"They're closed, and the better for you"

"Come upstairs, I can help you," she said through the open door on the 6th floor, never stepping off of the elevator. She's Linda, the director of our Pregnancy Center and Prenatal Clinic in Brooklyn, NY. But who was she talking to and what was closed? Well, we're in the same building as two abortion clinics. Today was Presidents day and both Planned Parenthood and Dr. Emily's were closed and young ladies unaware that PP wouldn't be taking walk-ins. Up on the 12th floor it was a different story, we were open for life saving. EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers

Lisa Stiefken, executive director of the PRC of San Bernardino, commented on my Facebook post: "We don't close on these kinds of holidays for just this reason. The women are out of school or off work and Planned Parenthood next door is closed. Their loss; clients' gain." What about your center? What's its holiday policy?

1 comment:

  1. Planned Parenthood should close for good and hide in shame. I watched the film Maafa21 and I cannot believe that they can show themselves in public. Maafa21 really exposes who they really are - http://www.maafa21com
