NYC's bill targeting pregnancy centers: DOA

NYC's bill targeting pregnancy centers: DOA: Bill No. 371, which mimics ordinances passed in Baltimore and Austin, would force PCCs in New York City to post signage that they do not commit abortions or distribute contraceptives. It would also force them to notify clients if there were no doctor in the house. But then came a report two weeks ago from the New York City Department of Health that a staggering 41 percent of all pregnancies in NYC ended in abortion in 2009. The rate for black women was even worse – 60 percent. For Bill No. 371, the timing of this report could not have been worse.

Editor: Irony of ironies -- Jill Stanek notes that NY gets an A on NARAL's grading system. Pennsylvania gets an F for, among other things, imposing "a variety of burdensome requirements on abortion providers that are not imposed on other health-care providers," including stipulating by whom and where abortions can be done. I'd give them an F for failing to enforce them.

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