Abortion Clinic Tour
See also: Protests to focus on doctor who performed 60,000 abortions
Maximizing generosity through alignment
Majority of Foundations Defrauded by Madoff Had Four or Fewer Trustees
Investing with Care: How to Avoid Investment Scams and Surprises
'Comprehensive sex ed' = more abortions
Who Are the 50 Million Missing Women?
Former clinic employees aid abortion foes
Teen Mom Hid Pregnancy Then Killed Newborn
FDA Hold On Geron’s Stem Cell Trial
Baby's mp3 heart monitor
UNESCO Proposes Explicit Sex-Ed Program
Naples Planned Parenthood to start offering abortions next month
Abortion has not been available in Collier, FL, since 1996 when Dr. Wallace McLean stopped performing it because of opponents protesting outside his Naples office and his home. Since then, women have had to travel to Miami or Fort Myers for an abortion. Planned Parenthoods in Sarasota, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami and West Palm Beach offer abortion services but that’s not the case for all Planned Parenthood clinics in Florida. For instance, Planned Parenthood in Fort Myers does not do clinical abortions but it does offer the abortion pill. By the end of 2010, all will be doing abortions. Collier, Planned Parenthood has hired a Cape Coral physician, Dr. Philip Waterman, to perform the outpatient procedure. He does abortions at other Planned Parenthood sites in the state.
Patients must schedule appointments and abortions will only be done on Mondays. No other medical services will be offered on that day. The cost for an abortion will be $475 and insurance will be accepted. A sliding scale fee will be available to uninsured women based on income. The Collier clinic will do abortions in cases of rape and incest but will not accept Medicaid for reimbursement, which in Florida pays when the crime has been proven. Starting in October, the clinic will offer the abortion pill, which can be used up to the ninth week of pregnancy. Naples News
Editor: This article contains a surprising -- and helpful -- amount of detail.
Abortion Pill Hasn't Expanded Number of Abortion Outlets
Mainstream Media Honors Late-Term Abortionist
Slovakia President Signs Bill Into Law to Inform Women of Abortion's Risks
"Blood Money" Documentary Seeks to Expose the Abortion Business
Ted Kennedy, Abortion Advocate
Abstinence videos on You Tube
Editor: Sorry I couldn't embed them here. On another front, now I've seen everything: using sex to sell abstinence -- the new Candies Foundation campaign.
Cutting edge pro-life information for your campus or organization
European Committee Upholds Pro-Abstinence Sex Education Program
'In the Womb' Now on the Net: Amazing 4-D Footage of Growing Baby
Editor: I was alerted (8/31/09) to the fact these videos have been removed from YouTube, as they apparently infringed on National Geographic's copyrights. DVDs are available for purchase from National Geographic.
Women's Magazine Profiles Women Considering Abortion Because Of Fetal Abnormalities
Townhall Kit
Reaching Teens Online
Reflection: The Ultimate Aim of Serving Others
APA Denies Abortion Mental Health Risks
Sneak peek! 2010 SOHLS bulletin insert

Jim Caviezel: Pro-Life More Important Than My Career
Carhart Lays Off Half His Staff, Abortions Down
Abortion: Which Side Is Fabricating?
New book about birth control pills
Just for Girls . . . and Guys
Abortion Expansion Stopped
Most Ob/Gyns in Canada Don't Do Abortions
Editor: I'm curious as to whether Canada's national health service requires doctors to do abortion make referrals, or if they have conscience rights. The article doesn't say.
Prayer request
Medical Center Won't Admit Carhart's Late-Term Abortion Patients
Now is the Time to Take a Stand for Abstinence
Injectable Contraceptive Leads To Obesity
Judge tosses abortion law requiring ultrasound
Kourtney Kardashian considered aborting her unplanned pregnancy
Editor: Some pro-life groups are foolishly holding Kourtney up as a role model, but she's hardly that. She made the right choice about life for her baby, but her other choices have not been so stellar.
