Oprah: My baby’s death was ‘my second chance’

Oprah: My baby’s death was ‘my second chance’ | LifeSiteNews.com: Commenting on Oprah Winfrey's recent revelation, Virginia Cline of Heartbeat International, said her words “reflect the brokenness many women feel when faced with an untimely pregnancy. That she would think death is better than life is very sad. Pregnancy help centers re-humanize women by meeting their immediate needs with a servant heart, by witnessing to the sanctity of human life, by helping them to recapture their self esteem, and by helping moms to recognize the inestimable value of their baby.”

Editor: Does anyone else have a problem with the idea that women need to be "rehumanized? This is the second time I've come across the idea that abortion dehumanizes people -- particularly abortionists. I believe this is a product of sloppy thinking. No one can make themselves or another person less than human.

If we adopt language like this, we're falling for the fallacy that the pro-abortion has adopted. They "dehumanize" the unborn by their actions and words. We must maintain the conviction that a person is made in the image of God no matter how sinful they are. It is more biblically accurate to say the sin of abortion hardens or sears a person's conscience.

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