Washington Bill Attacking Pregnancy Centers Faces Hearing Opposition

Washington Bill Attacking Pregnancy Centers Faces Hearing Opposition | LifeNews.com: The panels from those supporting the bill were comprised of Planned Parenthood advocates and interns, attorneys (from Legal Voice and the ACLU), a retired United Methodist minister, and two women who alleged they were harassed and denied test results. Notably absent were facts and anything other than hearsay; nor was any reason given why the onerous requirements of this legislation should apply to one – and only one – type of entity, and not across the board.

The panels opposed to the bill were comprised of pregnancy resource center directors, attorneys not affiliated with the PRCs or their umbrella agency, as well as women who maintained they were grateful to the PRCs and had nothing but positive experiences with them. A thick binder and 3 boxes of exit surveys given to clients of PRCs across the state provided proof that those served by the PRCs were happy with the way their needs were handled.

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