in the fact that if the pregnancy is not viable then she will miscarry and need not succumb to the brutal abortion procedure.
Second, the law should specifically state that the physician providing the medical opinion regarding the viability of the pregnancy be a physician who does not have a vested financial interest in the abortion decision. This would mean that the woman, before having an abortion, would have to be referred to another medical facility to undergo the ultrasound to determine the viability of the pregnancy. In practical terms, she would be able go to a pro-life PRC medical clinic that provides free ultrasound exams to get this information. LifeNews
All of these laws require that certain ultrasound information be given to the woman, by the abortionist doctor – the one who is going to financially benefit from the decision to abort! How objective and credible is such a person going to be? A second criticism of the laws passed is that they compel a mother to receive information that she may not wish to have. Finally, an examination of many of the laws actually passed show that they are inadequate in ensuring that a woman contemplating abortion will actually see an ultrasound image of her child.
NIFLA strongly recommends that proposed ultrasound legislation include the concerns that a mother be informed of whether she has a viable pregnancy. The law should require that before a woman undergoes an abortion that she receive a medical opinion that her pregnancy is a viable pregnancy. This, of course, can only be done by an ultrasound exam. The importance of this information lies in the fact that if the pregnancy is not viable then she will miscarry and need not succumb to the brutal abortion procedure.
Second, the law should specifically state that the physician providing the medical opinion regarding the viability of the pregnancy be a physician who does not have a vested financial interest in the abortion decision. This would mean that the woman, before having an abortion, would have to be referred to another medical facility to undergo the ultrasound to determine the viability of the pregnancy. In practical terms, she would be able go to a pro-life PRC medical clinic that provides free ultrasound exams to get this information. LifeNews
Maryland State Attorney Refers Abortion Death Case To Homicide Unit
A State Attorney for Anne Rundle County, Maryland, has referred an abortion death case involving abortionist Romeo A. Ferrer to the local Police Homicide Unity for possible criminal investigation.
On February 3, 2006, 21-year old Denise Crowe went to Ferrer’s Gynecare Center for a second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion in her 16th week of pregnancy. She was given a fatal overdose of meperidine, a narcotic also known as Demerol. The patient’s vital signs were not properly monitored, and resuscitation efforts were inadequate. Ms. Crowe’s death left her 3-year old son motherless.
For years, Crowe’s death was concealed from the public. However, on April 7, 2010, the Maryland Board of Physicians filed a petition against Ferrer for “failure to meet the standard of quality care” in his negligent treatment of Ms. Crowe that resulted in her death. That case is still under consideration and could take months to resolve. OR
On February 3, 2006, 21-year old Denise Crowe went to Ferrer’s Gynecare Center for a second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion in her 16th week of pregnancy. She was given a fatal overdose of meperidine, a narcotic also known as Demerol. The patient’s vital signs were not properly monitored, and resuscitation efforts were inadequate. Ms. Crowe’s death left her 3-year old son motherless.
For years, Crowe’s death was concealed from the public. However, on April 7, 2010, the Maryland Board of Physicians filed a petition against Ferrer for “failure to meet the standard of quality care” in his negligent treatment of Ms. Crowe that resulted in her death. That case is still under consideration and could take months to resolve. OR
Give donors a reason to stay loyal
Nonprofits, both large and small, lose roughly a third of their donors annually. To make matters worse, this figure refers only to people who have given at least two donations to a favored charity. The figure for newly recruited supporters is actually a good deal worse.
This should be a serious concern for all nonprofits. Attentiveness to the needs, desires and preferences of donors is an organization's ethical and fiscal responsibility. Ethical and effective fundraising means truly listening to donors, learning what really matters to them, understanding their goals for their giving, valuing what they care about and helping them to fulfill their personal missions for their philanthropy.
Retaining current donors is also important because maintaining a robust, loyal donor base is the most cost-effective strategy for nonprofits and offers potential for substantial increases in giving. The cost of identifying and cultivating new supporters is far higher than that of taking proper care of current donors and keeping them engaged. All Business
Related: 25 Good Fundraising Ideas (and One Bad One)
Five cheap ways to boost your presence on the web
This should be a serious concern for all nonprofits. Attentiveness to the needs, desires and preferences of donors is an organization's ethical and fiscal responsibility. Ethical and effective fundraising means truly listening to donors, learning what really matters to them, understanding their goals for their giving, valuing what they care about and helping them to fulfill their personal missions for their philanthropy.
Retaining current donors is also important because maintaining a robust, loyal donor base is the most cost-effective strategy for nonprofits and offers potential for substantial increases in giving. The cost of identifying and cultivating new supporters is far higher than that of taking proper care of current donors and keeping them engaged. All Business
Related: 25 Good Fundraising Ideas (and One Bad One)
Five cheap ways to boost your presence on the web
Facing the giant
We are facing a Giant in the land. For some of you, the Giant gets bigger every day. It seems we cannot win. Finances are so hard to obtain. Leadership is equally difficult to find. Most people do not understand the vision or need. Very few come alongside you to join the fight. It seems that the church itself is silent and unwilling to help. There are very few people who will actually stand with you against the giant in your country. You feel very alone and overwhelmed. It’s time to respond as David did because we serve the same God that David served. His for Life
Abortion Mills Face New Troubles in Two States
Generation Life announced Saturday that a Planned Parenthood facility in Nampa, Idaho, closed for the day. The Nampa site had only begun offering abortions one day per month beginning in May. The Planned Parenthood web site indicates they plan to offer abortions again on July 1, if they can get their staffing problems worked out. announced on Friday that the Falls Church Healthcare Center abortion mill in Falls Church, Virginia, has lost their lease and will be forced to move or close. This abortion clinic has also been the site of faithful pro-life activity. Christian Newswire announced on Friday that the Falls Church Healthcare Center abortion mill in Falls Church, Virginia, has lost their lease and will be forced to move or close. This abortion clinic has also been the site of faithful pro-life activity. Christian Newswire
Every pregnancy center has a story...share yours with the world!
Information without a story is just information. Information with a story will connect emotionally with your intended audience. For about the price it takes to bring a speaker in to do your banquet, Abba Media Group will come to your center and personally interview one or more of your clients whose lives were personally changed through your ministry.
'Vote Pro-Life' items on sale now!
The Heritage House '76 has designed lots of new items including yard signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers, lapel pins, hats, rolled stickers banners and vinyl window stickers with "Vote Pro Life" messages to help you in your efforts to encourage people to VOTE PRO LIFE!! Check out all items on sale when you log on to Discount prices expire Sunday, June 27, 2010. Order now!!!
Abortion Activists Claim New “Right” to Maternal Health
At the United Nations-backed Women Deliver conference in Washington, DC, last week, abortion activists announced the achievement of a new international human right to maternal health just three years after launching a campaign to establish it. Advocates said that the new right requires nations to liberalize abortion laws and create numerous new bureaucracies, procedures and programs. C-FAM
Spring issue of At the Center magazine
- Centerboard: Pro-Life to the Core
- Serving Teenage Men: A Pregnancy Center Priority
- Bringing the Gift of Hope to Our Clients
- Handling Board and Organizational Conflict: The Board Chaplain
- Are You Obtaining Words, Graphics, and Pictures Legally?
- Does Bigger Always Mean Better?
