Babies' Cells Linger, May Protect Mothers

What would you say if we told you that when a woman has a baby, she gets not just a son or daughter, she gets an army of protective cells--gifts from her children that will stay inside her and defend her for the rest of her life? It's such an enticingly beautiful idea, the scientists who proposed it worry that maybe it's too beautiful.

. . . Carol Artlett, who studies fetal cells at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, even if a woman has a miscarriage or an abortion, even if there is no baby, the cells of an unborn child will stay in the mother for decades. But, why? What exactly are they doin' in there for years and years and years?

. . . The good fetal cell hypothesis proposes that the son or daughter cells stay in mom, not to hurt her, but to protect, defend and repair her for the rest of her life whenever she gets seriously ill. NPR

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