Couple puts their abortion decision up for a vote

A Minnesota couple says, like Caesar, they'll determine their child's fate by a thumbs up or down Internet poll. Their perfectly healthy baby  is 17 weeks along. DailyMail

Editor: When I went to the blog, the pro-birth side was winning. I voted, but immediately regretted it. I tried to leave the following message on the site, but I don't think it went through --

Hi. I voted in your poll (for birth) and immediately regretted participating. Not because I wish I'd voted for abortion (you can guess from my email address -- if you can see it -- that I'm pro-life. I regret participating because it feels like what would go on in the Roman Colosseum. No one who disliked the death games would have even gone to the Colosseum, and thus would not have participating in the thumbs up or down vote. So, while I hope the pro-birth votes will win, I think pro-life people cheapen themselves when they vote. 
Your website makes me want to cry. I hate the thought that your baby's life hangs in the balance. I'm glad I at least have this chance to write to you and express my thoughts. 
Your baby is precious. A gift from God. You are parents, right now. Once you're parents, you don't get to decide, and you certainly don't get to turn your parental responsibilities over to strangers. Your life is different now and will be forever after. Abortion will not change the fact you're parents, or that you had a child. Abortion won't solve whatever issues are presenting this choice to you.
My heart is heavy with what I feel is the futility of coming up with whatever words will persuade you. Please, don't abandon your child to the whim of the public. Grasp the magnitude of this event in your lives. Stand against the tide and defend your child against the forces of death. Be heroes, not passive bystanders in your own life! This is your life. This is your child.

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