- Too Many Chickens
- Marketing 101: Extending Your Network
Caught in the LifeLight: Lila Rose
Few young people have managed to captivate so completely the pro-life movement as Lila Rose, whose courageous undercover investigative work has helped to blow the lid on a culture of illegality and deception at Planned Parenthood facilities. Rose is President of Live Action Films, the group that has conducted investigative stings of abortion centers and released videos to the public documenting their devastating findings. That a 20-year-old pro-life heroine should possess eloquent clarity and confidence is little wonder – like a Daniel in the lion’s den, she has dared to enter Planned Parenthood facilities disguised as a 13, 14, or 15-year-old girl. Her mission is to expose the “abortion-first mentality” of abortion facility employees, a mentality that continues to put young girls at risk for continued sexual exploitation by predators. LifeSiteNews
Abortion May Increase Risk of Autoimmune Disease
Surgical abortion may increase the likelihood of certain autoimmune diseases, according to a new report by Dr. Ralph P. Miech of Brown University. The researcher pointed out that as the placenta is destroyed during a surgical abortion, there is an increased "fetal-to-maternal transfer of fetal ... cells." These fetal cells may persist in the mother’s body for decades. "Activation of hibernating fetal microchimeric cells," Dr. Miech writes, has "been postulated to result in the initiation of an autoimmune disease." This would explain why women during their reproductive and post-reproductive years are more likely than men to develop many chronic autoimmune diseases. Dr. Miech has also performed research linking the abortion drug RU 486 to a rare bacterial infection. LifeSiteNews
FDA Panel Backs New 'Morning After' Pill
A U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted unanimously on Thursday to recommend approval of a new emergency contraception pill that is effective for a longer period of time than the "morning after" pill known as Plan B. The new drug, ulipristal acetate or UPA, is marketed under the brand name ellaOne and would be available only by prescription; it would be effective if taken up to five days after unprotected intercourse. Although the FDA does not always follow the recommendations of its advisory panels, it typically does.
The drug works by inhibiting ovulation, explained Dr. Paul Fine, medical director of Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Texas & Louisiana and a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and urology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. "It is not an abortion pill," said Fine. "The reason for this is that if ovulation has already occurred and fertilization has occurred, then the pregnancy is going to happen. That is also true with Plan B."
But anti-abortion advocates disagree. According to Dr. Joe DeCook, a spokesman for the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), at the doses recommended, ulipristal will not suppress ovulation but will, rather, "block the lining of the uterus from receiving progesterone, which makes it dysfunctional. It will not then support life." HHS
"The difference between preventing life and destroying life is hugely significant to many women," said Jeanne Monahan, director of the Family Research Council's Center for Human Dignity. "Women deserve to know that difference." WaPo
The drug works by inhibiting ovulation, explained Dr. Paul Fine, medical director of Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Texas & Louisiana and a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and urology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. "It is not an abortion pill," said Fine. "The reason for this is that if ovulation has already occurred and fertilization has occurred, then the pregnancy is going to happen. That is also true with Plan B."
But anti-abortion advocates disagree. According to Dr. Joe DeCook, a spokesman for the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), at the doses recommended, ulipristal will not suppress ovulation but will, rather, "block the lining of the uterus from receiving progesterone, which makes it dysfunctional. It will not then support life." HHS
"The difference between preventing life and destroying life is hugely significant to many women," said Jeanne Monahan, director of the Family Research Council's Center for Human Dignity. "Women deserve to know that difference." WaPo
Summit early-bird registration end nearing!
Early bird registration for the Summit ends June 20. Register today and save!
You can't eliminate all fraud
Why don't we eliminate the possibility of fraud? Because we can't. It would require an army of employees to rotate through different jobs as they separately review each transaction, with checks and balances along the way that would bring any ministry to a grinding halt. This would not be good stewardship. Our goal is to find a reasonable balance between preventive efforts and risk. ECFA
New Index Finds Charitable Giving Is Up
Charitable giving during February, March, and April was up 12.1 percent compared to the same period in 2009, according to the Blackbaud Index of Charitable Giving. The new index draws on fundraising information from 1,400 nonprofit groups representing different parts of the nonprofit world. Together the organizations have annual revenues of $2.2-billion. ECFA
- Report Finds Americans Didn’t Pull Back on Their Giving Last Year
- Giving Dropped 4.9% in 2009, but Researchers Optimistic for 2010
- House Passes Extention of Charitable Giving Tax Breaks
- More Than Half of Donors Won’t Increase Giving in 2010, Survey Finds
- Tax guide for churches, organizations
- Online fundraising increasing
Redefining how we raise resources
Fundraisers are in a continual struggle to measure their impact solely by the number of dollars raised. This article introduces a new way of thinking -- that it involves sowing more than reaping. View your calling as a resource developer from a fresh perspective that's rooted in Scripture. ECFA
The ultimate test of leadership
Our work is often assessed by current project completion and other relatively short-term successes, but the biblical model for leadership demonstrates that we should be more concerned with the net result of our efforts -- how our actions impact the ministry decades or even centuries (!) in the future. ECFA
Bill would modify Michigan abortion ultrasound law
Michigan lawmakers are set to consider a bill Tuesday that would tighten the state law on pre-abortion ultrasound tests. A bill scheduled for discussion in a Senate committee would require the use of the most advanced equipment available at a facility when an ultrasound is shown.
Editor: Would this affect PCCs?
Editor: Would this affect PCCs?
$1 Billion+ Gold Mine for Abortion Industry
Taxpayers have funded abortion advocacy organizations to the tune of over a billion dollars between 2002 and 2009, according to a new report by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office. However, these figures may only be the tip of the iceberg.
At a press conference on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., members of Congress and pro-life advocates unveiled the GAO findings. According to the report, Advocates for Youth received a total of $8.7 million (2002-2009); the Guttmacher Institute, $12.7 million (2002-2008); International Planned Parenthood Federation, $93.8 million (2002-2009); Planned Parenthood Federation of America, $657.1 million (2002-2008); Population Council of the United States, $284.3 million (2002-2008); Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), $1.6 million (2002-2009).
“With the national debt over $13 trillion - costing every American $118,000 - we must apply strict scrutiny to every federal dollar allocated," Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) said at Wednesday’s conference, noting that most Americans are opposed to funding abortion interest groups. LifeSiteNews
At a press conference on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., members of Congress and pro-life advocates unveiled the GAO findings. According to the report, Advocates for Youth received a total of $8.7 million (2002-2009); the Guttmacher Institute, $12.7 million (2002-2008); International Planned Parenthood Federation, $93.8 million (2002-2009); Planned Parenthood Federation of America, $657.1 million (2002-2008); Population Council of the United States, $284.3 million (2002-2008); Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), $1.6 million (2002-2009).
“With the national debt over $13 trillion - costing every American $118,000 - we must apply strict scrutiny to every federal dollar allocated," Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) said at Wednesday’s conference, noting that most Americans are opposed to funding abortion interest groups. LifeSiteNews
$425 for an RU486
Last month, Planned Parenthood of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, moved from its previous location on 20th Street to its current location at 50923 Highway 6. The move was a response to increased demand for its “services.” According to the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains website, it will be providing medication abortions (RU486) at the site and will charge $425.
Perceptions of Preabortion Counseling Inadequacy and Decision Disagreement
. . . as Predictors of Subsequent Relationship Problems and Psychological Stress in Men and Women. This is one of the few studies to include both men and women. Furthermore, it is the first scientific study to investigate perceptions of the counseling experiences before the abortion and the agreement over the abortion decision between the parents of the unborn child. Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change
Editor: This is also the study with the loooooongest title, from the organization with the looooooongest name.
Editor: This is also the study with the loooooongest title, from the organization with the looooooongest name.
Baskets of love
Assurance for Life of Lexington, KY, gives abortion-minded clients a "love basket," full of goodies that represent promises of God. A pen is inscribed with a verse about how God has a woman's name written on His hand. A hair wrap represents how every hair on her head is accounted for by God. A flashlight is a reminder that Jesus is the Light of the world. A relaxation CD assures her that she can come to Him for rest when she's weary.
