Abortifacient Ellaone Billed as Better Morning After Pill

Abortion advocates are pushing a new drug that they say is an expanded morning after pill, or emergency contraception. Ellaone can be used up to five days after rape or unprotected sex. The drug is becoming popular in Europe and abortion advocates there are pushing it as a better version of the morning after pill.

But Josephine Quintavalle, of the Pro-Life Alliance, says Ellaone is not an emergency contraception because it causes an abortion rather than preventing pregnancy. "If you take a morning-after pill within 24 hours, there is always the argument that the sperm may not have fertilized the egg by then, meaning pregnancy has not yet happened. But if this pill works for five days there is no argument. This is not a contraceptive, it is an abortive agent."

Dr. Donna Harrison, the president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists agrees. "I think it's important that the pro-life community recognize exactly what Ulipristal is, and how it works, so they are not fooled." LifeNews

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