Chlamydia tests for children on beach
Pro-Abortion Laws Lead to More Maternal Deaths
Teen Abortions Lower in States Accepting Abstinence Funds
Woman stabbed after refusing abortion
Pure Exposure Fashion Show Thursday in Toronto
Age At First Childbirth Increasing In US, Worldwide
ECFA regional conferences
Understanding teen moms
Wanted: Couples who waited
Kenneth Purdom, director of HisWay Productions (a True Love Waits® Cooperating Ministry) says, "Anyone interested in being taking part in the interviews please email me your contact information with a short overview of your purity story." http://www.truelovewaitsrally.com/
India welcomes more baby girls for first time
British pop star tells of abortion regrets
Editor: Sad, sad, sad.
Competing Emotions
Baby with no face? Ultrasounds were wrong!
Parents + Abstinence Education = Lowest Risk of Teen Pregnancy and STDs
Real health care respects human life
Harris Poll Shows Strong Shift to Pro-Life Position
A Remarkable Pro-Life Woman
Twitter CEO's wife Sara 'tweeting' in labour
Kenya: Vice President Calls for Campaigns Against Abortion
Gel condom to "empower women"
Just good writing: Paul Greenberg
Colorado Title Board Approves Proposal For Personhood Amendment
There Must Be 50 Ways …
What’s Hot, What’s Not in Fundraising
Michigan Abortions Increase in Bad Economy
Michigan Stats Disprove Notion of High Numbers of Insurance-Paid Abortions
Abortion is part of health care legislation
Poor nations' teens birth control use inconsistent
More Irish women seeking post-abortion check-ups
End-of-Summer Classical Flute Concert for the Benefit of Be’ad Chaim
Planned Parenthood Fined $700K for Medicaid Overbilling
Obama silent about provisions for abortion
Abused, maltreated kids have sex earlier
Your babies or your life
Warren Hern: The Last Abortion Doctor
See also Man is a Malignant Eco-Tumor
Abstinence brochures available from CBH
Urgent Prayer Request
Minnesota Planned Parenthood Gets Infertility Grant
Editor: Did you ever notice how many celebrities are having twins? I just noticed a headline about Roger Federer's newborns, and it made me wonder why there seems to be such a high percentage of twin pregnancies among the famous. I presume it's due to fertility assistance. That begs the question, then, why so many famous and infertile?
White House: Snitch on People Who Oppose Health Care Reform
IRS Backs Down, Approves NonProfit Tax Status for Iowa Pro-Life Group
D.C. to Offer STD Tests In Every High School
Women logging on for online abortions
Get to Know: Caleb Counseling
email today to set up an initial consultation and discover the Strategic Transformation Plan God has for you.
The Self-Confrontation Manual
Abortion Advocates Vandalize Office of European Pro-Life Conference
Obama Staffer Says Abortion Compromise Coming
Leadership Summit notebook available for download
Don't mix stress with pregnancy
Chinese parents hope for daughters after glut of sons
Operation Rescue Announces “Keep It Closed” Campaign
Is the Soul Mate Mentality a Sham?
Forgiving self?
"Forgiveness of self is not a Biblical concept. . . . if we could forgive ourselves, we would not need the Lord's forgiveness! Forgiveness is [received] by looking up, not by looking in the mirror! . . . Ongoing 'un-forgiveness' of self is basically saying that what Christ did on the Cross was limited or insufficient (Rom. 8:1-2; Col. 1:13; Micah 7:18-19; 1 John 1:9; 2 Cor. 5:17). . . . Our past sins can affect how we think today, but we need to 'take every thought captive.' When old issues come up, speak the truth about God's forgiveness right back at them. The fact of God's unlimited forgiveness to us (when we repent) should remind us of His graciousness and mercy and cause us to praise Him more and to meditate on Psalm 18:1-6 that speaks about God as our rock and fortress and that His help is available."
Children 'sleep badly' if mum drank in pregnancy
Mum had abortion after kissing child with flu
Consultant Boon Lim, the pandemic flu planning expert for the Royal Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, urged pregnant women not to panic about swine flu. He said of Jill's action: "This sounds a very extreme measure and the lady concerned must have been very anxious. Pregnant women are more susceptible to the virus, but the majority of expectant mothers who contract swine flu will make a full recovery. Evidence suggests the virus does not cross the placenta to harm the baby, nor do the anti-viral drugs." People