One young woman had accepted a Gospel tract, saying, "I probably won't read it." But when the counselor gave her a basket and pointed out the significance of some of the items, she said, "Nobody has ever given me anything like this." Then she allowed the counselor to pray for her. Afterwards, she tearfully hugged the counselor and told her no one had ever prayed for her like that. The basket had melted her heart. Expressions of Assurance, summer newsletter, page 1
One young woman had accepted a Gospel tract, saying, "I probably won't read it." But when the counselor gave her a basket and pointed out the significance of some of the items, she said, "Nobody has ever given me anything like this." Then she allowed the counselor to pray for her. Afterwards, she tearfully hugged the counselor and told her no one had ever prayed for her like that. The basket had melted her heart. Expressions of Assurance, summer newsletter, page 1
Share at the Fair
Many PCCs reserve a booth at state, county or local fairs, or other summer and fall festivals with the goal of promoting their services. Reach fair-goers with important information about forced abortions and the effects of abortion. The UnChoice
June is Abortion Awareness Month in the African American Community
It is a tragic and curious fact that just over 30% of the abortions in this country are performed on African American women. But the African American community is only 12% of the US population. This means of course that the Black population is strongly over-represented in terms of abortion deaths. ADW
Editor: This was the first I'd heard about June being Abortion Awareness Month. There's not much about it online. Anyone else know more?
Editor: This was the first I'd heard about June being Abortion Awareness Month. There's not much about it online. Anyone else know more?
Nicaragua Continues to Resist Foreign Pressure to Legalize Abortion
Nicaragua, one of the few countries in the world to maintain a total ban on abortion, has again rejected pressure by foreign powers to liberalize its pro-life legislation. A report from proceedings at the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva reveals that 11 countries called for Nicarague to legalize abortion. Delegate Carlos Robelo, however, flatly refused to bow under pressure. LifeSiteNews
Four Myths that Aren’t: NARAL Continues Crusade Against PCCs
NARAL has posted a “quiz” on its website that attempts to “inform” respondants on the problems of pregnancy care centers. Why do they have a problem with PCCs? Is it because, rather than simply offering abortion, they inform women of the entire breadth of their choices in a situation? If NARAL is looking for misinformation, they should look a little closer to home. Live Action
How much do you know about PCCs?
Care Net put together a quiz about pregnancy care centers. How well did you do?
Will Facebook Turn More Americans Pro-Life?
Matthew Faraci has has noticed a trend among his Facebook friends. “There’s a trend now when somebody has an ultrasound—and particularly the 3-D ultrasound that’s kind of new and innovative. People will tend to post that as their Facebook status,” said Faraci, vice president of communications and marketing for Americans United For Life. “That’s what most people do to announce they’re pregnant … among their friends and their peers.” Right now, it’s only a theory, Faraci said, but he thinks having those images posted on Facebook may impact on how the younger generation views the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate. Human Events
Are you ready for Proudly Pro-Life Social Networking Day?
Are you ready for Proudly Pro-Life Social Networking Day?
Money issues forcing cuts to Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood has cutback its services to the Tahoe-Truckee (NV) area. Gone are the programs at the California Conservation Corps in Meyers and at Sierra High School in Truckee.
“Because of budget constraints and issues with the entire state we are restructuring,” said Alison Gaulden, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood in Reno. Lake Tahoe News
“Because of budget constraints and issues with the entire state we are restructuring,” said Alison Gaulden, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood in Reno. Lake Tahoe News
Videoconference birth control in Wisconsin
So far, Iowa is the only state in the U.S. to provide abortions through videoconferencing, a process whereby a woman consults with a doctor on a video camera, and at the end of the "appointment," out pops abortion-causing drugs from a drawer in front of her. A recent New York Times article revealed that abortion providers across the country are asking how they can replicate this method.
Currently, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin dispenses birth control via teleconferencing. Video phones, which are the size of a laptop computer, are at 10 Planned Parenthood locations, chosen because they are the organization’s Title X clinics and receive funding from the federal government. Federal tax dollars financed the setup of PPWI's teleconferencing system, reports the Milwaukee Business Journal. Pro-Life Wisconsin
Currently, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin dispenses birth control via teleconferencing. Video phones, which are the size of a laptop computer, are at 10 Planned Parenthood locations, chosen because they are the organization’s Title X clinics and receive funding from the federal government. Federal tax dollars financed the setup of PPWI's teleconferencing system, reports the Milwaukee Business Journal. Pro-Life Wisconsin
Planned Parenthood Should Inform Women of Risks
As advocates of so-called “reproductive health services” celebrate the 50th anniversary of the pill, and the new law allowing federally subsidized health plans to treat abortion as “health care,” it’s time again to break through the catch phrases and examine the fine print. Doing so reveals the unpleasant truth that advocates of contraception and abortion frequently undermine women’s health by trading their consciences for cash registers. LifeNews
Wisconsin Abortionist Retreats to Harvard
Abortionist Caryn Dutton is leaving the University of Wisconsin and Planned Parenthood Wisconsin to take a job at Harvard University, according to documents uncovered by Pro-Life Wisconsin and the Alliance Defense Fund. Pro-Life Wisconsin said, "[The University] is saying her departure will mean a change in who provides the service - but from what we know, they don't have anybody else ... who is willing to perform late-term abortions." Dutton also performs abortions at the local Planned Parenthood clinic in Madison. Four other UW doctors, however, remain under contract with Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin to provide abortion services. LifeSiteNews
Editor: The article did not describe the nature of her position at Harvard.
Editor: The article did not describe the nature of her position at Harvard.
The year of the (pro-life) woman
There are many millions of pro-life women, but only 13 in the House. The Senate has none. Even Kay Bailey Hutchison, the Texas Republican who votes with pro-lifers on many issues, says she favors Roe v. Wade. All of the women who have served on the Supreme Court have supported Roe, too. Pro-life women have not even found representation among Republican first ladies, all of whom in the post-Roe era have been pro-choice. One reason that Sarah Palin’s nomination for vice president in 2008 was so immediately polarizing is that she instantly became the most prominent pro-life woman American politics has ever produced. She's about to get some company. NY Times
Related: Clift mocks pro-life women as 'so yesterday'
Woman Up blog
Related: Clift mocks pro-life women as 'so yesterday'
Woman Up blog
U.S. charitable giving falls 3.6 percent in 2009
Despite overall drop, some types of charities attract more gifts during time of great need; for third year, giving exceeds $300 billion, says Giving USA Foundation. Estimated total charitable contributions from American individuals, corporations and foundations fell to $303.75 billion in 2009, down from a revised total of $315.08 billion for 2008. The 2009 drop represents a fall of 3.6 percent in current dollars. In 2009 the overall economy saw slight price deflation, which makes the adjusted change in giving year-over-year a decline of 3.2 percent.
Human services, health, international aid, and environment/animals subsectors saw increased contributions. Giving decreased to religion, education, foundations, public-society benefit organizations, and to arts, culture and humanities organizations.
Human services, health, international aid, and environment/animals subsectors saw increased contributions. Giving decreased to religion, education, foundations, public-society benefit organizations, and to arts, culture and humanities organizations.
