Pro-abortion pols use deceptive scare tactics |

Pro-abortion pols use deceptive scare tactics | Eric Schneiderman, the Democratic candidate for New York State Attorney General, looked smugly into the TV cameras, held the thumb and index finger of his left hand about an inch apart, and warned, “We got a Supreme Court that’s just this close to overruling Roe vs. Wade.” It was a brazen lie.

Of the nine justices on the nation’s highest court, only the two most conservative, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, have expressed any inclination whatsoever to overrule the controversial 1973 decision that sanctions abortion on demand. Which is why, despite several recent opportunities to reverse Roe vs. Wade, the court has instead lopsidedly reaffirmed it.

There are two reasons why Schneiderman dared to lie about the matter during last week’s debate with his Republican opponent, Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan.

The first is that he knew he could get away with it. A recent poll commissioned by Findlaw found that nearly two thirds of respondents weren’t able to name even a single justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The second is it's a key political strategy for him has been to make abortion an issue in this race, a tactic that exploits the voters’ unfamiliarity with both the Supreme Court and applicable New York law.

Abortion has been legal in this state for 40 years, the operative statute thus antedating the holding in Roe. Accordingly, contrary to yet another popular misconception on which his strategy depends, even if Roe vs. Wade were somehow overruled, it would have absolutely no impact on abortion rights.

Schneiderman’s duplicitous rhetoric is designed to court a political constituency he views as pivotal to his election. At a City Hall rally on Sept. 17, he was giddily endorsed by City Council President Christine Quinn, an outspoken abortion supporter, and members of NARAL pro-choice New York. Ms. Quinn added the astounding assertion that “We need more reforms to make New York even more pro-choice.”

Editor: Hence her move to regulate PCCs in NYC.

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