Financial Sustainability at Your Organization

Use these resources that your colleagues have shared on IdeaEncore to help explore how to create a financially sustainable organization - one that is able to weather any economic climate.

The Sustainability Formula - in-depth strategies and advice for sustainability and a list of 10 key recommendations for sustainability.

Earned Income: A Critical Resource for Sustainable Nonprofit Health Organizations - information on earned income initiatives helpful to all types of nonprofits.

The Road Less Traveled: Funders' Advice on the Path to Nonprofit Sustainability - a survey of funders' efforts to support nonprofit sustainability, including advice that funders offered from their own experiences as paths to greater nonprofit strength.

FIO Partners Perspective: The Question of Sustainability: A Challenge for the Decision Makers - how funders can support sustainability in their grantee organizations.

Planning: Why, What, and How - the importance of planning for financial stability and attracting donors.

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