Health Department launches text messaging system for teens
"Can u hlp? I think i mite b pregnant." The Genesee County (Flint, MI) Health Department has launched a getreal text messaging system — believed to be the first such messaging system in Michigan — to help teens and young adults anonymously get some answers to their sexual health questions. Teens can get info on STDs, avoiding pregnancy, sexual abuse, and how to find out if they're pregnant. mLive
Black Life Deficit
According to the National Vital Statistics Reports: Volume 58, No. 8, released December 23rd, 2009, there were 292,080 Black deaths from all causes other than induced abortion (i.e., excluding induced abortion). Walter Hoye looks at the math:
587,000 Live Black Births
-744,808 Black Deaths (i.e., 452,000 induced abortions + 292,808 all other causes)
157,808 (Black Life Deficit)
587,000 Live Black Births
-744,808 Black Deaths (i.e., 452,000 induced abortions + 292,808 all other causes)
157,808 (Black Life Deficit)
Last week for early bird discount on Summit registration!

Receive a price break on Summit registration by registering before June 20. Register online today!
Father’s Day LifeGram
NEED A FATHER’S DAY GIFT? What better way to honor your father than by thanking him for creating life and giving him a chance to save the lives of others? This Father’s Day, Students for Life of America is offering “LifeGrams.” For just $10, you can make a donation to SFLA’s life-saving work in the name of your father.
British Government Admits Most Britons Object to Abortion Ads
Thousands of Britons have objected to the television commercials the Marie Stopes Institute abortion business ran on television last month. The official count of respondents in the day following the commercials found 98 percent of those who took the time to lodge their reaction were opposed to the ads. LifeNews
Pro-Life TV Show Nominated For Emmy Award
Cincinnati-based Life Issues Institute has announced that their compelling pro-life TV show, Facing Life Head-On, captured the attention of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and has earned a nomination for the prestigious Emmy Award in the "Interview/Discussion Program" category. Winners will be announced July 31.
Facing Life Head-On airs weekly in more than 100 million homes across the US and Canada. Fusing education with entertainment to promote the value of innocent human life at all stages, the broadcast covers topics as diverse as adoption, disabilities, abortion, stem cell treatments, medical technologies and end-of-life care. LifeSiteNews
Facing Life Head-On airs weekly in more than 100 million homes across the US and Canada. Fusing education with entertainment to promote the value of innocent human life at all stages, the broadcast covers topics as diverse as adoption, disabilities, abortion, stem cell treatments, medical technologies and end-of-life care. LifeSiteNews
FDA panel to weigh 'ella,' a longer-working alternative to 'morning-after pill'
A French drug company is hoping to offer American women something their European counterparts already have:a pill that works long after "the morning after." The drug, dubbed ella, would be sold as a contraceptive -- one that could prevent pregnancy for as many as five days following unprotected sex. But the new drug is a close chemical relative of the abortion pill RU-486, raising the possibility that it could theoretically be used to induce abortion by making the womb inhospitable for an embryo. WaPo
AAPLOG's letter to the FDA
AAPLOG's letter to the FDA
A Pregnancy Center Executive’s Journey to Wisdom
If you are following the story of the pregnancy center executive’s journey to a Linear Service Model the first step is to acquire wisdom. As executives we are constantly forced to make decisions. Our choices usually involve determining which of four or five good options is best. This is why we need wisdom.
Will we make mistakes? Yes. Is there grace in those mistakes? I believe for those who are pursuing wisdom with all diligence that there is an ocean of grace. So here are some practical steps to begin building into your personal executive experience to be more intentional around the virtue of wisdom. The Effective PRC
Will we make mistakes? Yes. Is there grace in those mistakes? I believe for those who are pursuing wisdom with all diligence that there is an ocean of grace. So here are some practical steps to begin building into your personal executive experience to be more intentional around the virtue of wisdom. The Effective PRC
Man Assaults Connecticut Girlfriend: "She is Stupid and Won't Get an Abortion"
A Connecticut man was arrested Wednesday after telling police he punched his girlfriend multiple times because she refused his request to get an abortion. This case comes as another in Memphis has a former police officer facing trial over allegations he killed his mistress after she refused his abortion demand.
Arturo Rojas, 41, reportedly punched his girlfriend in the stomach repeatedly because she would not get an abortion. “Yeah, I (messed) that (woman) up. She is stupid and won't get an abortion.” LifeNews
Arturo Rojas, 41, reportedly punched his girlfriend in the stomach repeatedly because she would not get an abortion. “Yeah, I (messed) that (woman) up. She is stupid and won't get an abortion.” LifeNews
Alabama Abortion Mill To Close Down Rather Than Clean Up
Beacon Women’s Center has announced on its website that their abortion clinic is now closed. The clinic remains open only for follow-up patients until June 18, 2010, when it will officially surrender its operating license. It had a long history of health and safety deficiencies on record with the Alabama Department of Public Health.
Deficiencies included:
• Shoddy record keeping
• Improper distribution of controlled substances without proper physician authorization
• Failure of nurses to administer the correct medication
• Failure to determine if patients had drug allergies
• Failure to adhere to the state ultrasound laws that mandate women be offered to view of their ultrasound images
• Use of expired medication and supplies
• Being dangerously understaffed on abortion days
• Unlicensed administrator assisting with abortion surgeries
• Use of unsterilized medical equipment, including speculums and dilators
• Falsifying lab tests
• Improperly conducting urinary pregnancy tests, and reading results before prescribed time had expired – staff scored 60% failure for proficiency for conducting pregnancy tests
• Using faulty, uninspected lab equipment
• Broken suction machine that was not removed per order of inspector
The clinic’s web site announced the closure and offered a $100 discount to women if they were willing to travel to a sister-clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, for their abortions. The closure leaves six active abortion clinics left in Alabama. This closing follows a national trend. Since 1991, over two-thirds of the nation’s abortion clinics have closed. Operation Rescue keeps an up-to-date listing of abortion clinics around the country. Operation Rescue
Deficiencies included:
• Shoddy record keeping
• Improper distribution of controlled substances without proper physician authorization
• Failure of nurses to administer the correct medication
• Failure to determine if patients had drug allergies
• Failure to adhere to the state ultrasound laws that mandate women be offered to view of their ultrasound images
• Use of expired medication and supplies
• Being dangerously understaffed on abortion days
• Unlicensed administrator assisting with abortion surgeries
• Use of unsterilized medical equipment, including speculums and dilators
• Falsifying lab tests
• Improperly conducting urinary pregnancy tests, and reading results before prescribed time had expired – staff scored 60% failure for proficiency for conducting pregnancy tests
• Using faulty, uninspected lab equipment
• Broken suction machine that was not removed per order of inspector
The clinic’s web site announced the closure and offered a $100 discount to women if they were willing to travel to a sister-clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, for their abortions. The closure leaves six active abortion clinics left in Alabama. This closing follows a national trend. Since 1991, over two-thirds of the nation’s abortion clinics have closed. Operation Rescue keeps an up-to-date listing of abortion clinics around the country. Operation Rescue
Proudly Prolife Social Networking Day

All you prolife social networkers, join Right to Life of Michigan Wednesday, June 16, at 11 a.m. EDT for Proudly Prolife Social Networking Day. We'll be online spreading the message "I am proudly prolife" throughout Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, etc. The goal is to make a significant buzz on Wednesday, inspire other people to get more involved and encourage those in the middle or on the sidelines with the message that being prolife is, as Gallup put it, the "new normal."
How can you participate?
How can you participate?
- Change your status messages and tweets to say "I am proudly prolife"
- Change your profile picture to a prolife message. Copy this profile picture.
- Promote a link to the "It's Easy To Be Prolife" web page for ideas on how to get involved
- Invite friends and family to connect with Right to Life of Michigan's social networking pages, see the links below for web addresses
- Comment in groups or start discussions on prolife issues
- Add links on your profile to a prolife news story, music video, YouTube video, local prolife pregnancy center website, picture, political cartoon, or other online content.
