Ulipristal (elleOne) is the “next generation” of RU-486

In a letter to the FDA, Americans United for Life is warning of the health risks associated with the new “emergency contraceptive” called Ulipristal or elleOne. "This characterization is inaccurate. RU-486 acts to block progesterone; it is a 'selective progesterone receptor modulator,' or 'SPRM.' Such progesterone blockers ('antagonists') interfere with the developing human embryo, causing it to die by either interfering with the uterine lining and preventing implantation, or by starving an implanted embryo. 'Emergency contraception' is a progesterone, not a progesterone blocker. It overwhelms progesterone receptors with an increased amount of progesterone, suppressing ovulation or altering the lining of the uterus.

"Ulipristal is a[n] SPRM and not a progesterone. RU-486 is the parent compound of Ulipristal, and Ulipristal possesses the same mechanisms of action as RU-486. Thus, it blocks progesterone, prevents implantation, and interferes with the development of a human embryo. Ulipristal is not in the same class of drugs as 'emergency contraception'; instead, it is a 'next generation' of RU-486." AUL letter to FDA

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