Oral Contraceptives Contribute to Young Women's Risk of Getting Breast Cancer
A 2009 study reports that oral contraceptive use contributes to younger women developing breast cancer particularly a type called triple-negative that is aggressive, more difficult to treat and has higher mortality rates. Among women under 40 years of age, the risk for breast cancer overall, and the risk of non-triple-negative breast cancer increased with younger age at first use. Concerned Parents Report
Baby formula under lock and key?
Dianne Pomon of Genesis PCC in Pottstown, PA, alerted us to a new (to us) phenomenon in the baby formula world. It's become a hot commodity, both as a shoplifting item and as a medium used to cut drugs such as heroin or cocaine. That's why some stores keep it under lock and key, and why her center has found the need to implement stricter standards before donating it to needy moms. Is this something your center has dealt with? Email or post a comment.
Here are some related stories:
Rise in heroin use in youth alarms officials
Thieves selling baby formula to buy heroin
Most shoplifted items? Baby formula now under lock and key
Here are some related stories:
Rise in heroin use in youth alarms officials
Thieves selling baby formula to buy heroin
Most shoplifted items? Baby formula now under lock and key
Prayer request for upcoming LifeWalks
Indya Morton, of the CPC of Grant County in Marion, IN, requests prayer for their LifeWalk Saturday. "I know that a few other centers are also having their walks this Saturday as well and I know we would all like prayer for our events." Yes, our prayers are with you!
Smoking & Pregnancy
Are you pregnant? Well, then that’s two good reasons to quit smoking. If you’re pregnant and smoking cigarettes, you’re smoking for two. When you inhale, you inhale nicotine, carbon monoxide and other chemicals, and these pass into your baby’s body. They can affect the chance of you having a healthy baby, and no baby should be forced to smoke. Life Issues Connector
FEMINIST STRATEGY BACKFIRING: Abortion drug used to assault women
According to Planned Parenthood’s Alexander Sanger, the abortion pill represented “one of the most important victories for women in this century.” All rhetoric aside, the reality of RU486 is that after nearly ten years on the market, this “victory for women” has taken seven American women’s lives (that we know of), caused serious complications in hundreds of others, and provided a new instrument for the abuse of women. Life Issues Connector
It Costs $222,360 To Raise A Child
Yes, it's a number that screams false precision. Nevertheless, a new government estimate says a middle-income, two-parent family will spend $222,360, on average, to raise a baby born in 2009. NPR
Free birth control under health care?
As health reform regulations begin to take shape, Planned Parenthood has begun a quiet campaign to ensure that birth control is counted among the free preventive services that health insurers must cover under the Affordable Care Act. Birth control barely came up in the health care reform debate, brushed aside by the more heated debate over abortion language and coverage. But with numerous religious groups opposed to contraceptive use, this issue is all but certain to become a flash point as implementation moves forward. Politico
Canadian Women Sue Birth Control Pill Manufacturer
A group of Canadian women is suing Bayer Pharmaceutical, claiming they do not adequately inform users of the potential serious health risks associated with the oral contraceptives Yaz and Yasmin. Lawyers for the plaintiffs will present evidence that the hormonal birth control pills cause conditions ranging from decreased bone density to strokes, gallbladder problems leading to surgery, pulmonary embolisms, and numerous other serious health issues. LifeSiteNews
Sex Makes Babies
The problem is not the Pill. The problem is the idea, which promoters of the pill introduced and promoted with great fanfare, that we have separated sex from reproduction. We teach the young to think of pregnancy as a rare emergency, an unexpected side effect of engaging in sexual acts. This disconnect produces a great deal of lunacy in our culture, and suffering for children, too.
Yes, contraceptives will dramatically reduce the likelihood that any given sexual act will create a new life. . . . [But w]hat are the odds that that a young woman will get pregnant during her first year on the Pill?
The answer is: At typical rates of contraceptive failure, nine out of 100 of these young women will get pregnant. (Actually, that's the average for all Pill users; young users probably have higher failure rates.) Among condom users, 17 young women will get pregnant for every 100 who rely on this method. . . . That's just the risk in the first year. National Review
Yes, contraceptives will dramatically reduce the likelihood that any given sexual act will create a new life. . . . [But w]hat are the odds that that a young woman will get pregnant during her first year on the Pill?
The answer is: At typical rates of contraceptive failure, nine out of 100 of these young women will get pregnant. (Actually, that's the average for all Pill users; young users probably have higher failure rates.) Among condom users, 17 young women will get pregnant for every 100 who rely on this method. . . . That's just the risk in the first year. National Review
The womb: Sacred space
CNN anchor Dr. Sanjay Gupta refreshingly made an implicitly pro-life argument during a report about how toxic chemicals possibly affect the unborn children: "Here in the womb, enveloped in darkness and warmth, a baby's life begins in earnest. It is a sacred space: pristine, insulated, more than nine months of safe refuge from the world outside" Dr. Gupta made that statement as he gave a voice-over for the first segment of his "Toxic Childhood" special, which first aired on Thursday evening. LifeNews
Planned Parenthood Backs Down From Expanding Telemed Abortion Process
A Iowa Planned Parenthood affiliate has backed down from comments saying it would expand the controversial telemed abortion process throughout the staste. The process has women getting the dangerous abortion drug without an in-person examination by a physician. LifeNews
Related: Abortion Drugs Given in Iowa via Video Link
Related: Abortion Drugs Given in Iowa via Video Link
Abortion stats will remain private
A bid by B.C. anti-abortionists to have the number of abortions conducted at Kelowna General Hospital and Vancouver General Hospital each year made public has failed. B.C.’s Information and Privacy Office has told Campaign For Life Coalition British Columbia it will not hold an inquiry into the matter. The ruling effectively kills the coalition’s attempt to force public release of the numbers, which are protected by law under the province’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The group will not give up on its quest and will try to “educate” MLAs about the need to be open with the numbers. KelownaCapNews
Pregnant at 16
Pregnant at 16" is a deeply personal, informative and impassioned reflection on the outcome of the author's life as a result of her choice to carry and keep her baby when she became pregnant as a teenager, in 1974. Lori Bowser's passion and understanding for the pressures of teenage life are evident in her writing, and she creates a vivid portrait of the teenage social climate that rings true even today. She handles difficult topics - teenage pregnancy and abortion - with tact, and her experience in the medical field brings interesting insight to an often-veiled issue. Her prayer is that Pregnant at 16 will soften hardened hearts toward young, unwed pregnant teenagers and their precious unborn children, and ultimately rescue the unborn from destruction by abortion. Westbow Press; look for Lori's exhibit at Care Net and Right to Life conferences
Where are we today?
Ten years ago, a pro-life directory listed 3,234 pro-life agencies. Roughly 2500 of these were pregnancy care centers. Anyone have an idea how to determine how many PCCs there are in the US today?
Also at that time, we estimated the average center's budget was $70,000. I have no idea how we came up with that figure. Probably an educated guess. Again, how would one determine the average today? We also posited the average number of volunteers and donors for each center, plus the average number of volunteer hours x minimum wage = worth of donated time. Then we considered that in terms of the average number of clients/year. What do you think these numbers are now? Email your thoughts. (Here's what we published 10 years ago: 'Are We Really So Bad?')
Also at that time, we estimated the average center's budget was $70,000. I have no idea how we came up with that figure. Probably an educated guess. Again, how would one determine the average today? We also posited the average number of volunteers and donors for each center, plus the average number of volunteer hours x minimum wage = worth of donated time. Then we considered that in terms of the average number of clients/year. What do you think these numbers are now? Email your thoughts. (Here's what we published 10 years ago: 'Are We Really So Bad?')
Abortionist Randall Whitney Arrested for Aggravated Battery
Long-time Volusia County, FL, abortionist Randall B. Whitney was arrested by Orlando Police inside the Orlando Women’s Center after he slapped a woman while preparing her for an abortion procedure. This is not the first time Whitney has assaulted patients. He gave up his own clinic in Daytona Beach when he decided he would rather close than face scrutiny by state investigators. Pro-Life Florida
"Proven" Sex-Ed Programs Get A Boost From Obama
Under the Obama administration, the U.S. is shifting gears on teen pregnancy prevention. Everyone is still on-message that abstinence should be the core message of any federally funded program, but comprehensive sex education is about to get a boost from the federal government. This year's federal budget is devoting more than $114 million to what it calls an "evidence-based approach." Abstinence-only programs will still be funded, but most of the money will go to communities that choose programs that have shown they reduce teen pregnancy. NPR
Women having abortions after fertility treatment
Data released under the Freedom of Information Act has shown that an average of 80 abortions are carried out in England and Wales a year on women who have undergone IVF treatment. Doctors have said they are surprised at the figures considering the expense and difficulty that many couples go through when having fertility treatment. Some women said they were pressured into IVF by their partners and others said they aborted their pregnancy after their relationship broke down. Telegraph
Michigan Woman Describes Horrific Abortion
Caitlin Bruce told ABC News she begged Abraham Hodari to stop as soon as she felt him insert the speculum to start the procedure and despite her objections, brutally forced the abortion on her while his assistants pinned her to the table. "He had a real tight grip over my mouth, but I was screaming .. and trying to pull my legs together."
Vicki Saporta, president of the Washington, D.C.-based National Abortion Federation, a professional association of abortion providers, said a patient in any medical setting should always have the right to say no.
Bruce said that while she still believes in a woman's right to have an abortion, she wishes more women would consider their options more carefully that she did. "If you want to have an abortion that's your choice," she said. "A lot of women think if it as an easy out, but it's not."
Vicki Saporta, president of the Washington, D.C.-based National Abortion Federation, a professional association of abortion providers, said a patient in any medical setting should always have the right to say no.
Bruce said that while she still believes in a woman's right to have an abortion, she wishes more women would consider their options more carefully that she did. "If you want to have an abortion that's your choice," she said. "A lot of women think if it as an easy out, but it's not."
Late abortion ups later pregnancy termination risk
Women who have an abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy are more likely than women who terminate their pregnancies earlier to have repeat abortions, new research shows. And women who initially have a late abortion are also substantially more likely to have a second late abortion. Being younger than 20 sharply increased a woman's risk of having repeat abortions, and of having repeat late abortions. The further along a woman is in her pregnancy the more risky it is to terminate the pregnancy, the researchers note in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Reuters
Why do the wicked prosper?
The International Planned Parenthood Federation, has just released its latest financial statement. The abortion giant boasts of increased spending on youth programs and a significant increase in funding from the United Nations Population Fund, with an overall 20% boost in income as compared to 2008. In 2009, IPPF raked in a staggering $140 million, the bulk of which came from government grants. Sweden, the United Kingdom and Japan top the organization's list of government donors, accounting for 40% of grant money received. Grants from foundations and multilateral organizations also grew from the previous year. UNFPA, while it is not one of the organization's largest donors, nearly doubled its contribution to IPPF last year from $783,000 to $1.36 million. LifeNews
Editor: Notice that the worldwide recession doesn't seem to be hurting them at all. Yet, while the world's governments fund this Goliath of evil, meek little PCCs will inherit the earth.
Editor: Notice that the worldwide recession doesn't seem to be hurting them at all. Yet, while the world's governments fund this Goliath of evil, meek little PCCs will inherit the earth.
Ad Campaign Urges Black Women to Choose Adoption
Fresh from their first success, a Georgia billboard campaign exposing the abortion industry’s deliberate targeting of the black community has begun phase two: informing black women that adoption, not abortion, is the answer for a crisis pregnancy.
The new billboard campaign “Black and Unwanted,” launched by Georgia Right to Life and the Radiance Foundation, is continuing to hit home with black Americans by revealing that abortion is devastating their communities and dwindling their demographic contribution to the U.S. population.
Black women by and large do not discuss the experience of abortion - and with very few exceptions, black pastors do not talk about abortion or its spiritual ramifications. But the billboards have begun a long overdue conversation about the issue: the billboards continue to gain steam as mainstream outlets and talk radio shows pick up the story. Many people in the black community have reached out via emails, blogs, twitter, some thanking the pro-life organizations for finally opening their eyes, and others to say they now feel free to share their secret experience of abortion. LifeSiteNews
The new billboard campaign “Black and Unwanted,” launched by Georgia Right to Life and the Radiance Foundation, is continuing to hit home with black Americans by revealing that abortion is devastating their communities and dwindling their demographic contribution to the U.S. population.
Black women by and large do not discuss the experience of abortion - and with very few exceptions, black pastors do not talk about abortion or its spiritual ramifications. But the billboards have begun a long overdue conversation about the issue: the billboards continue to gain steam as mainstream outlets and talk radio shows pick up the story. Many people in the black community have reached out via emails, blogs, twitter, some thanking the pro-life organizations for finally opening their eyes, and others to say they now feel free to share their secret experience of abortion. LifeSiteNews
Researchers Asked to Hide Scientific Debate over Maternal Deaths
At a meeting on maternal and child health research in Washington last week, United Nations staff and abortion advocates told scientists they should “harmonize” their findings or discuss them “in a locked room” so that the press could not report maternal death numbers that conflicted with the ones they use to lobby policy makers and major international donors.
The comments were made at a symposium hosted by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and the British medical journal, The Lancet. The journal recently published an IHME study, which refuted the UN-sanctioned but highly controversial figure of 500,000 annual maternal deaths, finding the number to have declined to 342,900 including 60,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS. Abortion advocates and some UN staff have been using the higher figure for two decades to promote a version of maternal and child health policy that includes abortion. LifeSiteNews
The comments were made at a symposium hosted by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and the British medical journal, The Lancet. The journal recently published an IHME study, which refuted the UN-sanctioned but highly controversial figure of 500,000 annual maternal deaths, finding the number to have declined to 342,900 including 60,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS. Abortion advocates and some UN staff have been using the higher figure for two decades to promote a version of maternal and child health policy that includes abortion. LifeSiteNews
Health Tips for Pregnant Women and New Moms sent via Text Messages
Text4baby is a free service from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that can help you give your baby the best possible start in life. Women who sign up will receive three, free SMS text messages each week, timed to their due date or the baby's date of birth.
Survey May Explain Steady Teen Pregnancy Rate
A growing number of teen girls say they use the rhythm method for birth control, and more teens also think it's OK for an unmarried female to have a baby. According to a new survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 17 percent of sexually experienced teen girls say they had used the rhythm method — timing their sex to avoid fertile days to prevent getting pregnant. That's up from 11 percent in 2002. It also found:
- About 42 percent of never-married teens had had sex at least once in their life. Of those teens, 98 percent said they'd used birth control at least once, with condoms being the most common choice. Those findings were about the same as in the 2002 survey.
- The increase in the rhythm method may be part of the explanation for recent trends in the teen birth rate. The teen birth rate declined steadily from 1991 through 2005, but rose from 2005 to 2007. It dropped again in 2008, by 2 percent.
- Nearly 64 percent of teen boys said it's OK for an unmarried female to have a child, up from 50 percent in 2002. More than 70 percent of teen girls agreed, up from 65 percent, though the female increase was not statistically significant.
Uganda: World Bank Loans 30 Million for Abortions
The World Bank recently announced that it will give Uganda a $130 million loan to improve the countries health care, "with a focus on maternal health, newborn care and family planning." As stated by the World Bank, $30m (39%) of the loan will be used specifically for "reproductive health" services. This large sum is troubling considering reproductive health is a nice way of saying that they could be setting up the framework for thousands of abortions. C-Fam
Should You Donate by Text Message?
Donating by cell phone is incredibly quick and easy: You just text a word or number to a specific phone number, and a set amount is charged to your phone bill. Your carrier then delivers the funds to the charity. Advocates say that mobile donations are an appealing option because they're convenient and offer instant gratification. The system also opens up philanthropy to individuals who might otherwise feel that they couldn't contribute. Younger audiences, for instance, appreciate being able to donate via text message because they don't need a credit card to do so.
Try to determine whether normal texting rates will apply to your donation. It all depends on the carrier and on the charity you're giving to. In addition, make sure you're committing to a one-time donation and not to a recurring one that will appear on your phone bill every month. The biggest problem with mobile donations, though, isn't where the money is going, but how long it will take to get there. It might take only a few seconds for a donor to text a gift, yet the contribution might not reach the targeted relief agencies for a few months. ECFA
Editor: I wish he'd talked about how non-profits could set up a text-donating system for their own fundraising. Now that would be interesting, eh?
Try to determine whether normal texting rates will apply to your donation. It all depends on the carrier and on the charity you're giving to. In addition, make sure you're committing to a one-time donation and not to a recurring one that will appear on your phone bill every month. The biggest problem with mobile donations, though, isn't where the money is going, but how long it will take to get there. It might take only a few seconds for a donor to text a gift, yet the contribution might not reach the targeted relief agencies for a few months. ECFA
Editor: I wish he'd talked about how non-profits could set up a text-donating system for their own fundraising. Now that would be interesting, eh?
Study on Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines Presented at International Meeting for Autism Research
Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute's founder and lead scientist, Dr Theresa Deisher, presented their ongoing study into the possible link between aborted fetal DNA in several childhood immunizations with Autism and Austim Spectrum Disorder at the International Meeting for Autism Research in Philadelphia in May. The study which was met with both shock and gratitude for her work, focused on "improper integration of the residual DNA as a possible contributor to autism, particularly in genetically susceptible infants." SCPI
Abortion Anesthetist Allegedly Infected over 40 Women with Hep C
At least 44 women have now been infected by Hepatitis C after attending Croydon Day Surgery, Victoria's only late-term abortion clinic, in north-eastern Melbourne, Australia. Half of these cases can be definitively traced to the same strain infecting Dr. James Latham Peters, an anesthetist at the clinic. He is under investigation by the Victoria Police and the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria; some say he may have deliberately infected the women. LifeSiteNews
Ethicist Shatters Myth of 'Virtually No' Canadian Late-Term Abortions
Margaret Somerville, the Samuel Gale Professor of Law, and the Founding Director of the Faculty of Law's Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law at McGill says there are two abortion myths in Canada: "one is that there is a general consensus on the issue (of abortion) and the other is that late-term abortions are rare. Both are wrong."
Somerville contacted Statistics Canada to inquire about late-term abortion numbers, she was told that "they were instructed for political reasons not to collect statistics on the gestational age at which abortion occurs," but also that "hospitals must report the number of abortions and about 45 per cent had continued to report gestational age." From such unsolicited reports, "it's known that at least 400 post-viability abortions take place in Canada each year and the actual number is most probably more than twice that." The organization also recorded some late-term abortions in a category that includes infanticide. LifeSiteNews
Somerville contacted Statistics Canada to inquire about late-term abortion numbers, she was told that "they were instructed for political reasons not to collect statistics on the gestational age at which abortion occurs," but also that "hospitals must report the number of abortions and about 45 per cent had continued to report gestational age." From such unsolicited reports, "it's known that at least 400 post-viability abortions take place in Canada each year and the actual number is most probably more than twice that." The organization also recorded some late-term abortions in a category that includes infanticide. LifeSiteNews
'Abortion never saves a mother’s life': Irish Ads Clarify Ectopic Treatment Not Abortion
“Abortion never saves a mother’s life – it just kills a baby,” says a newspaper advertisement that will appear in all of Ireland’s major papers starting today. The Irish pro-life group Youth Defence said that the ads, which they have sponsored together with the Life Institute, are to counter implications by abortionist groups that there is no moral difference between treatment for an ectopic pregnancy and direct abortion. The “essential” newspaper campaign, said Dr. Seán Ó Domhnaill of the Life Institute, is “cutting through the confusion - and laying the truth bare.”
The ads also feature comments from Prof. John Bonner, a former head of the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, who told a Dáil Committee in 2000: “It would never cross an obstetrician’s mind that intervening in a case of pre-eclampsia, cancer of the cervix or ectopic pregnancy is abortion. They are not abortion as far as the professional is concerned, these are medical treatments that are essential to save the life of the mother.” LifeSiteNews
The ads also feature comments from Prof. John Bonner, a former head of the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, who told a Dáil Committee in 2000: “It would never cross an obstetrician’s mind that intervening in a case of pre-eclampsia, cancer of the cervix or ectopic pregnancy is abortion. They are not abortion as far as the professional is concerned, these are medical treatments that are essential to save the life of the mother.” LifeSiteNews
Italian Government Offers Women $5.5K to Reject Abortion
Women in Italy's northern region of Lombardy who are considering abortion out of financial fears, will be offered monetary assistance of up to €4500 (US $5500) per year, the president of the regional government announced last month. It has offered pregnant women in financial difficulties €250 for 18 months after the birth of their child. The Italian birth rate is at an all-time low, with 1.32 children born per woman, far from the rate of 2.1 needed to maintain a stable population. Italy ranks 206th of 223 countries in fertility rates and is expecting dramatic reductions in population over the next decades. LifeSiteNews
Panel discusses impact of forced abortion in China
Every 2.4 seconds, a woman in China undergoes a forced abortion because of the communist nation's one-child policy, totaling about 35,000 abortions a day, a panel of four experts said Tuesday. "Over 400 million children are not living in China because of the one-child policy," said Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women's Rights Without Borders. "That's more than the population of the United States." Washington Times
Doctor, 100, still working after delivering 18,000 babies
A doctor in Augusta, GA, who has delivered 18,000 babies over a career spanning more than 60 years is still practising at 100 years old. Dr Walter Watson, nicknamed "Papa Doc," has been present at the births of generations spanning from grandparents down to grandchildren during his 63 years as an obstetrician. He is thought to be the oldest practising medic in the world. Telegraph
Editor: After all the news this week about various abortionists (below), it's good to read something positive.
Editor: After all the news this week about various abortionists (below), it's good to read something positive.
Killing Abstinence: What parents and teens have to lose
What other story has the mainstream media ignored? The big one concerns the positive effects of abstinence on teens. Obviously, abstinent teens are not going to get pregnant or contract an STD. But research shows that, in general, they also will be happier and less depressed than their permissive peers. National Review
In Wake of Abortion Death Discovery, Groups Call for Revocation of Maryland Abortionist's License
Pro-Life groups are calling for the Maryland Board of Physicians to revoke the medical license of abortionist Romeo Ferrer at a disciplinary hearing tomorrow concerning the abortion death of a woman in 2006. On February 3, 2006, a 21-year old woman went to Gynecare Center for a second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion. According to the MBP, the patient was overdosed on pain-killing narcotics. She was not properly monitored and appropriate emergency protocols were not followed. This negligence resulted in the patient's death, which was only recently discovered by local pro-life groups.
Unfortunately, this incident was not Ferrer's first brush with the law. Operation Rescue uncovered disciplinary documents that show a pattern of misdeeds that date back over 20 years. In 1992, Ferrer was disciplined for his incompetence that involved botched abortions and other surgical procedures, including an incident where he knowingly sewed a metal surgical instrument into a patient. Christian Newswire, the current complaint
Unfortunately, this incident was not Ferrer's first brush with the law. Operation Rescue uncovered disciplinary documents that show a pattern of misdeeds that date back over 20 years. In 1992, Ferrer was disciplined for his incompetence that involved botched abortions and other surgical procedures, including an incident where he knowingly sewed a metal surgical instrument into a patient. Christian Newswire, the current complaint
Houston Planned Parenthood called “holy and sacred ground”
Dedicating the seven-story, 78,000 square foot abortion facility in Houston, Texas, those present inside offered up in unison a prayer referring to it as “sacred and holy ground.” The Planned Parenthood Prevention Park will kill preborn babies up to 16 weeks gestation, with plans to do late-term abortions up to 20 weeks in the near future. But speakers couldn't even bring themselves to mention the word 'abortion' in their remarks. 39 Online
Ulipristal (elleOne) is the “next generation” of RU-486
In a letter to the FDA, Americans United for Life is warning of the health risks associated with the new “emergency contraceptive” called Ulipristal or elleOne. "This characterization is inaccurate. RU-486 acts to block progesterone; it is a 'selective progesterone receptor modulator,' or 'SPRM.' Such progesterone blockers ('antagonists') interfere with the developing human embryo, causing it to die by either interfering with the uterine lining and preventing implantation, or by starving an implanted embryo. 'Emergency contraception' is a progesterone, not a progesterone blocker. It overwhelms progesterone receptors with an increased amount of progesterone, suppressing ovulation or altering the lining of the uterus.
"Ulipristal is a[n] SPRM and not a progesterone. RU-486 is the parent compound of Ulipristal, and Ulipristal possesses the same mechanisms of action as RU-486. Thus, it blocks progesterone, prevents implantation, and interferes with the development of a human embryo. Ulipristal is not in the same class of drugs as 'emergency contraception'; instead, it is a 'next generation' of RU-486." AUL letter to FDA
"Ulipristal is a[n] SPRM and not a progesterone. RU-486 is the parent compound of Ulipristal, and Ulipristal possesses the same mechanisms of action as RU-486. Thus, it blocks progesterone, prevents implantation, and interferes with the development of a human embryo. Ulipristal is not in the same class of drugs as 'emergency contraception'; instead, it is a 'next generation' of RU-486." AUL letter to FDA
Mainstream Media Reports On Possible Botched Abortion In Florida
Monday, an article appeared in the Naples News with three photos of an ambulance at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic preparing to transport a patient to the hospital. As usual, that story was promptly picked up by, but surprisingly, was then reported by Fox News on their web site. The news coverage shows a shift in how abortion stories are being reported. “Not that long ago, no news outlet would have touched this story,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Jordanian 'murdered his daughter in abortion bid'
A man in Jordan is reported to have been charged with murdering his teenage daughter after he cut an unborn baby he had fathered from her body. The man confessed to raping his 19-year-old daughter for five years, judicial sources told the Jordan Times. The charges have shocked Jordanian officials who told reporters they had never seen anything like it. BBC
British charity opens abortion clinics in China
Marie Stopes International, the British birth-control charity, has sparked anger from women’s rights campaigners by setting up a chain of abortion clinics in China, where the country’s population control policies routinely pressure women into terminating their pregnancies. MSI has opened five outlets in China’s eastern province of Jiangsu. Here the selective abortion of girls has led to a gender imbalance of up to 131 boys for every 100 girls. Times Online
Editor: As if China needs more abortions.
Editor: As if China needs more abortions.
Dr. Grossman: a Catholic Funded Abortionist in Colorado's Four Corners
Dr. Richard Grossman M.D. is the only abortionist in over 200 miles, and he's not shy about publicly touting his grisly profession. Every Wednesday, Dr. Grossman kills children at the Durango Planned Parenthood. He charges a sliding scale based on the age of the child. For killing a child of 5-11 weeks he charges $425, 12-13 weeks $515, 14-15 weeks $780, and 16-17 weeks costs $880. Dr. Grossman works at a Catholic hospital, Mercy Regional Medical Center, as a staff physician with full medical privileges! Examiner
Teens encouraged to show love without sex
Teenagers in Doncaster [UK] are being encouraged to list 101 ways to show love without having sex on their prom night. The campaign aims to encourage youngsters, aged between 15 and 17, to discuss ways of expressing their love, and suggestions put forward by pupils have included going for romantic walks on the beach, writing a poem and sending flowers. Christian Institute
Opposition to abortion within the health care community—rather than fear of public harassment —is a major factor preventing new physicians from becoming abortion providers, according to “Obstacles to the Integration of Abortion into Obstetrics and Gynecology Practice,” by Lori Freedman et al., of the University of California, San Francisco. Guttmacher Institute
EllaOne Concerns Pro-Life Advocates, FDA Hearing Soon
The relatively new abortion drug ellaOne still concerns pro-life advocates, who are monitoring the Food and Drug Administration and whether it will allow the drug to come to the United States from Europe. Billed by abortion backers as a morning-after pill, the drug works much differently. While the morning after pill has the ability to cause an abortion when used after implantation, ellaOne, also known as Ulipristal, works as an abortion drug. That's because the drug is meant to be taken by women longer after sexual intercourse -- not just 24-48 hours but as much as five days later. At that point, if a pregnancy has occurred, the drug will undoubtedly cause an abortion and kill a unique human being immediately after conception. LifeNews
Abortionist Tiller Planned to Retire Before his Death
At a fundraising dinner May 26, 2010, abortionist LeRoy Carhart reported that his employer, George Tiller, was making plans to soon retire prior to his murder by Scott Roeder last year. Operation Rescue commented: "We had worked since 2002, through peaceful, legal avenues to expose the heinous nature of Tiller's late-term abortion business, bring him to justice, and close his abortion clinic. The fact that Tiller was preparing to quit proves that our efforts were successful. Unfortunately, Tiller's murder a year ago was a senseless and despicable act that wrongly took a life and denied the people justice under the law. If Roeder had not acted, Tiller would be retired today and his abortion clinic closed without violence. We were right. Roeder was as wrong as it gets." Christian Newswire
Slip-up sparks a storm of dissent
Planned Parenthood rep tells a radio reporter that a trendy type of abortion will be available in eastern Iowa. However, other officials insist she misspoke. "(Barbara) Chadwick misspoke when she said that telemedicine abortion would be available in the Dubuque and Cedar Rapids health centers," said Jenifer Vick, director of development and communications for Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa. "She was speaking broadly, that telemedicine is the way medical care is moving in the country."
Abortionist sues to overturn county law
Fort Wayne, Indiana’s lone surgical abortion provider is suing to stop a new county ordinance from being enforced. Dr. George Klopfer, operator of Fort Wayne Women’s Health, is challenging a county law that requires doctors who don’t live in Allen County or surrounding counties or who don’t have admitting privileges to area hospitals to provide contact information to area emergency rooms and the local health department. Klopfer lives in Illinois but is based out of South Bend. He also performs abortions in Fort Wayne and Gary. Journal-Gazette
Is Mississippi's last standing abortion mill on the brink of closing?
Read Jill Stanek's blog post about the Women's Health Organization in Jackson, MS.
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